Dear Auntie Civ: You'll just have to die

Dear Auntie Civ, I am wondering how a post-civilization society will be able to handle chronic illnesses like Crohn’s disease. You see, I have Crohn’s disease and the only treatment that works for me requires me to go to a hospital every few weeks to get a 2 hour IV...

Dear Auntie Civ: You’ll just have to die

I am wondering how a post-civilization society will be able to handle chronic illnesses like Crohn’s disease. You see, I have Crohn’s disease and the only treatment that works for me requires me to go to a hospital every few weeks to get a 2 hour IV treatment. Of course,...

Ask Auntie Civ: Why are vegans so angry?

[Editor’s note: Auntie Civ gives advice from an anti-civilization viewpoint. If you’d rather get advice from a vegetarian or techno-utopian, ask one.] Why do environmentalists eat meat? (Part Two) Dear Auntie Civ, You’re so old and senile, you’re not even making sense. Give a proper answer to the vegetarians, or...

Auntie Civ: How to Bring It Down and Why

Hello children,

It’s my 88th birthday today, which reminds me that it’s been far too long since I promised to answer your letters. I just don’t get around as well as I used to! But the collapse of civilization doesn’t wait for old ladies, so let’s get this party started.

Ask Auntie Civ!

Hi kids, it’s your Auntie Civ here. I want to say you all deserve a huge shout-out for your amazing efforts! It’s hard work, challenging the stifling conventions of this destructive society, not to mention preparing for the collapse of civilization (and even helping it along a bit!)


Athens riots in response to police attack

Via Perseus999 On Sunday 8 May 2016, while the government of SYRIZA & ANEL inside the greek parliament were attacking what little has been left in the dignity of the...


Chile: Students Battle for Free Education

In Chile, students have sustained a mass movement protesting for public colleges and universities to be made tuition free for more than a decade. At the most recent march, on...


MayDay march rocks Montreal

For the 9th year in a row an autonomous coalition of anti-capitalists invade the streets of Montreal to celebrate people’s struggles, For the 9th year in a row an autonomous...


#NuitDebout Crosses the Atlantic

On April 29th people in “Montreal” occupied Philips Square for the first night of #NuitDebout or Rise up at night. A movement that has quickly spread throughout France in opposition...


Happy Smashy MayDay

Click here to download this podcast HAPPY MAYDAY, PROLES!! Welcome back to our weekly podcast of The Rebel Beat! This week, it’s our special to honour May 1st! Celebrated all...


From Democracy to Freedom Audio Zine

The good folks from CrimethInc never disappoint. Here’s their latest audio zine on the subject of Democracy _____ Welcome back to the Ex-worker! We’re eschewing our typical format once again...



Debates of “violence VS non-violence” sprout up every time there’s a convergence or a new movement, such as “Occupy” or #Nuit Debout” This is why we decided to dust off...


First Quarterly Taco-Holder Report

Last year launched a taco-sourcing campaign to expand our anarchist-video-making operation. We hit our goal of $15,000, and after producing and shipping all the “perks” to those who donated,...


Rage against the Police in Quebec

April 2016, Montreal cops murdered Jean-Pierre Bony by shooting him with bullet to the head, for allegedly fleeing a drug raid. If you would like to view more videos like...


Rojava’s First Radio Station

From our friends from Rojava Plan Denge Cudi was the first radio of the Rojava revolution. It went through great difficulties to keep spreading the voice of the youth and...

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