- published: 22 Jan 2013
- views: 228013
Nicholas Tse a.k.a. Tse Ting-fung, Chinese: 謝霆鋒, (born 29 August 1980) is a Hong Kong actor, singer, songwriter, musician, entrepreneur, and martial artist. Tse is a member of the Emperor Entertainment Group.
Tse initially entered the entertainment industry in 1996 as a singer. He originally learned martial arts from Philip Ng, Andy On and Sammo Hung for the screen and television, which Tse continues to practice. He made his film debut in 1998 with the crime film Young and Dangerous: The Prequel, for which Tse received the Hong Kong Film Award for his performance in the Best New Performer category. In 2003, Tse founded Post Production Office Limited, the biggest special effects companies in Hong Kong which provides services for movies, video games, and advertisements. The company grosses over one billion Hong Kong dollars annually each year.
In 2011, he won the award for Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actor.
In November 2012, Tse attended a Hong Kong Avenue of Stars Hand Imprint Ceremony.
影片備有中文字幕,可以於網站下載: http://youtu.be/0gqll-kpvD4 影片备有中文字幕,可以于网站下载: http://youtu.be/-d2vWqcJxIo This video case features Nicholas Tse, Founder and CEO of Post Production Office. It was produced by the Thompson Center for Business Case Studies at HKUST Business School. The Center aims to advance learning and teaching through the development of Asian business case studies. It leverages HKUST Business School's world class teaching and research team to develop cases that offer the students a better understanding of the Asian business environment and Asian firms. To learn more about the Thompson Center for Business Case Studies, please visit the Center's website at http://www.bm.ust.hk/cbcs/. More information of HKUST Business School is available at: http://www.bm.ust.hk
謝霆鋒近年心目中最佳男主角 收錄60首謝霆鋒金曲~~希望鋒迷聽得過癮 0:00 活著viva/ 1:25 曝光/ 2:01 開放日/ 2:24 前前后后左左右右/ 3:18 You Can't Stop Me/ 4:05 壞習慣/ 5:45 一窩瘋/ 6:24 萬誘引力/ 7:18 活火山/ 8:16 回憶是後鏡裏的公路/ 9:27 末世紀的呼聲/ 10:11 改做人/ 10:58 估計錯誤/ 11:26 不要說謊/ 12:08 我想飛/ 13:48 不要刻意改變/ 14:50 你情人在那裏/ 15:55 早知/ 17:40 無聲仿有聲/ 18:31 非走不可/ 19:40 愛後餘生/ 20:48 一廂情願/ 21:30 一了百了/ 22:47 苦海孤雛/ 23:52 I believe/ 24:24 如果只得一星期/ 25:19 入口愛情/ 25:46 別來無恙/ 26:22 天空這麼大/ 27:08 400gig/ 27:50 不是定理/ 28:31 只要為你活一天/ 29:37 謝謝你的愛1999/ 30:37 因為愛所以愛/ 31:26 香水/ 32:34 一擊即中/ 33:43 別說狠/ 34:26 罪人/ 35:07 蒸發/ 35:37 遊樂場/ 36:08 不需要安慰/ 36:45 第一眼/ 37:18 黑夜馬戲團/ 37:52 潛龍勿用/ 39:05 第二世/ 39:56 狼/ 40:49 黃/ 41:41 細路/ 42:08 紙飛機/ 43:18 巴斯光年/ 44:08 從前以後/ 44:41 金剛/ 45:31 冥想/ 46:31 邊走邊愛/ 47:36 影迷/ 48:08 恐龍化石/ 48:49 塞車/ 49:56 日月/ 50:35 玉蝴蝶/ 52:09 啟示錄
