The Pokémon (ポケモン, Pokemon) franchise has 721 (as of the release of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire) distinctive fictional species classified as the titular Pokémon. This is a selected listing of 51 of the Pokémon species, originally found in the Red and Green versions, arranged as they are in the main game series' National Pokédex.
Bulbasaur (フシギダネ, Fushigidane), the Seed Pokémon, are small, squat reptilian Pokémon that are quadrupedal, with light blue-green bodies and darker bluish-green spots. As a Bulbasaur undergoes evolution into Ivysaur and then later into Venusaur, the bulb on its back blossoms into a large flower.
Ivysaur (フシギソウ, Fushigisō, Fushigisou), known as the Seed Pokémon, represents the evolved form of Bulbasaur, one of the three starting Pokémon available to players in Pokémon Red and Blue and their various remakes; it evolves into the final form of Venusaur. Aside from becoming taller and heavier than Bulbasaur, its trademark bulb becomes a pink flower-bud, and four leaves now appear at the base of this bud. The Pokémon's legs are more stout, allowing it to hold up the bigger bulb, yet limiting its previous ability to stand on its hind legs. Its eyes now look more aggressive and intimidating. As before, Ivysaur and its bulb share a mutualistic relationship; bathing in sunlight allows both to continue growing. Eventually, the bud will give off a sweet scent, a signal that it will bloom soon, and that its host will evolve. An Ivysaur will spend more time bathing in sunlight in order to reach evolution.
Actors: Ikue Ôtani (actress), Yûji Ueda (actor), Megumi Hayashibara (actress), Mika Kanai (actress), Satomi Koorogi (actress), Rica Matsumoto (actress), Shin'ichirô Miki (actor), Naoki Tatsuta (actor), Urara Takano (actress), Rikako Aikawa (actress), Mayumi Iizuka (actress), Kôichi Sakaguchi (actor), Aiko Satô (actress), Chiyako Shibahara (actress),
Plot: On a remote island the pokemon have their holidays. It is generally a very peaceful time of fun and relaxation, however, when Pikachu goes there for his break, he finds things less than fun as he has a baby pokemon to look after; a baby that is difficult to keep happy and entertained leading to conflict between him and other groups of pokemon.
Keywords: character-name-in-title, pocket-monsters, pokémonActors: Rachael Lillis (actress), Megumi Hayashibara (actress), Satomi Koorogi (actress), Ted Lewis (actor), Shin'ichirô Miki (actor), Shin'ichirô Miki (actor), Mika Kanai (actress), Unshô Ishizuka (actor), Eric Stuart (actor), Eric Stuart (actor), Eric Stuart (actor), Naoki Tatsuta (actor), Yûji Ueda (actor), Jimmy Zoppi (actor), Rachael Lillis (actress),
Genres: Animation, Family, Short,Y si te vas, no habrá nadie aquí
para que pueda hacer a mi sentir
es que yo estoy muriendo por amor
sin ti no puedo más seguir
Quisiera ser el barco que navega por tus ojos
naufragar por siempre en esos mares de tu rostro
sabes que te quiero y que ya no puedo más
he intentado todo y no te puedo conquistar
Y si algún día yo soy parte de tus sueños
quiero que me digas que será cuestión de tiempo
como duele que esto ya no pueda funcionar
contigo la luna yo podría conquistar
Y si te vas no habrá nadie aquí
para que pueda hacer a mi sentir
es que yo estoy muriendo por amor
sin ti no puedo más seguir
Vuelve ya es muy chico el lugar
que hay en mi corazón
por que con el tiempo se lo ha robado tu amor
es por eso que hoy te pido esta oportunidad
eres tú la única que en días me puede sanar
Y si algún día yo soy parte de tus sueños
quiero que me digas que será cuestión de tiempo
como duele que esto ya no pueda funcionar
contigo la luna yo podría conquistar
Y si te vas no habrá nadie aquí
para que pueda hacer a mi sentir
es que yo estoy muriendo por amor