22 June 2016

On eve of Brexit referendum, mounting warnings of global trade war

By Andre Damon, 22 June 2016

The World Trade Organization warned that protectionist measures by leading economies has hit the highest level on records dating back to 2009.

The return of “secular stagnation”

Galloway and pseudo-left defend alliance with UKIP and Tory right at Brexit referendum meeting

By a reporter, 22 June 2016

The meeting organized by the "Left Leave" campaign exposed the line-up of the pseudo-left with right-wing nationalist and fascistic forces.

The EU referendum and the murder of British MP Jo Cox

More on the UK Brexit referendum »

Landmark Supreme Court ruling backs illegal police searches

By Tom Hall, 22 June 2016

The 5-3 ruling removes penalties for illegal searches, effectively gutting the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, a core element of the Bill of Rights.

Nochixtlán massacre witnesses: Mexican police fired automatic weapons at demonstrators

By Neil Hardt, 22 June 2016

The death toll has risen to 11 in Sunday’s police massacre of striking teachers and their supporters in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca.

Police kill eight striking Mexican teachers in Oaxaca massacre

UN agency reports 65 million people are refugees worldwide

By Martin Kreickenbaum, 21 June 2016

The number of people around the globe displaced by war, armed conflict and persecution set a new record at the end of 2015.

Grillo’s Five Star Movement wins mayoral elections in Rome and Turin

By Marianne Arens, 22 June 2016

The electoral victory of the nationalist Five Star Movement in two Italian cities is a resounding defeat for the government of Matteo Renzi.

German interior minister advocates auxiliary police force

By Dietmar Henning, 22 June 2016

As in the 1930s, the ruling elite in Germany is responding to growing class conflict with the increased arming of the state and police forces.

“We’re fighting for nurses and other workers everywhere”
Twin Cities nurses fight cost-cutting plans

By Anthony Bertolt and Matt Rigel, 22 June 2016

Nearly 5,000 nurses are fighting the demands of Allina Health to gut their medical benefits and increase workloads.

Twin Cities nurses face battle over health benefits, staffing

Canadian autoworkers face fight against threatened plant closings

By Carl Bronski, 22 June 2016

As in the US, the Detroit automakers and the Canadian unions are using the threat of plant closings to ram through concessionary contracts.

Deadly heatwave hits US Southwest

By Genevieve Leigh, 22 June 2016

Five people have died, thousands are without power and wildfires continue to spread amid record temperatures in the southwestern United States.

Record heat wave fuels wildfire in southern California

UK: Bakers union suspends strike action against 2 Sisters Food Group

By Tony Robson, 22 June 2016

The principle of equal pay for equal work has become a thing of the past and is not peculiar to the 2 Sisters Food Group or the low-paid food and drink industry.

Australia: Katter video depicts him killing Labor and Coalition opponents

By Richard Phillips, 22 June 2016

The vile election ad, which is pitched to extreme right-wing elements, is an incitement to violence against anyone who opposes Katter’s nationalist demagogy.

New Zealand: Family denounces “cold-blooded execution” by police

By Chris Ross, 22 June 2016

As New Zealand’s social crisis worsens, the police are increasingly resorting to deadly force.

New in French

Le « second âge nucléaire » de Washington

Par Andre Damon, 22 juin 2016

Le programme de modernisation nucléaire de mille milliards de dollars mis en œuvre par le gouvernement Obama ouvre la voie à l’utilisation d’armes nucléaires dans les combats.

Allemagne: les « correspondances berlinoises » ou l’université Humboldt au service du militarisme

Par Johannes Stern, 22 juin 2016

L’apparition du ministre allemand des Affaires étrangères Steinmeier et du professeur de l’Université Humboldt, Herfried Münkler, sur un même plateau témoigne de la transformation de l’université en boite à idée de l’impérialisme allemand.

New in German

Das britische EU-Referendum und der Mord an Jo Cox

Von Julie Hyland, 21. Juni 2016

Der Mord an der Labour-Abgeordneten Cox zeigt, welch faschistoide Kräfte im Zusammenhang mit dem Brexit-Referendum aufgepeitscht werden.

Steinmeier geht auf Distanz zu den USA

Von Peter Schwarz, 21. Juni 2016

Der deutscher Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier hat sich in den vergangenen Tagen deutlich von den USA distanziert und gleichzeitig den Anspruch Deutschlands unterstrichen, wieder eine globale Großmacht zu werden.

US-Diplomaten fordern Ausweitung des Syrienkriegs

Von Bill Van Auken, 21. Juni 2016

Das Dokument aus dem State Department verschärft die Spannungen mit Russland und gibt einen Vorgeschmack dessen, was nach den Präsidentschaftswahlen kommen könnte.

UNHCR: 65 Millionen Menschen weltweit auf der Flucht

Von Martin Kreickenbaum, 21. Juni 2016

Dem aktuellen Weltbericht des UNHCR zufolge ist die Zahl der Flüchtlinge im vergangenen Jahr auf über 65 Millionen Menschen gestiegen. Verantwortlich sind die imperialistischen Kriege.

