Death-by-electorates. Premature mortality rates across the political divide.

Turnbull, Shorten and Barnaby: whose voters live longest?

Hospital delays, poor resuscitation and missed tests are contributing to hundreds of infant deaths in Victoria, a government report says. And some hospitals are known to be of concern.

'They aren't prolonging life, they're prolonging death.'

More than one-third of elderly patients hospitalised at the end of their life received invasive and potentially harmful medical treatments.

If you find yourself in need of a life-saving organ donation, ethnicity can affect how long you're stuck on the waiting list.

"Not many mothers get to test their unconditional love like this" says Rita Germanos.

A blood test to predict the risk of premature birth as early as 18 weeks into pregnancy can detect signs even before symptoms present, according to international researchers.

Could this be the reason why so many women suffer from PMS?

Inflammation could be the long-awaited explanation for why millions of women suffer with premenstrual mood fluctuations, cravings and cramps.

This is such a distressing story and a reminder that abortion is still a crime in NSW.…/my-body-was-a-political-stalemate-n…

It took Anna Groth five days to get the emergency procedure she needed.
Triage heeft een link gedeeld.
Health services will receive almost $1 billion additional funding in the latest NSW budget, but the budget fails to address the impending funding black hole.

Knowing their unborn son had a rare condition in which his brain was growing outside of his skill, the couple expected to bury him shortly after birth. But Bentley had other plans.

Dustin and Sierra Yoder knew that Bentley had a rare condition in which his brain was growing outside of his skull. Sierra Yoder said doctors told them that their son would not live long past his birth. But the baby has proved to be a fighter.

The health system may be under far more strain than we thought.

A jump in one category of emergency department admissions has doctors worried.

Australian researchers have made a breakthrough in the hunt for a non-invasive breast cancer prevention tool for the estimated one in 400 women carrying the faulty BRCA1 gene

With her mother and grandmother lost to cancer the only option available to Kylie Gellie was to remove her breasts, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

"It was only a matter of time before someone held them to account."

Consumer watchdog cracks down as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein are found in vaping products.

"Hopefully addressing this will prick the conscience of surgeons that feel justified in charging exorbitant rates in surgical services."

Cancer patients are being charged exorbitant out-of-pocket costs for "flashy" surgeries by surgeons who don't disclose the full financial burden or equally effective alternatives in the public system, cancer experts say.

This state government program was meant to keep patients out of hospital. It did the exact opposite.

It was supposed to keep people out of hospital. It didn't quite work out that way.

'We don't know how we'll cope through winter'

A Sydney hospital in 'crisis mode' will get just $1 million in next week's state budget.

"None of us want to go back to the dark days of medicine.
It's easy to turn our back on it, but if we don't address antibiotic use ... people will be dying who otherwise could be saved."

Australia's high rates of antibiotics misuse risk sending us back to the dark ages of medicine.

Vaccination sceptics and natural medicine advocates positioning themselves as the Health Australia Party have landed the coveted first column on the NSW Senate ballot paper.

Vaccination sceptics and natural medicine advocates positioning themselves as the Health Australia Party have landed the coveted first column on the NSW Senate ballot paper.

Shannon McKnight was 19 years old, dying from a rare form of leukaemia, and she just wanted to go home. This would not have been possible without two country GPs who volunteered their time and money to help her die at home.

Shannon McKnight was 19 years old, dying from a rare form of leukaemia, and she just wanted to go home.

Belinda Hitchcock knew there was something wrong with her baby, but she was fobbed off again and again.

By the time Bradley turned two he had lost the ability to speak.

These babies, born from genetically modified embryos, would have DNA from a mother, a father and from a female donor.

A study of a new three-parent IVF technique designed to reduce the risk of mothers passing hereditary diseases to their babies has found it is likely to work well and lead to normal pregnancies, British scientists said