The Wayback Machine -
2LO Calling   Damon Albarn
2LO - Presentation by Martin Ellen in 2002
Czołówka 2lo Miód malina
2LO Pabianice spot 2015
Studniówka 2016 2LO w Legnicy
Teledysk studniówkowy 2LO Gniezno 2016
"Matura" maj 2014 - filmik studniówkowy - 2 LO Bydgoszcz - 3A
Studniówka 2LO w Sandomierzu
Filmik studniówkowy 3a - 2LO Rybnik
Spektakl "Nadzieja" 2LO w Krośnie 2014
Studniówkowy polonez 2015 | 2LO Chojnice
Połowinki 2LO :)

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  • 2LO Calling Damon Albarn

    2LO Calling by Damon Albarn of Blur. Broadcast to celebrate 90 years of broadcasting in the UK. Simulataneously broadcast on all channels on 14th November 2012. Features soundclips from 90 years of broadcasting and listener contributed messages. 2LO was the transmitter in London where the first broadcast was made in 1922.
  • 2LO - Presentation by Martin Ellen in 2002

    This is a presentation about 2LO, the BBC's first transmitter, given by Martin Ellen on 14th November 2002 (the BBC's 80th birthday). The talk took place at premises used by the Science Museum in London. A week earlier the transmitter was donated to the Science Museum by the previous joint owners: the BBC and Crown Castle (a company that was formed as a result of BBC Transmission being privatised in 1997). This video is published with kind permission from the Science Museum, which was responsible for the production.
  • Czołówka 2lo Miód malina

  • 2LO Pabianice spot 2015

    Film wykonany przez ucznia 2LO w Pabianicach- Michała Gruszczyńskiego. Wszelkie prawa autorskie zastrzeżone.
  • Studniówka 2016 2LO w Legnicy

    Studniówka klasy 3d
  • Teledysk studniówkowy 2LO Gniezno 2016

    Realizacja: Polub nas na Facebook'u: Sala: Restauracja Magnolia w Bystrzycy DJ: Henryk Szymański z Gniezna
  • "Matura" maj 2014 - filmik studniówkowy - 2 LO Bydgoszcz - 3A

    Remake kabaretu Limo ( jako filmik studniówkowy (Maj 2014 - 2LO Bydgoszcz). Filmik przygotowany przez klasę 3A (2011-2014) w składzie: Michał Goralewski, Patrycja Kujawska, Wojciech Warguła, Bartek Panfil, Adrian Strzyżewski, Agnieszka Droż, Agata Licznerska, Ewa Staniszewska Piotr Kiełpikowski, Remi Bejmowicz, Karolina Ejmond, Magdalena Danilczuk, Weronika Czajkowska, Wiktor Stachura, Karolina Maroszczyk, Anna Stojke, Adrianna Krajewska, Ewelina Kral, Amanda Duszyńska, Agata Kalka, Zuzanna Ossowicka, Maks Tykwiński, Lidia Mirota, Kamil Piotrowski, Joanna Jodłowska, Jagoda Lewandowska, Mateusz Maludziński, Jakub Zalas.
  • Studniówka 2LO w Sandomierzu

    Zapraszamy na nasz profil:
  • Filmik studniówkowy 3a - 2LO Rybnik

    Napisy w ustawieniach filmu!
  • Spektakl "Nadzieja" 2LO w Krośnie 2014

  • Studniówkowy polonez 2015 | 2LO Chojnice

    Studniówkowy polonez przyszłych maturzystów ;)
  • Połowinki 2LO :)

    Połowinki 2LO :)
2LO Calling   Damon Albarn

2LO Calling Damon Albarn

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:00
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2012
  • views: 3118
2LO Calling by Damon Albarn of Blur. Broadcast to celebrate 90 years of broadcasting in the UK. Simulataneously broadcast on all channels on 14th November 2012. Features soundclips from 90 years of broadcasting and listener contributed messages. 2LO was the transmitter in London where the first broadcast was made in 1922. Calling Damon Albarn
2LO - Presentation by Martin Ellen in 2002

2LO - Presentation by Martin Ellen in 2002

  • Order:
  • Duration: 30:08
  • Updated: 20 Nov 2012
  • views: 1643
This is a presentation about 2LO, the BBC's first transmitter, given by Martin Ellen on 14th November 2002 (the BBC's 80th birthday). The talk took place at premises used by the Science Museum in London. A week earlier the transmitter was donated to the Science Museum by the previous joint owners: the BBC and Crown Castle (a company that was formed as a result of BBC Transmission being privatised in 1997). This video is published with kind permission from the Science Museum, which was responsible for the production. Presentation By Martin Ellen In 2002
Czołówka 2lo Miód malina

