Vineet Kumar is an Indian film actor. The veteran actor from National School of Drama, is known for his works in Hindi, English and Telugu language films and Television. He is best known for his works in films such as Masaan, Drohkaal, Kachche Dhaage, Aks, Yeh Dil, Soch and Shool. His Hollywood assignments include, Return to Rajapur with Lynn Collins; Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain with Martin Sheen and Mischa Barton. He has also appeared in a number of Telugu, Tamil and Bhojpuri films. He received critical acclaim for his work in Telugu film Vikramarkudu.
Vineet was born in Patna, Bihar. He did his schooling from Patna Collegiate School. He completed his graduation from B.N.College, Patna. He was very active in theatre during his college days in Patna. He went on to join the Indian Peoples' Theatre Association (IPTA), Patna, in 1973. After 14 years of stage work and participating in national politics during the Jayaprakash Narayan Movement, he moved to Delhi to join the National School of Drama where he completed his Masters & Fellowship in Dramatic Arts.
Vineet Kumar is an Indian film actor. The veteran actor from National School of Drama, is known for his works in Hindi, English and Telugu language films and Television. He is best known for his works in films such as Masaan, Drohkaal, Kachche Dhaage, Aks, Yeh Dil, Soch and Shool. His Hollywood assignments include, Return to Rajapur with Lynn Collins; Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain with Martin Sheen and Mischa Barton. He has also appeared in a number of Telugu, Tamil and Bhojpuri films. He received critical acclaim for his work in Telugu film Vikramarkudu.
Vineet was born in Patna, Bihar. He did his schooling from Patna Collegiate School. He completed his graduation from B.N.College, Patna. He was very active in theatre during his college days in Patna. He went on to join the Indian Peoples' Theatre Association (IPTA), Patna, in 1973. After 14 years of stage work and participating in national politics during the Jayaprakash Narayan Movement, he moved to Delhi to join the National School of Drama where he completed his Masters & Fellowship in Dramatic Arts.
The Independent | 01 Jun 2019
CNN | 02 Jun 2019 | 31 May 2019
The Independent | 01 Jun 2019
Stars and Stripes | 01 Jun 2019