- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 5018
Thomas Nagel (/ˈneɪɡəl/; born July 4, 1937) is an American philosopher, currently University Professor of Philosophy and Law Emeritus at New York University in the NYU Department of Philosophy, where he has taught since 1980. His main areas of philosophical interest are philosophy of mind, political philosophy and ethics.
Nagel is well known for his critique of reductionist accounts of the mind, particularly in his essay "What Is it Like to Be a Bat?" (1974), and for his contributions to deontological and liberal moral and political theory in The Possibility of Altruism (1970) and subsequent writings. Continuing his critique of reductionism, he is the author of Mind and Cosmos (2012), in which he argues against a reductionist view, and specifically the neo-Darwinian view, of the emergence of consciousness.
Nagel was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia), to a Jewish family. He is the son of Carolyn (Baer) and Walter Nagel. He received a BA from Cornell University in 1958, a BPhil from the University of Oxford in 1960, and a PhD from Harvard University in 1963 under the supervision of John Rawls. Before settling in New York, Nagel taught at the University of California, Berkeley (from 1963 to 1966) and at Princeton University (from 1966 to 1980), where he trained many well-known philosophers including Susan Wolf, Shelly Kagan, and Samuel Scheffler, who is now his colleague at NYU.
William Lane Craig (/kreɪɡ/; born August 23, 1949) is an American Christian apologist, analytic Christian philosopher, and theologian. Craig's philosophical work focuses primarily on philosophy of religion, but also on metaphysics and philosophy of time. His theological interests are in historical Jesus studies and philosophical theology. He is known for his debates on the existence of God with public figures such as Christopher Hitchens and Lawrence Krauss.
Craig established an online apologetics ministry, ReasonableFaith.org. His current research deals with divine aseity and the challenge posed by Platonist accounts of abstract objects. Craig is also an author of several books, including Reasonable Faith, which began as a set of lectures for his apologetics classes.
Craig is the second of three children born to Mallory and Doris Craig in Peoria, Illinois. His father's work with the T. P. & W. railroad took the family to Keokuk, Iowa, until his transfer to the home office in East Peoria in 1960. While a student at East Peoria Community High School (1963–67) Craig became a championship debater and public speaker, being named his senior year to the all-state debate team and winning the state championship in oratory. In September 1965, his junior year, he converted to Christianity, and after graduating from high school, attended Wheaton College, a Christian college, majoring in communications. Craig graduated in 1971 and the following year married his wife Jan, whom he met on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ. In 2014, he was named alumnus of the year by Wheaton.
Philosophical Nuggets is a series of short philosophical summaries intended to provide entertaining, quick, and standardized access to the most basic and important philosophical ideas.
In this video I discuss the book Mind and Cosmos by Thomas Nagel. I also mention and briefly discuss the book Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition by T. Colin Campbell, PhD.
An analysis of an essay on perversion.
What is the origin and nature of consciousness? If consciousness is common to humans and animals alike, what are the defining traits of human consciousness? Nobel laureate psychologist Daniel Kahneman, philosopher David Chalmers, expert in primate cognition Laurie Santos, and physician-scientist Nicholas Schiff will discuss what it means to be "conscious" and examine the human capacities displayed in cognitive, aesthetic, and ethical behaviors, with a focus on the place and function of the mind within nature. The New York Academy of Sciences Wednesday, October 10, 2012 This event is part of The Emerging Science of Consciousness Series, which brings together leading experts from various fields to discuss how the latest research is challenging our understanding of the very nature and func...
A brief account of the main points.
With reference to the writings of Karl Popper & John Eccles (authors of The Self and its Brain) Nuerosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander (author of Proof of Heaven) And Philosopher & Atheist Thomas Nagel (author of Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False) William Lane Craig speaks about materialistic reductionism, mind and consciousness.
Seminario – coloquio del Grupo Ciencia, Razón y Fe: Debate en torno al libro ‘La mente y el cosmos’ de Thomas Nagel Lourdes Flamarique y Enrique Moros. Pamplona, 18 de noviembre de 2014. Lourdes Flamarique. Profesora del Departamento de Filosofía y Vicedecana de Ordenación Académica de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Navarra. Ha participado como asesora en los trabajos de edición del libro de Nagel. Enrique Moros. Profesor de la Facultad Eclesiástica de Filosofía y miembro del grupo CRYF de la Universidad de Navarra. Es un buen conocedor de la tradición filosófica analítica y del debate teísmo-ateísmo en la filosofía contemporánea. Descripción: “La mente y el cosmos. Por qué la concepción neo-darwinista materialista de la naturaleza es, casi con certeza, falsa”. E...
