- published: 27 Jul 2013
- views: 317853
Manavgat is a town and district of the Antalya Province in Turkey, 72 km (45 mi) from the city of Antalya. The Manavgat River has a waterfall near the town.
Between the Taurus Mountains to the north, and the sandy beaches of the Mediterranean coast, much of the district is surrounded by a flat plain. This is mostly fertile farmland and agriculture is well-developed in Manavgat, keeping livestock and growing crops including grains, sesame and many fruits and vegetables; in recent years olives have also been planted. There is no industry except for food-processing, so apart from agriculture the local economy depends on tourism.
Manavgat Aşkları vol 2 II Klip Manavgat Rap MT YouTube
Manavgat Tanıtım Filmi
Sizce Manavgat'ta Ne Eksik ?
Manavgat Sokak Röportajları - Manavgat'ın İsmi Nereden Geliyor ?
Sizi En Çok Heyecanlandıran Şey Nedir ? - Manavgat Sokak Röportajları
Türkei - Side - Manavgat Wasserfälle - Bootsfahrt auf dem Stausee - Türkische Riviera
Manavgat Irmağı'nda Köpek Balığı Görüntülendi
Pharrell Williams Happy MANAVGAT #Happymanavgat
Türkei Manavgat Basar und Bauernmarkt
Manavgat Novada Tutmayın Beni Fragman 2016
yii hhuuuuuu (:
Manavgat sokak röportajları video serisi altında ilk sorumuz, yaşadığımız şehrin ismini nereden aldığı. Bakalım sokak bunun cevabını ne kadar biliyor. sokak röportajları facebook grubu için; https://www.facebook.com/groups/manavgatsokakroportajlari/ http://www.kumbarahaber.com/
http://www.kumbarahaber.com/ sokak röportajları facebook grubu için; https://www.facebook.com/groups/manavgatsokakroportajlari/ hazırlayanlar; orhan polat, ekrem begimgil.
Peter Menzel (PMMedia1) Wir nehmen an einer Bootstour teil, die uns den Manavgat von der Mündung stromaufwärts bis zum Quellgebiet im Taurusgebirge bringen wird. Im Mündungsbereich hat der Manavgat eine lang gestreckte Landzunge mit 50 Metern Breite zwischen Fluss und Mittelmeer entstehen lassen, die von zahlreichen Badegästen genutzt wird. In der Stadt Manavgat enden alle Schiffsausflüge. Wir fahren mit dem Autobus weiter bis zum Manavgat-Wasserfall. Mit einer Fallhöhe von zwei Metern zählt er eher zu den kleineren Wasserfällen. Das Besondere ist die Breite von 40 bis 50 Metern, mit der er seine wahre Schönheit entfaltet. Wir verweilen nicht lange, unser Ziel ist der obere Stausee. Der Oymapinar- Stausee hat eine 360 m lange und 157 m hohe Staumauer, die bis zu 300 Millionen m³ Wasser spe...
You can make reservation by mail, phone or sms. Tell us the name of your hotel and room-number. We will call you back to confirm and tell you the time, that we will pick you up. You don't have to pay with paypal, credit card or bank transfer. You can pay the guide during the tour.
We travel long the Mediterranean and Europe seeking for adventures. Follow us on www.alaturka.info portal and subscribe our channel to stay up-to-date. Hello, we are on the dam-lake of Oymapinar Region in Manavgat. Ömer from Adventure-Park brought us here to spend beautiful day along the canyon. He wants to show us the secret beauty of nature near Antalya on the Riviera coast of Turkey. This video will give first impression to you about canoeing on the Oymapınar damm lake. It is our first time on this lake with canoe. We are going to learn the difficulty level of it and share our ideas with you. You can read the article on Alaturka.Info at the moment just in German. For non-German spoken visitors we posted some photos on Alaturka.Info to share our adventure with you. Ömer from Adv...
Turkish Belly-Dancer show during a Boat Trip on Manavgat River organized by AKDEM TRAVEL. Filmed on 5th of September 2008 by Olimp Boros / OLi - International Tour Guide. More photos about this region on www.olimanagement.com (TOURISM!).
Turkish Belly-Dancer show during a Boat Trip on Manavgat River organized by AKDEM TRAVEL. Filmed on 5th of September 2008 by Olimp Boros / OLi - International Tour Guide. More photos about this region on www.olimanagement.com (TOURISM!).
Manavgat Waterfall on the Manavgat River is near the city of Side, 3 km (2 mi) north of Manavgat, Turkey. Its high flow over a wide area as it falls from a low height is best viewed from a high altitude. More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manavgat_Waterfall The white, foaming water of the Manavgat Waterfalls flows powerfully over the rocks. Near the waterfalls are shady tea gardens providing a pleasant resting place. Visit Beautiful Manavgat Falls, Travel to Manavgat Falls Manavgat Falls, manavgat waterfalls turkey, manavgat market & river boat trip, manavgat waterfall map, tortum waterfall, manavgat waterfall location, manavgat waterfall boat trip, tarsus waterfall, manavgat tours, Amazing Manavgat falls, Manavgat falls video, Manavgat falls youtube,
The Biggest Mosque in Antalya region, filmed by Olimp Boros / OLi / International Tour Guide & Manager (www.olimanagement.com)
The Waterfalls on Manavgat River in TURKEY, Manavgat - Antalya Region. Filmed on 5th of September 2008 by Olimp Boros / OLi - International Tour Guide. More photos about this region on www.olimanagement.com (TOURISM!).