謝霆鋒 現已登陸 iTunes | NOW available on iTunes : http://url.cn/6SZPKa 《愛最大》(電影「救火英雄」主題曲) (廣東版) 主唱:謝霆鋒、廿四味 作曲:謝霆鋒 作詞:喬星, Kit@24Herbs , Phat@24Herbs 編曲:Eddie Chung/陳子龍 監製:謝霆鋒 (Rap) 你有冇關心個世界依加發生緊嘅事 你有冇擔心個未來又會唔會去正視 究竟幾時開始 人變得冷漠自私 淨係知 點樣追求名利易D 簡簡單單 個世界一步一步被破壞 科技將地域拉近人嘅隔膜擴大 再咁捕殺落去 好多動物已經冇哂 人類嘅貪婪 繼續破壞大自然生態 戰爭種種衝突膚色暴力仇恨 饑荒天災地震仍然喺到不斷發生 人類再係咁 地球唔歡迎我哋 再喺呢一到紮根 只有用愛用愛去改變呢個世界 我哋再 去合力創造我哋未來 終可見 世界美好嘅一面 停止所有戰爭 用愛奉獻 *點解可以扮哂偉大 我要去呼嗌 人類霸著地球太自大 每日盡情破壞 點解可以扮哂偉大 我要去表態 沉默會令未來更腐壞 企硬立場 愛最大 * (Rap) 大路康莊 一片屬於自己嘅地方 建設烏托邦 人人都生活得好健康 再置身天堂極落世界永冇恐慌 再冇種族鬥爭亦再冇饑荒 人人都主動互相幫忙坐低有傾有講 日日都見到陽光天氣晴朗過晴朗 未來充滿希望 你我携手開創 自由國度裡面 聲音更加大鳴大放 請記住同一個世界擁有同一個夢想再同一片天空 吹住同一樣嘅涼風 吹雨打未怕 就算有太多變化 硬仗一齊打 高欄我哋一齊跨過去 放低爭拗 冇必要再去比較 我只想同你哋一齊向住目標不停咁哨 終點喺前面 夢想亦即將實現 我睇見烏托邦經已逐漸呈現眼前 Repeat * 想去嗌就起勢嗌(想去嗌就起勢嗌) 我哋陣容最浩大(我哋陣容最浩大) 想去嗌就起勢嗌(想去嗌就起勢嗌) 我哋熱情更盛大(愛做後台我大晒...
iTunes: https://itun.es/hk/0DwG_ MOOV: https://hyperurl.co/nggh6f KKBOX: http://kkbox.fm/IA0hJH JOOX: http://hyperurl.co/sy8lqf Spotify: http://spoti.fi/1IU9ktu 《鋒味》 作曲:謝霆鋒、陳子龍 作詞:周耀輝 編曲:陳子龍 監製:謝霆鋒、陳子龍 世界為什麼是圓的 彩虹為什麼是彎的 統統都想不到 所有都嘗得到 最好有多少次與陌生人擁抱 未來總猜不到 前路總找得到 還記得那一次受北極光呼召 @ 花的美好 鳥的驕傲 要自己感覺才知道 地厚天高 至少我感到 自己的味道 @ 跑在日光下是剛的 飛在歲月裡是柔的 統統都想不到 所有都嘗得到 最好有多少次與陌生人擁抱 未來總猜不到 前路總找得到 還希望再一次靠暴風雨洗澡 Repeat @ @ @ 我們為什麼是活的 關注更多謝霆鋒消息 | Get Closer to Nicholas Tse 英皇娛樂Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/eegmusichk 謝霆鋒 @英皇娛樂Official Website: http://www.eegmusic.com/artist/index.... 英皇娛樂 iPhone Apps:http://url.cn/7PUwlQ
On 19 April 2012, Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) kicked off the Asian Leadership Series at HKUST (香港科技大學) with a talk on his entrepreneurial success. In the format of an interview with HKUST undergraduate students, Mr Tse talked with HKUST students and staff about his experience in developing a creative enterprise called Post Production Office Group, his management philosophy, and his personal development as a young leader. The talk was organized by the Center for Business Case Studies. For more information about the event as well as related teaching materials and other Asian business cases please visit http://www.bm.ust.hk/cbcs/
霆鋒每次在自己演唱會上唱自己寫的歌曲 都會特別特別有讓人有感覺啊!
