
Latest commentary

Illustration: Simon Letch

The difference isn't as big as they want you to believe

I get criticised by rusted-on supporters of both sides of politics when I say this, but that doesn't stop it being true: there are differences between the two sides' policies, but they're not as great as they want us to believe (and their supporters do believe).

Brisbane laughing all the way to the Brexit

Brisbane should be laughing after the Brexit vote in Britain.

Never since we last clean swept the Poms in the Ashes has Britain provided so much mirth as watching the Brexit vote. The self-imagined suffering of the London elites when put in their place by ordinary men and women is a joy to behold. The caterwauling does not stop.

Stop giving mothers a hard time over breastfeeding

New research has emerged showing that whether babies are fed from a breast or a bottle is irrelevant.

"If you don't breastfeed your baby she will get every ear infection and cold going". Those were the less than encouraging words uttered to me by a mid-wife during a home-visit a few weeks after I had my first baby.

The importance of being honest with health

Who will be there to catch Ben Cousins as he falls and help him back to his feet?

One day last week, not wanting to tell my colleagues a lie, I explained to them I would be taking the next day off, sick. I didn't have a cold; I didn't have a headache. Physically, I was fine. What wasn't fine was my mental health.

Election 2016: the home stretch


Known unknowns – including the Nick Xenophon team’s election-day performance – make a precise prediction difficult, writes Paul Rodan. But the evidence points mainly one way

Thank you, Eddie McGuire

Eddie McGuire speaks to the media.

I never thought I would say this, but thank you Eddie McGuire for your misogynist comments because they finally sparked national debate and resulted in national outrage. People are now connecting the dots between language - the weaponry of words - that trivialise violence against women, and a culture that perpetuates it.

Democrats shackled by cynicism on guns

AR-15 assault rifles: Omar Mateen used one, bought legally, to kill 49 people in Orlando.

Democratic lawmakers appear united in their support for a new wave of anti-terror gun legislation, but civil libertarians in the party are deeply concerned.

Burn baby burn

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and the leader of the opposition, Bill Shorten, remain unequivocal in their support for ...

Voters' views on coal and climate are being ignored by both major parties in this election.

Bill Shorten's two glaring mistakes

Square, dink, dinks, dinkus, head shot, comment, Peter Reith

I am not convinced that our political system is much worse than the past. The problem today is that the world economy is not great, we've lost a lot of revenue from mining and our leaders have not been as good since Bob Hawke or John Howard, although Malcolm Turnbull is yet to have a good shot.