Massenbewegung gegen Arbeitsmarktreform droht Ausverkauf

Von Alex Lantier, 21. Juni 2016

Die Gewerkschaft CGT zeigt Bereitschaft, das Unterlaufen von Branchentarifverträgen auf Unternehmensebene mit zu organisieren.

Grillos Protestbewegung stellt Bürgermeister in Rom und Turin

Von Marianne Arens, 21. Juni 2016

Der Wahlsieg der Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung in zwei italienischen Metropolen stellt für Matteo Renzis Regierungspolitik eine herbe Niederlage dar.

Other Languages


Seventy-five years since the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union

22 June 2016

The war against the Soviet Union expressed the essence of the Nazi regime, which had been brought to power by the German bourgeoisie to destroy the workers movement and end the threat of socialist revolution.

Earlier Perspectives »

The UK Brexit Referendum

Chris Marsden speaks at the Humboldt University in Berlin
The Brexit referendum and the struggle for socialism

22 June 2016

Chris Marsden, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (UK) explained why the party is calling for an active boycott of Thursday’s referendum.

Ahead of vote on UK membership in EU
Corbyn and Cameron use killing of Cox to cement their alliance against Brexit

By Robert Stevens, 21 June 2016

MP’s murder exposes role of neo-fascists in British Leave campaign

The significance of the Brexit referendum for the European working class

More on the UK Brexit referendum »

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

Socialist Equality Party election campaign: Naomi Spencer for West Virginia House of Delegates, 16th District!

22 June 2016

The Socialist Equality Party (US) is running Spencer for West Virginia House of Delegates to provide workers with a socialist program to oppose the Depression-like conditions in the coal mining state.

Video: The demise of Sanders’ “political revolution”

By Jerry White—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president, 21 June 2016

People’s Summit in Chicago: Preparing the switch from Sanders to Clinton

By Patrick Martin, 20 June 2016

Political lessons of the Sanders campaign

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »

SEP (Australia) Election Campaign

SEP candidates condemn worsening assault on legal aid

By Mike Head and Erin Cooke—SEP Senate candidates for Queensland, 22 June 2016

Cuts to legal assistance in Australia are part of a wider austerity offensive against the working class, while billions of dollars are being spent on the military in preparation for war.

Australian election rally promotes Greens’ bogus refugee “solution”

By John Braddock, 22 June 2016

The Sydney Town Hall meeting was a thinly-veiled election rally for the Greens.

Australian Labor Party vows “freedom of navigation” provocations against China

By James Cogan, 21 June 2016

Socialist Equality Party final election rallies
International class struggle returns: A socialist program against war and austerity

More on the Australian federal election »

Arts Review

Censored Voices: A snapshot in time reveals war crimes

By Fred Mazelis, 22 June 2016

An Israeli filmmaker has brought 50-year-old tape recordings about the Six-Day War and their implications to life on the screen.

Issues raised by the “Labor Relations” exhibition at the Wrocław Contemporary Museum

By Dorota Niemitz, 21 June 2016

“All the terrifying things all really happened”
Toyen: A film about the Czech surrealist painter and her times


Washington’s “second nuclear age”

By Andre Damon, 21 June 2016

Two US aircraft carriers in war games in western Pacific

German foreign minister distances himself from the United States

By Peter Schwarz, 21 June 2016

FBI tried to ensnare Orlando shooter in fake terror plot

By Bill Van Auken, 21 June 2016

Questions mount over FBI handling of Orlando gunman

25 years ago: Secession sets stage for civil war in Yugoslavia

The declarations of independence by Slovenia and Croatia on June 25, 1991, signaled the long-developing political crisis in Yugoslavia exploding into open civil war.

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50 years ago: High tide of Great Society reformism

During this week in 1966, a Democratic-controlled Congress and the Johnson administration put in place social and democratic reforms that brought Johnson’s Great Society program near to its apogee.

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75 years ago: Nazi Germany launches Operation Barbarossa upon Soviet Union

During the early hours of June 22, 1941, Hitler’s fascist regime launched the most destructive and barbaric war in the history of mankind upon the Soviet Union.

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100 years ago: Roger Casement tried for involvement in Irish uprising

On June 26, 1916, Sir Roger Casement was brought to trial in England on the charge of treason for his involvement in the preparations of the Easter uprising in Dublin.

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Featured series on Australian unions

What the Royal Commission into Australia’s trade unions revealed
Part One: Workers need new organisations of struggle!

By Will Fulgenzi—SEP candidate for Wills, 2 June 2016

More on the Australian federal election »

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

The Socialist Equality Party (Germany) stands candidates for the Berlin state elections

By Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 31 May 2016

Support the election campaign of the Socialist Equality Party in Berlin! Vote against war and militarism!