- published: 23 Sep 2014
- views: 1219
The Treaty of Trianon was the peace agreement of 1920 to formally end World War I between most of the Allies of World War I and the Kingdom of Hungary, the latter one of the successor states to Austria-Hungary. The treaty regulated the status of an independent Hungarian state and defined its borders. The treaty left Hungary as a landlocked state covering 93,073 square kilometres (35,936 sq mi), only 28% of the 325,411 square kilometres (125,642 sq mi) that had constituted the pre-war Kingdom of Hungary (the Hungarian half of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy). Its population was 7.6 million, only 36% of the pre-war kingdom's population of 20.9 million. The areas that were allocated to neighbouring countries in total (and each of them separately) possessed a majority of non-Hungarian population, but 31% of Hungarians (3.3 million) were left outside of post-Trianon Hungary. Five of the pre-war kingdom's ten largest cities were drawn into other countries. The treaty limited Hungary's army to 35,000 officers and men, while the Austro-Hungarian Navy ceased to exist.
The Treaty of Trianon was the peace agreement of 1920 to formally end World War I between most of the Allies of World War I and the Kingdom of Hungary, the latter one of the successor states to Austria-Hungary. The treaty regulated the status of an independent Hungarian state and defined its borders. The treaty left Hungary as a landlocked state covering 93,073 square kilometres, only 28% of the 325,411 square kilometres that had constituted the pre-war Kingdom of Hungary. Its population was 7.6 million, only 36% of the pre-war kingdom's population of 20.9 million. The areas that were allocated to neighbouring countries in total possessed a majority of non-Hungarian population, but 31% of Hungarians were left outside of post-Trianon Hungary. Five of the pre-war kingdom's ten largest cities...
http://vilagmagyarsag.com/benes Treaty of Trianon - June 4, 1920
http://www.HungarianPod101.com/video Learn more about Hungarian culture with HungarianPod101.com! Ever wondered what the most important Hungarian holidays are, and how they are celebrated? Then this 25-lesson video series is for you! With this series, you'll learn the what, why, when and how of 25 well-known holidays in Hungarian. In this video, you'll learn all about Memorial Day of the Treaty of Trianon in Hungarian and how it's celebrated, from food to decorations, while building your Hungarian vocabulary. Join Livia for a dose of Hungarian culture! Visit us at HungarianPod101.com, where you will find many more fantastic Hungarian audio and video lessons and learning resources! Leave us a message while you're there! Find out more, go to: http://www.hungarianpod101.com/2014/06/27/vi...
The Treaty of Trianon was the peace dictate of 1920 to formally end World War I between most of the Allies of World War I and the Kingdom of Hungary, the latter being one of the successor states to Austria-Hungary. The treaty regulated the status of an independent Hungarian state and defined its borders. It left Hungary as a landlocked state covering 93,073 square kilometres (35,936 sq mi), only 28% of the 325,411 square kilometres (125,642 sq mi) that had constituted the pre-war Kingdom of Hungary (the Hungarian half of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy). Its population was 7.6 million, only 36% of the pre-war kingdom's population of 20.9 million. #MakeHungaryGreatAgain
Hungary has said it wants autonomy for ethnic Hungarians living beyond its borders in central Europe, including Ukraine. Prime Minister Viktor Orban voiced the desire during his first speech of his new term over the weekend.
-Francesco Nitti, Italian Prime Minister, 1924.September: "No country has been ruined worse in a malevolence manner than Hungary was by the Trianon Dictatum. But this country is inhabited by people with a strong soul who do not consent to the destruction of their country. The mutilation of the territory of historic Hungary was so dishonest, that no one takes responsibility for it. Everyone pretends to be innocent about it, everybody stays meekly quiet about it. The reference made to the right of peoples to self-determination was only a lie ... they exploited the victory of WWI in the most evil way ... There is no French, English or Italian, who would accept the conditions for their country which were forced upon Hungary... " Herbert Henry Asquith, who was British Prime Minister ...
