
Contact Us

Before submitting a message, please read our FAQ as it will answer most common questions.

1. My login/password doesn’t work and I can’t access the site or my apps.

We recently changed our login and subscription system. If you are a current user and have not logged into the new system yet, please go to our migration page to recover your password.

2. I cannot download new issues on iPad

Please log out of the app and log back in using your new credentials. If you are a current user and have not logged into the new system yet, please go to to get a new login/password. If you have already done this and need to recover your password please go to the Newsweek recovery page

3. I signed up through an app--am I entitled to free access to your website?

Unfortunately, no. is the only place to sign up for full digital access. You can cancel your app subscription and sign up here to get complete access to the website and our iPad app.

Floor 24, 25 Canada Square, London, E14 5LQ

If this is a correction, please include a link to the story in question. If it is a technical problem, please tell us what device and browser you are using.