Czołówka 2lo Miód malina

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:43
  • Updated: 28 Feb 2014
  • views: 82626łówka 2Lo Miód Malina
2LO Pabianice spot 2015

2LO Pabianice spot 2015

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:39
  • Updated: 22 Apr 2015
  • views: 2515
Film wykonany przez ucznia 2LO w Pabianicach- Michała Gruszczyńskiego. Wszelkie prawa autorskie zastrzeżone. Pabianice Spot 2015
Studniówka 2016 2LO w Legnicy

Studniówka 2016 2LO w Legnicy

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:21
  • Updated: 11 Feb 2016
  • views: 1197
Studniówka klasy 3dówka 2016 2Lo W Legnicy
Teledysk studniówkowy 2LO Gniezno 2016

Teledysk studniówkowy 2LO Gniezno 2016

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:50
  • Updated: 05 Apr 2016
  • views: 690
Realizacja: Polub nas na Facebook'u: Sala: Restauracja Magnolia w Bystrzycy DJ: Henryk Szymański z Gniezna Studniówkowy 2Lo Gniezno 2016
"Matura" maj 2014 - filmik studniówkowy - 2 LO Bydgoszcz - 3A

"Matura" maj 2014 - filmik studniówkowy - 2 LO Bydgoszcz - 3A

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:46
  • Updated: 26 Jan 2014
  • views: 5001
Remake kabaretu Limo ( jako filmik studniówkowy (Maj 2014 - 2LO Bydgoszcz). Filmik przygotowany przez klasę 3A (2011-2014) w składzie: Michał Goralewski, Patrycja Kujawska, Wojciech Warguła, Bartek Panfil, Adrian Strzyżewski, Agnieszka Droż, Agata Licznerska, Ewa Staniszewska Piotr Kiełpikowski, Remi Bejmowicz, Karolina Ejmond, Magdalena Danilczuk, Weronika Czajkowska, Wiktor Stachura, Karolina Maroszczyk, Anna Stojke, Adrianna Krajewska, Ewelina Kral, Amanda Duszyńska, Agata Kalka, Zuzanna Ossowicka, Maks Tykwiński, Lidia Mirota, Kamil Piotrowski, Joanna Jodłowska, Jagoda Lewandowska, Mateusz Maludziński, Jakub Zalas. Maj 2014 Filmik Studniówkowy 2 Lo Bydgoszcz 3A
Studniówka 2LO w Sandomierzu

Studniówka 2LO w Sandomierzu

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:50
  • Updated: 27 Aug 2015
  • views: 1553
Zapraszamy na nasz profil:ówka 2Lo W Sandomierzu
Filmik studniówkowy 3a - 2LO Rybnik

Filmik studniówkowy 3a - 2LO Rybnik

  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:37
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2016
  • views: 1566
Napisy w ustawieniach filmu! Studniówkowy 3A 2Lo Rybnik
Spektakl "Nadzieja" 2LO w Krośnie 2014

Spektakl "Nadzieja" 2LO w Krośnie 2014

  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:37
  • Updated: 11 Dec 2014
  • views: 449 Nadzieja 2Lo W Krośnie 2014
Studniówkowy polonez 2015 | 2LO Chojnice

Studniówkowy polonez 2015 | 2LO Chojnice

  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:07
  • Updated: 11 Feb 2015
  • views: 904
Studniówkowy polonez przyszłych maturzystów ;)ówkowy Polonez 2015 | 2Lo Chojnice
Połowinki 2LO :)

Połowinki 2LO :)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:27
  • Updated: 15 Oct 2015
  • views: 2609
Połowinki 2LO :)łowinki 2Lo )
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    2LO Calling Damon Albarn