Young & Dangerous, Prequel MV. Nicholas Tse - The Active Volcano (Fire Mountain), song orignally played at end of movie with this scene just extended it a little. Hope you like. Lyrics: It's dark all round A deafening roar Earth-shaking Filled with rage like a volcano crater spurting out ash Leap I am not clear for what passion causes death I only remember if you're not mortally afraid of hating death then you will be victorious The sky capsizes and the ground carries Immensity of love, kindness It still hasn't retreated Like lava stretching out a pair of hands The madness released already cannot be collected back Let the hot vapour Continue to spread in the universe People have energy Whoever is filled with rage is an active volcano expanding Flowing with lava The unlim...
周六(9月20日),媒体曝出谢霆锋王菲的公寓缠绵照,震惊了娱乐圈。据香港媒体报道,王菲和谢霆锋大复合,早在半年前已露玄机,3月时王菲赴巴黎出席某品牌时装秀,是她离婚后首度公开现身,巧合的是,谢霆锋也在巴黎录美食节目《12道锋味》,该集来宾还是王菲的闺蜜赵薇。恢复单身的昔日恋人,同时置身在浪漫之都,加上好友赵薇从中牵线撮合,让爱苗快速滋长。 当时传出赵薇安排饭局让菲锋重逢,不过谢霆锋担心被拍到,前妻张柏芝会介意、带走2儿子,因此婉拒。但赵薇与谢霆锋选在她老公黄有龙的波尔多酒庄取景,地点隐密性极高,其实根本无须担心媒体乱入。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGj...
講到viva live演唱會~ 那怎麼能夠沒有這首歌呢!!!
"今天的他呼風可改雨,不可一世太囂張...." 霆鋒演唱會似乎相當偏愛beyond歌曲 舞台上的霆鋒盡情揮灑魅力不可一世阿!!
霆鋒於viva演唱會所演唱的組曲~ 經典的霆鋒式粵語情歌一次聽足
Artist: Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) Title: Life After Love (愛後餘生) Album: Most Wanted
Artist: Nicholas Tse 謝霆鋒 Title: Must Leave 非走不可
#謝霆锋私房密事# ➤訂閱 | Subscribe http://goo.gl/8sXcpd 關注更多謝霆鋒消息 | Get Closer to Nicholas Tse ➤英皇娛樂Facebook http://goo.gl/XWQlKm ➤謝霆鋒 @英皇娛樂Official Website http://goo.gl/t63SmE ➤謝霆鋒鋒行天下歌迷會 http://goo.gl/4KAMTX ➤英皇娛樂 iPhone Apps http://url.cn/7PUwlQ
very hot
Artist: Nicholas Tse 謝霆鋒 Title: Because of Love, I Love 因為愛所以愛
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◘ 欢迎订阅浙江卫视YouTube官方频道Subscribe Our YouTube Channel: http://bitly.com/zhejiangtv ◘ 欢迎订阅浙江卫视YouTube跑男官方频道Subscribe Running Man China YouTube Channel: http://bitly.com/runningmanchina ◘ 欢迎订阅我们的社交平台 获取更多精彩节目内容信息 Subscribe Our Social Media ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ 《浙江卫视中国蓝》官方FB页面 Zhejiang TV Official Facebook page: https://goo.gl/SXPghm 《奔跑吧兄弟》官方FB页面 Running Man Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/xXfskh 《一路上有你》官方FB页面 Yilushangyouni Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/GBAxV7 《蜜蜂少女队》官方FB页面 Lady bees Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/TYjiZp 《爸爸回来了》官方FB页面 Dad came back Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/dM6sF7 《挑战者联盟》官方FB页面 Challenger Alliance Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/DdQYfg ◘ 蜜蜂少女队官方高清播放列表: https://goo.gl/awtdGK 《蜜蜂少女队》第12期 霆锋四爷终极PK摇滚开唱 20160528【浙江卫视官方超清1080P】吴奇隆Nicky Wu、谢霆锋Nicholas Tse 《蜜蜂少女队》是浙江卫视推出的大型女团养成类真人秀节目,由吴奇隆、谢霆...
