
Showdown in Oaxaca

On June 19th, federal police in Mexico opened fire on a highway blockade in Nochixtlan, Oaxaca, killing nine people and injuring over a dozen. This attack was aimed at crushing a nationwide teachers strike, but has instead emboldened the participants, and increased popular support for their struggle. Video ninja: Andalusia...


Pipelines in Bernie-Land

  Did you know that there is a fracked gas pipeline currently under construction in Vermont?  It is a transmission line that will transport fracked gas along the western side of the state, with future hopes of connecting to the national grid.  One June 6th, protesters affiliated with Rising Tide...


Colombia: What’s Behind the Paro Nacional?

An interview with Marcela of Las Organizaciones Sociales de Arauca on the Paro Nacional, or national strike, launched on May 30th by a coalition of peasants, Indigenous peeps, Afro-Colombians, students, truck drivers and precarious workers. Marcela also breaks down the effects of the US-backed Plan Colombia, 18 years after it...


France Turns Up the Heat

  In this report, we catch up with some of the recent developments in France, where the Nuit Debout movement is going strong, workers everywhere are going on strike, and a growing, decentralized movement is turning into a laboratory for innovative street fighting tactics. And to top it all off…...


People Power in Mexico and Colombia

In Mexico, badass teachers from the Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (CNTE) have launched a nationwide strike as part of their 3-year long fight against neoliberal reforms to the Mexican education sector. Meanwhile, in Colombia, a grassroots coalition of peasants, Indigenous and Afro-Colombian peeps, truck drivers, and other...


General Strike: defying France’s state of emergency.

via Ross Domoney As the worlds media attention is focused on football violence in France: yesterday (14/06/16) Paris witnessed some of it’s worst political violence in decades as protesters defied the countries state of emergency and fought battles with heavily millitarized police units. Unions called for a general strike over...



This week we catch up on the multi-layered insurrection taking place in France, where the state is struggling to get a handle on things, amidst regular protests, strikes, fuel shortages, and the general drunken chaos of soccer hooliganism. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! For the musical...


New Anarchist video project – No Borders

Engaging new international collaborative anarchist video series “No Borders” kicks off with an episode about social struggle in New York City. “The first season of this web series was realized with the collaboration of Black Rose Anarchist Federation Locals (EEUU), Anarchistisches Radio Berlin (Anarchist Radio Berlin, Germany, part of IFA...


The Turning of Latin America’s Pink Tide

The so-called Pink Tide of socialist governments in Latin America is at an ebb. As the low price of oil continues to wreak havoc on Venezuela’s economy, and Brazil’s PM Dilma Rousseff settles into an early forced retirement, you can be sure that the gringos in Washington are licking their...


Long Live the Oaxaca Commune!

An homage to the Oaxaca Commune, one of the most epic chapters in the annals of contemporary revolt. Followed by a sneak peak at my interview with Cesar Chavez, a Mexican anarchist, teacher and member of Section 22 of the Mexican teachers confederation, CNTE. An homage to the Oaxaca Commune,...



This week we catch up on the multi-layered insurrection taking place in France, where the state is struggling to get a handle on things, amidst regular protests, strikes, fuel shortages, and the general drunken chaos of soccer hooliganism. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! For the musical...



  This week we look at the current turmoil in South America, where the so-called “pink tide” is beginning to recede in Venezuela and Brazil as the United Snakes seeks to exploit political and economic crises for its geopolitical gain. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! For...

Protesting migrants try to bring down part of a border fence as Macedonian police stand guard during clashes at a makeshift camp for refugees and migrants at the Greek-Macedonian border near the village of Idomeni, Greece, April 10, 2016. REUTERS/Alexandros Avramidis

Smashing the Fortress

  This week, we take a look at the tens of thousands of migrants tapped in limbo in Europe, facing down the prospect of being deported back to the war zones they’ve just escaped. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! For the musical break, we’ve got The...


Stashing the Booty

This week we take you inside the sketchy world of booty hiding, otherwise known as offshore tax havens. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! In the music break UK rap crew dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip with “Great Britain” Then we continue of our coverage of...

Paris is Burning

Paris is Burning!

This week we take a look at the multiple converging flashpoints of resistance in France, which have combined into a popular movement that has inspired over a million peeps to take to the streets in a massive expression of collective rage. If you love what we do, consider supporting us!...


Stim <3 Bernie

After much reflection, I have decided to throw my support behind Bernie Sanders. This short video explains why. After much reflection, I have decided to throw my support behind Bernie Sanders. This short video explains why.

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