    2LO Calling by Damon Albarn of Blur. Broadcast to celebrate 90 years of broadcasting in the UK. Simulataneously broadcast on all channels on 14th November 2012. Features soundclips from 90 years of broadcasting and listener contributed messages. 2LO was the transmitter in London where the first broadcast was made in 1922.
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    2LO Call­ing Damon Al­barn
    2LO Call­ing by Damon Al­barn of Blur. Broad­cast to cel­e­brate 90 years of broad­cast­ing in t...
    pub­lished: 14 Nov 2012
    Play in Full Screen
    2LO - Pre­sen­ta­tion by Mar­tin Ellen in 2002
    This is a pre­sen­ta­tion about 2LO, the BBC's first trans­mit­ter, given by Mar­tin Ellen on 14...
    pub­lished: 20 Nov 2012
    Play in Full Screen
    Czołówka 2lo Miód ma­li­na
    pub­lished: 28 Feb 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    2LO Pabi­an­ice spot 2015
    Film wyko­nany przez ucz­nia 2LO w Pabi­an­i­cach- Michała Gruszczyńskiego. Wszelkie prawa aut...
    pub­lished: 22 Apr 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    Studniówka 2016 2LO w Leg­ni­cy
    Studniówka klasy 3d
    pub­lished: 11 Feb 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    Teledysk studniówkowy 2LO Gniezno 2016
    Re­al­iza­c­ja: www.​Emelfis.​pl Polub nas na Face­book'u: www.​facebook.​com/​Emelfis Sala: Resta...
    pub­lished: 05 Apr 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    "Matu­ra" maj 2014 - filmik studniówkowy - 2 LO By­d­goszcz - 3A
    Re­make kabare­tu Limo (facebook.​com/​kabaretlimo) jako filmik studniówkowy (Maj 2014 - 2LO B...
    pub­lished: 26 Jan 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    Studniówka 2LO w San­domierzu
    Za­prasza­my na nasz pro­fil: https://​www.​facebook.​com/​MonkeyCinema
    pub­lished: 27 Aug 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    Filmik studniówkowy 3a - 2LO Ryb­nik
    Napisy w ustaw­ieni­ach filmu!
    pub­lished: 07 Feb 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    Spek­takl "Nadzie­ja" 2LO w Krośnie 2014
    pub­lished: 11 Dec 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    Studniówkowy polonez 2015 | 2LO Cho­jnice
    Studniówkowy polonez przyszłych maturzystów ;)
    pub­lished: 11 Feb 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    Połowin­ki 2LO :)
    Połowin­ki 2LO :)
    pub­lished: 15 Oct 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    • Lyrics list:

    In Silence

    They put the treasure deep inside us
    Inside us, inside us
    They thought the desert would divide us
    Divide us, divide us
    With silence
    They filled our hearts and hands with violence
    With violence, with violence
    It's time to leave the fields behind us
    Behind us, behind us

    photo: AP / Chris Jackson/Pool, File via AP
    This is a Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 file photo of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II , right, as she greets Chinese President Xi Jinping, during the official ceremonial welcome for the Chinese State Visit, in London.

    British 'barbarians' need manners lessons, says Chinese paper on rudeness row

    Edit The Times of India 12 May 2016
    BEIJING. The British media is riddled with "barbarians" who would benefit from a lesson in manners from China's ancient civilisation, a state-run newspaper said Thursday after Queen Elizabeth II called some Chinese officials "very rude" ... The remarks made headlines worldwide on Wednesday but initially they were largely censored in China, blacked out of BBC World transmissions, according to the British broadcaster ... "Extraordinary!" ... ....
    photo: AP / Natacha Pisarenko
    Brazil's Senate impeaches President Rousseff

    Brazil's Senate impeaches President Rousseff

    Edit The Malta Independent 12 May 2016
    Brazil's Senate has voted 55-22 to impeach the South American giant's first woman president ... The result represents a victory for the pro-impeachment camp ... ....
    photo: AP / John Locher
    A sled speeds down a track during a test of a Hyperloop One propulsion system, Wednesday, May 11, 2016, in North Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Hyperloop Sled Speeds Through US Desert via Electromagnets

    Edit NDTV 12 May 2016
    Brogan BamBrogan, a former SpaceX engineer who co-founded Hyperloop One, called the test a major milestone. ....
    photo: USMC / Sgt. Rick Hurtado
    Marine Corps Sgt. Josh Greathouse scans the area during a perimeter patrol in Al Taqaddum, Iraq, March 21, 2016. Greathouse is a team leader assigned to Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force Crisis Response for U.S. Central Command.

