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Celebration of Jack 'The Anarchist' Grancharoff's life

Date and Time: 
Saturday, July 2, 2016 -
5:00pm to 8:00pm

As many of you know, Jack 'The Anarchist' Grancharoff died on the 15th of May 2016, at his home in Quaama, South Coast of NSW, aged 91. He died 'with his boots on' – he seemed to have risen from a chair, with an open book and a glass of something interesting on the table, collapsed onto the floor and was found a day or two later. Maybe he was researching an article on Bakunin he'd been talking about... in any case, doing one of the things that he loved. Self educated in the finer things of life, from a shepherd's background, he loved thinking, discussing, arguing, nature, farming and revolutionary change, among many other things.

Jura Books will hold a celebration of his life at 5pm on Saturday, 2nd July – close to his birthday on the 5th.

All those who knew Jack are welcome to attend; and all those who wish to learn a bit more about this remarkable person. He was an important part of our communities and lives. Members of the Sydney Push (in which Jack played a significant role) will be in attendance, and are welcome.

There will be a slide show of photos, a photo exhibition, and two short films, one at Quaama in his backyard praising his sheep, and one in Italy of Jack singing 'Bella Ciao' in Italian (a real hoot!). If anyone would like to say a few words in his memory, that would be welcome to commemorate his amazingly full and fascinating life.

We'll provide some nibblies and drinks, feel free to bring something along too, if you wish.

Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/545353185652728/

For more about Jack, check out this nice short article which compiles a few writings about him: http://slackbastard.anarchobase.com/?p=39907