28 June 2016

EU leaders call for rapid British exit and European military buildup

By Alex Lantier, 28 June 2016

The European Union is making plans for increased austerity and an independent military policy, setting the stage for explosive international conflicts, including with the US.

Brexit vote intensifies conflicts within European Union

The Brexit referendum: A turning point in European politics

Financial market turmoil continues in wake of Brexit vote

By Nick Beams, 28 June 2016

British government leaders have issued statements claiming they have the situation under control, but to no avail as financial markets continue to plummet.

After Brexit, mounting warnings of global slump and financial panic

Australian politicians appeal for “strong government” after Brexit vote

By Mike Head, 28 June 2016

Nervous pleas for a “stable” majority government have been accompanied by corporate media demands for harsh austerity measures.

The way forward after the Brexit referendum

More on the UK Brexit referendum »

Russian president seeks closer economic and strategic ties in Beijing

By Peter Symonds, 28 June 2016

The two countries are being driven closer together by fears of the growing danger of war posed by the United States.

Massive rally in Mexico City condemns massacre of Oaxaca teachers

By Rafael Azul, 28 June 2016

A week after the police massacre of teachers and their supporters in Oaxaca, people across Mexico continue occupations and to disrupt of highway traffic in protest.

Michigan public school teacher messages of solidarity with Mexican teachers

The Oaxaca massacre and the eruption of class struggle in Mexico

US Supreme Court strikes down Texas anti-abortion law

By John Burton, 28 June 2016

In a 5-3 decision the Supreme Court invalidated two provisions of a Texas law that deliberately imposed burdensome requirements intended to close medical clinics that provide abortion services.

Elizabeth Warren campaigns with Clinton as possible running mate

By Josh Varlin, 28 June 2016

Warren’s “progressivism” and rhetorical denunciations of Wall Street would be leveraged to convince disappointed Sanders supporters to vote for Clinton in November.

Clinton seizes on Brexit vote to tout her credentials as defender of Washington’s global interests

Violent confrontation at Sacramento racist demonstration leaves 10 injured

By Genevieve Leigh, 28 June 2016

Ten people were left injured, at least three critically, after a violent clash between a fascist white nationalist group and counter-demonstrators at the California state capitol.

UAW exposes secret 2014 deal with Volkswagen to recognize union

By Shannon Jones, 28 June 2016

Behind the backs of workers who had voted to reject UAW affiliation, the union tops conspired with management to unilaterally impose the UAW on a recalcitrant workforce.

IG Metall trade union backs Volkswagen board

By Dietmar Henning, 28 June 2016

IG Metall sprang to the support of management, which is exploiting the emission scandal to impose the biggest ever attacks on jobs, wages and conditions.

Government’s “plan for safe El Salvador” fuels death squads

By Andrea Lobo, 28 June 2016

El Salvador's state and gang violence and its strong relation with stagnant poverty, have led one-fifth of Salvadorans to emigrate.

Indian Stalinists try to paper over deep rift over tie-up with Congress Party

By Deepal Jayasekera, 28 June 2016

The CPM leadership has effectively given its West Bengal unit the green light to continue its alliance with the big business Congress Party.

Australian Labor’s fraudulent apprenticeship scheme

By Elle Chapman, 28 June 2016

Over the past four years, under both Labor and the Coalition, the number of apprenticeships has plummeted from 516,000 to 295,000.

New in Russian

Результат референдума в Британии о выходе из Европейского Союза провоцирует экономический и политический кризис

Крис Марсден и Джули Хайленд, 28 июня 2016 г.

Результат референдума вызвал сейсмический шок не только в Великобритании, но также по всей Европе и миру.

New in Turkish

Oaxaca katliamı ve Meksika’da sınıf mücadelesinin patlaması

Neil Hardt, 28 Haziran 2016

Katliam, Meksika egemen sınıfının Meksikalı işçilere yönelik saldırılarını sürdürmek için sergileyebileceği acımasızlığın boyutlarını ortaya koymaktadır.

New in French

La voie à suivre après le référendum du Brexit

Déclaration du SEP (Parti l’égalité socialiste - Grande-Bretagne), 28 juin 2016

La seule certitude à la suite du vote en faveur d’une sortie de l’UE est que l’assaut mené contre la classe ouvrière sera intensifié à mesure que l’élite dirigeante exigera des sacrifices plus importants au nom de « l’intérêt national »

Espagne: abstention de masse et victoire du Parti populaire de droite à l’élection générale

Par Alejandro López, 28 juin 2016

Les résultats sont particulièrement humiliants pour Unidos Podemos, la coalition mise en place par Podemos dirigé par Pablo Iglesias et la Gauche unie (IU) conduite par les staliniens.

New in German

Der Weg vorwärts nach dem Brexit-Referendum

Erklärung der Socialist Equality Party (britische Sektion der Vierten Internationale), 28. Juni 2016

Nach der Abstimmung über den EU-Austritt ist nur eines gewiss: Die Angriffe auf die Arbeiterklasse werden weitergehen, und die herrschende Elite wird im „nationalen Interesse“ noch größere Opfer verlangen.

Nach dem Brexit: Berlin fordert deutsch-europäische Militärunion

Von Johannes Stern, 28. Juni 2016

Nach dem ersten Schock über den Ausgang des Brexit-Referendums, versuchen die deutschen Eliten die Krise zu nutzen, um ihre ökonomische und politische Vormachtstellung innerhalb der Europäischen Union auszubauen.

Nach dem Brexit:
Weltweite Warnungen vor Abschwung und Finanzpanik

Von Andre Damon, 28. Juni 2016

Seit dem Brexit hält auf den weltweiten Finanzmärkten eine Verkaufswelle an. Die Warnungen vor einer Verschärfung der Weltwirtschaftskrise werden schärfer.