    U.S. special forces wage secretive 'small wars' against terrorists

    Edit CNN 12 May 2016
    Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama is increasingly calling upon Special Operations forces to carry out so-called "small wars" across the Middle East and Africa to challenge both ISIS and al Qaeda in places where the U.S. maintains a footprint beyond Syria and Iraq. In his first trip overseas since taking command of U.S. Special Operations a month ago, Gen ... RELATED. Can 50 U.S. troops in Syria make a difference? ... Read More ... could respond....
    photo: WN / Yolanda Leyba
    Texting while Driving

    [VIDEOS]: Bogus Canadian Funeral Home Billboard On Distracted Driving Makes Point

    Edit 12 May 2016
    A Canadian “funeral home’s” use of a dark public service announcement and billboard encouraging drivers to text and drive is causing outrage as well as driving home the message on the dangers of such actions, CNN reported Thursday."It is a horrible thing for a funeral home to do ... It’s not clear who is running the website since no creator is listed ... Next to the piece is a sign saying “DN’T TXT & DRIVE,” CNN reported ... ....

    Objects at an Exhibition review – Aurora Orchestra finds scientific inspiration

    Edit The Guardian 05 Oct 2015
    3 / 5 stars. Science Museum, London ... It contrasted, too, with Claudia Molitor’s rather engaging 2TwoLO, that harks back to the earliest days of radio in the UK, when broadcasting music was forbidden on the fledgling station 2LO, and imagines a way of smuggling a performance (of Handel’s famous Largo) into this music-free zone ... Twitter ... ....

    Tony Hall's speech on his future vision for the BBC - full text

    Edit The Guardian 07 Sep 2015
    Speech by the director general outlining his plans for an ‘open BBC’, as well as expansion of the World Service and help for local newspapers. Ladies and gentlemen,. Welcome to the Information Age gallery. In this room we can relive the history of a nation that has led the world in communication. Related ... And, by the way, go and have a look round the corner there at 2LO, the BBC’s first transmitter, where it all began ... Creative freedom ... ....

    Queen to open museum's tech gallery

    Edit Belfast Telegraph 24 Oct 2014
    The Queen will be shown technological wonders from the past 200 years when she opens a major new gallery at the Science Museum today ... Ian Blatchford, director of London's Science Museum, said ... And the original Marconi radio transmitter that made the first public broadcast in 1922 with the famous words 'This is 2LO calling' - announcing the arrival of the BBC and the birth of British broadcasting - will be on show. COMMENT RULES ...   ... ....

    Coils and cables: Science Museum opens information age gallery

    Edit The Guardian 24 Oct 2014
    Museum unveils the UK’s first permanent gallery dedicated to the history of information and communications technology. A dial telephone from the 1930s that will appear in the Information Age exhibition. Photograph ... Set against the electromechanical devices of the 19th century, the glorious muddle of valves and coils that is the BBC’s 2LO transmitter, and displays of the ZX81 and Vic20 from the 1980s, the rate of advance is breathtaking....

    Information Age: the radio transmitter that changed our world

    Edit The Guardian 21 Oct 2014
    The second in our series on the major inventions that shaped the information age revisits the London transmitter 2LO and the birth of British broadcasting ... The second in our series, “The radio transmitter that changed our world”, tells the story of Arthur Burrows, 2LO and the ......

    BBC looks beyond the walled garden in a changing media world

    Edit The Guardian 19 Aug 2014
    ... to the public imagination, is really only in the position of the prehistoric fisherman who put out a few hundred yards from shore in his frail coracle or dug-out … We may be certain, therefore, that the work of the past few years … is but shallow-water fishing in relation to ocean navigation.” Arthur Burrows at the microphone broadcasting for 2LO....

    Science Museum to launch landmark communications gallery (Science Museum)

    Edit noodls 13 Aug 2014
    Thomson's original galvanometer used to receive the first telegraph messages sent across the Atlantic between President Buchanan and Queen Victoria in 1858 The original Marconi radio transmitter that made the first public broadcast in 1922 with the famous words 'This is 2LO calling' - announcing the arrival of the BBC and the birth of British ......

    2014 events and exhibitions: January - September (Science Museum)

    Edit noodls 03 Feb 2014
    (Source. Science Museum). 11.00-13.00 & 14.00-17.00; every Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. 1st floor Wellcome Wing, Who am I? gallery. Duration. 10 minutes. Suitable for all ages ... 19.30-20.35 ... Rare exhibits will include the extremely sensitive instruments which detected the first transatlantic telegraph messages in 1858, the BBC's first radio transmitter 2LO, and a BESM-6, the only Russian supercomputer in a museum collection in the West....