A woman wears a cowboy hat emblazoned with a uterus to show her support for abortion care in Texas. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Un-Trapped: Supreme Court strikes down Texas law limiting abortion

TRAP laws – targeted regulation of abortion providers – have been a way for states to limit abortions. The Supreme Court Monday struck down a Texas TRAP law, saying it did not protect women.


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Contrary to myth, sex is not good exercise. From www.shutterstock.com

Sex and other myths about weight loss

Losing weight is hard enough to do without myths interfering in the process. Information based on evidence, not legend, is important. Doctors aren't enough. Friends, family, media need to be on board.

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How dangerous people get their guns

Though the perpetrators of the mass shooting in California appear to have acquired their guns legally, the vast majority used in violent crimes are obtained illegally.


Opioid Epidemic



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  1. Sex and other myths about weight loss
  2. Why stress is more likely to cause depression in men than in women
  3. Low testosterone may make you a better father
  4. Should we worry about arsenic in baby cereal and drinking water?
  5. Explainer: is it really OK to eat food that’s fallen on the floor?

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