This video does not belong to me, there is no intention to break any copyrights.
Like Nicholas Tse on Facebook: " 謝霆鋒Nicholas Tse "
http://www.scmp.com/video Nicholas Tse Ting-fung (謝霆鋒) reprises his cop bravado in the new Hong Kong action film The Beast Stalker. Tse plays an avenging police officer haunted by his accidental killing of a kidnapped girl during a shootout. His character then goes out on a mission to redeem his sins when the victim's twin sister is kidnapped by the same criminal. In this exclusive interview, Tse discusses his passion behind the film and how he and his character are quite similar. He also explains the mechanics about the thrilling car chase scene in the film. The Beast Stalker is released on November 27th.
自製MV——致终将逝去的回忆 配乐:花太香
Compilation of my favorite 謝霆鋒 (Nicholas Tse) Moments Reality Show: 十二道鋒味 (Chef Nic) Season 2 I do not own anything
Compilation of my favorite 謝霆鋒 (Nicholas Tse) Moments Reality Show: 十二道鋒味 (Chef Nic) Season 2 I do not own anything
The Viral Factor is a 2012 Hong Kong-Chinese action film directed by Dante Lam and starring Jay Chou and Nicholas Tse. The supporting cast includes Lin Peng, Michelle Bai, Andy On, Carl Ng, Liu Kai-chi and Elaine Jin, with action direction by Chin Kar-lok. International Security Affairs agent Jon is on a dangerous mission to escort a criminal scientist to another country. En route, a member of his team, Sean, turns out to be a traitor and shoots Jon in the head while kidnapping the scientist. When Jon wakes up in the hospital, a doctor tells him that within weeks, the bullet in his brain will cause complete paralysis. Jon returns to Beijing to see his mother, who confesses that Jon has a brother in Malaysia who was raised by his father, a gambler. Jon takes a flight to Malaysia to find h...
謝霆鋒 Nicholas Tse -不愛跳舞 Dance Is Not For Me Fan Video I love this song too bad the official MV has no dance, so i edited some clips and made an MV - sort off ;) Hope you like it. I do not own anything.
Are we at war tonight
Will there be angels whispering to me good night
Don't wake when lightning strikes
My heart for you is true
Let no one take that from you
Time is running tight
Can't change from wrong to right
So I'll close my eyes and dream a little
Just like how we used to be baby
It's time to say farewell
No need to cry or feeling sorrow
It's alright
All in the book of life
Heaven grant me one last wish I beg you
Let me say these words before I go
I will love you till the end of time
Every breath of mine
I'll hold you by my side
But I'll rest in peace
My sweetheart would you
Let me die in your arms with you
Only you can stop the rain tonight
Only you can change my world from black to white
So I'll close my eyes and dream a little more
Are we at war tonight
Will there be angels whispering to me good night
Don't wake when lightning strikes
Heaven grant me one last wish I beg you
Let me say these words before I go
I will love you till the end of time
Every breath of mine
I'll hold you by my side
But I'll rest in peace
My sweetheart would you
Let me die in your arms with you
Only you can stop the rain tonight
Only you can give me strength to fight
Till the sky is burning
It's the end of time
Look ahead tomorrow
Long and winding road
Keep the faith of mine
Don't let it go
You're the only reason
Night ain't growing cold
What would I do
Without you
I will love you till the end of time
Every breath of mine
I'll hold you by my side
But I'll rest in peace
My sweetheart would you
Let me die in your arms with you
Only you can stop the rain tonight
Only you can make my world so bright
Life no longer empty with you in my heart