Großbritanniens EU-Austritt erschüttert die Finanzmärkte

Von Andre Damon, 28. Juni 2016

Das britische Pfund sank auf den tiefsten Stand seit 31 Jahren, die europäischen Aktienkurse rutschten in den Keller und die amerikanischen Indizes verloren alle Kursgewinne des letzten Jahres.

Rechte Volkspartei wird stärkste Kraft in Spanien

Von Alejandro Lopez, 28. Juni 2016

Für Unidos Podemos ist das Wahlergebnis besonders beschämend. Diese Vereinigung wurde nach der Wahl im Dezember 2015 aus der stalinistischen Vereinten Linken und Podemos mit gegründet, um die PSOE auszustechen.

Other Languages


Oppose the coup plot against Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn

28 June 2016

With the ruling elite facing its deepest political crisis since World War 2, the highest echelons of the British state have concluded that no oppositional sentiment to austerity, militarism and war can be tolerated.

Earlier Perspectives »

Arts Review

Free State of Jones: Three cheers!

By Joanne Laurier, 28 June 2016

Gary Ross’s film is a fictional account of an intriguing, but little known chapter in American history.

25 April: Animated documentary on New Zealand’s role in the Gallipoli invasion

SEP (Australia) Election Campaign

SEP rallies present socialist answer to war and austerity

By our reporters, 28 June 2016

For the first time, the SEP streamed the Sydney meeting live on its Facebook page, enabling people to participate across Australia and internationally.

US presidential candidate Jerry White addresses SEP election rallies in Australia

28 June 2016

Jerry White spoke to Australian audiences on the need for the international unity of the working class against war, inequality and the capitalist system.

Participants at SEP rallies speak about war, Brexit, the social crisis

By our reporters, 28 June 2016

Workers and youth attending the Socialist Equality Party’s final election meetings in Australia discuss major political and historical questions.

Download the Socialist Equality Party How-To-Vote card

28 June 2016

Download the SEP How-To-Vote cards for the Senate in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, and for the lower house electorates of Grayndler and Blaxland in Sydney, and Wills in Melbourne.

Socialist Alternative promotes Labor and the Greens as “lesser evil”

The Australian election’s “save Medicare” fraud

Video: The Australian election and the fight against the danger of world war

More on the Australian federal election »

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

Social roots of the West Virginia floods

By Naomi Spencer, candidate for the West Virginia House of Delegates and District 16, 28 June 2016

Every “natural disaster” contains within it a social disaster. As with Hurricane Katrina, or the lead contamination of Flint, Michigan, the flooding in West Virginia reveals the real class relations of American society.

Southern West Virginia communities devastated by flash floods

Clinton’s right-wing economic agenda and the fight for socialism

By Jerry White—SEP candidate for US president, 24 June 2016

Socialist Equality Party election campaign: Naomi Spencer for West Virginia House of Delegates, 16th District!

22 June 2016

Video: The demise of Sanders’ “political revolution”

By Jerry White—Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president, 21 June 2016

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »

Workers Struggles

Grocery workers vote to strike in Southern California

By Jake Dean and Toby Reese, 28 June 2016

After three months without a contract, grocery workers at Albertsons, Ralphs and Vons vote to strike.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

28 June 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature

Taiwanese airline cabin crews strike

Nurses unions shut down emerging strike wave

Minnesota nurses union ends strike without new contract


Amid mass abstention, right-wing PP wins Spanish elections

By Alejandro López, 27 June 2016

Divided Supreme Court rejects challenge to affirmative action

By Tom Carter, 27 June 2016

Michigan governor signs Detroit Public Schools dissolution measures
Judge Rhodes, Democrats try to pacify Detroit teachers

By Nancy Hanover, 27 June 2016

“Public education is not a business, it is a right”
Detroit teachers and parents speak out against public school reorganization

Bernie Sanders confirms he will vote for Clinton

By Patrick Martin, 25 June 2016

People’s Summit in Chicago: Preparing the switch from Sanders to Clinton

Political lessons of the Sanders campaign

More the 2016 US elections »

25 years ago: Scores killed in Yugoslav civil war

Combat planes deployed by Yugoslav federal armed forces bombed Slovenia’s main airports in Ljubljana on June 28, 1991, in the first concerted air attack in Europe since World War II.

More »

50 years ago: Military coup in Argentina

On June 28, 1966 President Arturo U. Illia was overthrown in a military coup and replaced with a three-man military junta, which named retired General Juan Carlos Ongania as the new chief of state.

More »

75 years ago: US government raids Minneapolis Trotskyists

On June 27, 1941 FBI agents and US marshals raided the headquarters of the Socialist Workers Party, then the American section of the world Trotskyist movement, in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

More »


100 years ago: Mass strike in Germany over Liebknecht conviction

Responding to the secret trial and conviction of Karl Liebknecht for his revolutionary opposition to the First World War, 55,000 workers in Berlin took strike action on June 29, 1916.

More »

The UK Brexit Referendum

Fascist killer of Labour MP Jo Cox to stand trial for murder

By Robert Stevens, 24 June 2016

The EU referendum and the murder of British MP Jo Cox

Chris Marsden speaks at the Humboldt University in Berlin
The Brexit referendum and the struggle for socialism

The significance of the Brexit referendum for the European working class

More on the UK Brexit referendum »


Recent developments in science: Particle physics, climate science, galactic astronomy
Evidence hints at existence of fourth neutrino

By our reporters, 24 June 2016

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

The Socialist Equality Party (Germany) stands candidates for the Berlin state elections

By Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 31 May 2016

Support the election campaign of the Socialist Equality Party in Berlin! Vote against war and militarism!