Just visit : http://bit.ly/2bDrQNL Equality and Partiality by Thomas Nagel 80n54y-2016
Today we are talking about death, looking at philosophical approaches from Socrates, Epicurus, and Zhuangzi. We will consider whether it’s logical to fear your own death, or the deaths of your loved ones. Hank also discusses Thomas Nagel, death, and Fear of Missing Out. Get your own Crash Course Philosophy mug from DFTBA: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-philosophy-mug The Latest from PBS Digital Studios: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1mtdjDVOoOqJzeaJAV15Tq0tZ1vKj7ZV -- Orientation photos via Pitzer College, Creative Commons CC BY 2.0: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pitzercollege/ All other images and video either public domain or via VideoBlocks, or Wikimedia Commons, licensed under Creative Commons BY 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ -- Produce...
Thomas Nagel (Philosoph) Thomas Nagel (* 4.Juli 1937 in Belgrad) ist ein US-amerikanischer Philosoph, der an der New York University School of Law lehrt und ein weites Themenspektrum bearbeitet.Nagel studierte an der Cornell University (B.A. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: en:User:Jmd442 Lizenz Link: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Lizenz: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA-3.0) Urheber: en:User:Jmd442 (//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jmd442) ✪Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet ✪Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-SA ✪Bild Quelle im Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXMYCEtBHss
This talk was presented in San Diego, CA on 19 March 2016 at the Society of Christian Philosophers conference. I summarize and defend Thomas Nagel's hypothesis of natural teleology in his latest (2012) book, Mind and Cosmos. Abstract: Abandoning the search for natural teleology was a harbinger of modern science; Francis Bacon and others believed that the search for final causes corrupted science. Has this belief been tested and found wanting? Two reasons indicate that natural teleology is ripe for review. Firstly, contemporary scientists and philosophers have proven unable to reduce or eliminate teleological talk from biology, medicine, even cosmology. Secondly, as Thomas Nagel argues, the anti-teleological Darwinian materialism is unable to explain objective value and reason; it is ...
The Metaphysics of Panpsychism. Alfred North Whitehead's Process Philosophy, the Mystery of Consciousness and the Mind-Body Problem (2016) . Compilation by Michael Schramm Background Music by Michael Schramm . Speakers & Quotations: Charles Birch, Susan Blackmore, David J. Chalmers, Daniel C. Dennett, Freeman Dyson, David Ray Griffin, Charles Hartshorne, Nicholas Humphrey, Christof Koch, Colin McGinn, Thomas Nagel, Karl R. Popper, John R. Searle, Rupert Sheldrake, Galen Strawson, Alfred North Whitehead. Tags: panpsychism, consciousness, mind-body problem, process philosophy, process metaphysics, materialism, (property) dualism, quantum physics, indeterminism, free will . Resources: see https://www.uni-hohenheim.de/wirtschaftsethik/Panpsychism_2016_Resources.html .
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Matthias ärgert sich über die Bücher “Warum Dawkins Unrecht hat” und “Mind and Cosmos” (Geist und Kosmos).
Life is absurd, but it's absurd to worry about the absurdity of life.
Overview This lecture continues to explore the issue of why death may be bad. According to the deprivation account, what is bad about death is the fact that because one ceases to exist, one becomes deprived of the good things in life. Being dead is not intrinsically bad; it is comparatively bad and one is worse off only by virtue of not being able to enjoy the things one enjoyed while alive, such as watching the sunset, listening to music, and discussing philosophy. Resources Figures 17.1-17.3 [PDF] - http://oyc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/figures_lecture17.pdf Assignment Nagel, Thomas. "Death." In Mortal Questions. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1979. pp. 1-10 Feldman, Fred. "Some Puzzles About the Evil of Death." The Philosophy Review 100, no. 2, (April 1991), pp. 205-227
Thomas Nagel, Professor of Law and Philosophy, New York University and Holberg Prize laureate Professor Ronald Dworkin. The discussion is part of The Holberg Prize Symposium 2007 in honor of Ronald Dworkin. Holberg Prize