A map simulation that showes the territorial changes after the Treaties of Saint Germain & Trianon Music: Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater Theme
These treaties led to the ultimate demise of Austria-Hungary after World War 1.
The U.S.–Hungarian Peace Treaty is a peace treaty between the United States and the Kingdom of Hungary, signed in Budapest on August 29, 1921, in the aftermath of the First World War.This separate peace treaty was required because the United States Senate refused to ratify the multilateral Treaty of Trianon.Ratifications were exchanged in Budapest on December 17, 1921, and the treaty became effective on the same day.The treaty was registered in League of Nations Treaty Series on May 8, 1926. ---Image-Copyright-and-Permission--- About the author(s): Mix321 at Polish Wikipedia License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA-3.0) License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Author(s): Mix321 (https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Mix321) ---Image-Copyright-and-Per...
The Anniversary of the Treaty of Trianon was remembered by Hungarians around the Carpathian Basin.
4th of June 1920 was the Treaty of Trianon. 96 years ago by signing this peace order. From these memories and bezel on the video to see what was the fate of the Hungarians. Since 2010 the national day of solidarity./1920. június 4.-én volt a trianoni békeszerződés. 96 évvel ezelőtt történt meg ez a békeparancs aláírása. Erről emlékezek meg a videóban és bezélek, hogy mi lett a sorsa a magyaroknak. 2010 óta a nemzeti összetartás napja.
This is a student created documentary about Hungarian identity and the Treaty of Trianon. It was created during the course of a 10 day trip to Central Europe with the UTC History Dept. NOTE: Due to lack of usable visual footage from one interview subtitled sections do not correspond to the spoken Hungarian behind them, however the subtitles are an accurate reflection of other verbatim sections of the same interview.
I turn my attention to Trianon, a treaty which changed Hungary forever. While it happened 95 years ago, the repercussions are still being felt today. What was it? And why is it relevant today? I contrast the attitude of politicians towards ethnic Hungarians only recently with their attitude towards ethnic "anything else" today, and explain what I think of when I see those popular bumper stickers.
Full Title: Presentation of Tentative Treaty Terms to the German Delegates, Trianon Palace Hotel, Versailles, France May 17, 1919 Creator(s): Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 9/18/1947-2/28/1964 (Most Recent) Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860 - 1985 Date: May 17, 1919 Contact(s): National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RDSM), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, MD 20740-6001 Phone: 301-837-3540, Fax: 301-837-3620, Email: mopix@nara.gov National Archives Identifier: 24608 Local Identifier: 111-H https://catalog.archives.gov/id/24608
Is there a direct correlation between World War I and the Treaty of Trianon? We try to find answers to this quiestion by the help of universities in Cluj (Romania) and in Budapest. With this film we try to help the participants of the klip-competition. Details on www.aspektus.eu web-site!
Trianoni békeszerződésről a Kossuth rádióban. Transylvania was Hungarian for a Thousand years As part of the Hungarian Kingdom As an Independent Hungarian Principality As part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Transylvania was part and parcel of the Hungarian Kingdom, or an independent Hungarian Principality for over a thousand years. As an integral part of the Hungarian Kingdom, Transylvania and Kolozsvár was drawn into the Western Christian Culture Circle at the beginning of the eleventh century. The architecture of old Transylvanian cities, such as Nagyvárad , Kolozsvár , Marosvásárhely, Brassó or Dés bear witness to this fact. Besides a few scattered ruins of Roman fortifications, destroyed by the retreating Roman legions in 271 A.D., no sign of any kind would indicate a trace of an olde...
Hungarian folk music,Hungarian freedom of expression theme from the devastation of World War I,II, and the brake up of Hungary by the Trianon pack.This video commemorating to the birth of the first Hungarian king Saint Stephen of Hungary, in 975 AD., in 2011 celebration .
