Big Brother Denmark was the Danish version of the international reality television franchise Big Brother created by producer John de Mol in 1997. The show followed a number of contestants, known as housemates, who are isolated from the outside world for an extended period of time in a custom built House. Each week, one of the housemates is evicted by a public vote, with the last housemate remaining winning a cash prize.
The show aired on TV Danmark between 28 January 2001 and 1 April 2005 who aired a 3 regular series, one celebrity (VIP) series and an "All-star" series before axing the show in 2005.
On 30 January 2012 Kanal 5 relaunched Big Brother airing its fourth series in 2012, fifth series in 2013 and the sixth and final series of Big Brother in 2014 that concluded on 27 April 2014.
Start Date: 28 January 2001
End Date: 10 May 2001
Duration: 103 days
The Finalists: 2 - Jill* (The Winner) & Nico* (Runner-up)
Big Brother Australia 2005, also known as Big Brother 5, was the fifth season of Big Brother Australia, and was aired on Network Ten in Australia, and TV-2 in New Zealand with a four-week delay. The series started on 8 May 2005, with housemates going into the House the day before, and finished on 15 August 2005, lasting 101 days. The theme of the series was "single, sexy, and competitive". Auditions for housemates were held in March 2005. In a departure from usual procedure, candidates were not required to send in videos of themselves as had been the case for prior auditions. Instead, the producers toured major Australian cities and conducted interviews. They searched for sexy singles that were willing to have sexual relations on camera. Promos for the show suggested that Big Brother would be different this year, and phrases such as "Assume Nothing, Expect Anything", "Let's Play", and "Think Again" were used throughout the series, especially during Opening Night. The winner announced on the finale was watched by 2.282 million Australian viewers.
Big Brother 2008, also known as Big Brother 9, was the ninth series of the British reality television series Big Brother, that aired on Channel 4 and E4. The series launched on 5 June 2008, and ran for 13 weeks until 5 September 2008.
The winner was Rachel Rice, who beat bookies' favourite Michael Hughes in the final vote with 51.3%. At the time of the series, Big Brother 9 was the least watched summer series in Big Brother's history, until the following series, with an average of only 3.6 million, down on Big Brother 8's by 0.3m.
No housemates in this series were represented in Ultimate Big Brother, a mini-series to mark the end of Big Brother on Channel 4. However Rex, Kathreya and Stuart entered to take part in tasks.
[Verse 1]
Do you want to
Ride in a big limousine?
Tell me do you want to
Take a little bite of the fame machine?
If you wanna be discovered
And end up on the cover've every star-studded supermarket magazine
You can do it
Stick right to it.
It could happen tonight.
You wanna be famous. (famous)
You wanna be the one who's living the life.
You wanna be famous. (famous)
You wanna be the one who's taking a free ride.
[Verse 2]
Do you want to
Cut to the front of the line?
Baby, do you need to
See your name in lights just like the Hollywood sign?
Come on, we gotta work harder.
Fight the fight together.
Take you to the top.
We've got the winning team.
It's your moment.
You can own it.
It's the American dream.
You wanna be famous. (famous)
You wanna be the one who's living the life.
You wanna be famous. (famous)
You wanna be the one who's taking a free ride.
All day.
All night.
The camera's on and it never lies.
You're under
The spotlight.
Twenty-four seven til the end of time.
Whoa, oh.
You wanna be famous.
Whoa, oh.
You wanna be famous.
You wanna be famous. (famous)
You wanna be the one who's living the life.
You wanna be famous. (famous)
You wanna be the one who's taking a free ride.
You wanna be famous.
Your song is on the radio.
Hot rotation video.
Bright lights, fan mail.
Paparazzi on your tail.
Tour bus, private jet.
Thinking big ain't failed you yet.
Just one thing you can't forget.
Takes more than just wanting it.
Aim high, never rest.
Put your passion to the test.
Give your all, never less.