The purpose of the exhibition was to present the contemporary reception of the restoration of Northern Transylvania from Romania to Hungary: the reactions to the act in both countries as well as its longer term consequences. The Second Vienna Award fundamentally influenced the two countries' roles in World War II, and has been a source of tensions and unresolved traumas in the memories of both nations ever since. In 1940, by the decision of the Axis powers, primarily Hitler-led Germany, Northern Transylvania including Székelyföld was restored to Hungary. This was an area of the approximately 43 thousand square kilometers: about two fifths of the one-time Hungarian territories awarded to Romania by the Treaty of Trianon. The approximately 60 thousand square kilometers of South Transylvania,...
Emitido el 23 de febrero de 2016. Jesús Laínz entrevista al historiador Nicanor Gómez Villegas sobre el fin de la Primera Guerra Mundial y los Tratados de Versalles, Saint-Germain y Trianon: culpa de la guerra, indemnizaciones, partición de Alemania, desmembramiento del Imperio Austrohúngaro y Anschluss. Traités de Versailles, Saint-Germain et Trianon: culpabilité de la guerre, réparations, amputation de l'Allemagne, démembrement de l'Empire Austro-hongrois et l’Anschluss / Treaties of Versailles, Saint-Germain and Trianon: responsibility for causing the war, reparations, loss of German territories, dismemberment of Austria-Hungary and the Anschluss.
"Rovás Újraéledő Jelek" (DunaWorld TV - Hagyaték, 2012): The Szekler Hungarian Runic Script (Székely Rovásírás) has been in use since the stone age and preserved by Transylvania's Szekler (Székely) Hungarians in the area annexed by Romania after WWI. This report, in Hungarian, examines its history. A székely-magyar rovásírás jellemzője, hogy minden hangot külön-külön jellel jelöl. A székely-magyar rovás a magyar írások közé, másrészt a rovás íráscsaládba tartozik.Ezt az írást a magyarok egésze használta, s írásként a székelyek őrizték meg. A feliratokat leggyakrabban különböző anyagokba, például fába és kőbe karcolva lehet megtalálni. Eredete az utóbbi évtizedekben tisztázódott. A korábban általánosan elfogadott, de sohasem igazolt álláspont szerint a türk írásból fejlődött ki; az ókánaá...
Harold Covington presents a new episode of Radio Free Northwest and begins by admitting some trepidation about releasing his new Ghostdance series, due to worries about free speech issues. After this brief aside, he then introduces Lord Lucan for a welcome return to the podcast with a warning about Gypsies, Moslems and Jews that takes in a potted history of England from Cromwell onwards. Gretchen is back after that with a new review of a paper called ‘Jobbik – A Better Hungary at the Cost of Europe’ It is a Naval postgraduate’s thesis and he claims the party are unique in that over a quarter of them have degrees. It tells the whole history of Hungary and Gretchen describes this from the Austro-Hungarian revolution onwards. Hungary lost a large chunk of its landmass and population after ...
Készült: 2016. június 07. kedd, 08:45 „Eljön az a nap, amikor Magyarország megszállt területei felszabadulnak, és a magyar nemzet visszanyeri méltóságát és helyét az emberiség történelmében” – üzente a Magyarok Világszövetsége által Trianon napján Versailles-ban tartott megmozdulás vezérszónoka, Patrubány Miklós, de ehhez meg kell változnia a világnak, és elsősorban a magyarságnak. Az MVSZ elnöke üzenetének lényege, az itt közölt felvétel 36:22 percénél kezdődik: „Innen kell üzenjünk Magyarország kormányának, innen kell üzenjünk az Országgyűlésnek, innen Versailles-ból, személyesen Orbán Viktor miniszterelnöknek és Kövér László házelnöknek és mindazoknak, akik az ő szellemi irányításuk mentén botladozva, ünnepelnek június 4-én, hogy megállj, ez nem ünnep! Ez nem a magyar összetartozás ...
En visitant le Domaine de Marie-Antoinette au château de Versailles, deux jeunes étudiants, Julien et Alexandre, sont accidentellement transportés à l'aube de la Révolution française au XVIIIe siècle sous le règne de la Reine Marie-Antoinette et du Roi Louis XVI.