Welcome to Parecon Watch,
Parecon - short for Participatory Economics - is a vision for how to conduct economic affairs consistent with liberatory values including solidarity, diversity, equity, self management, ecological sustainability, peace, and classlessness.
On this page you can find quite a lot of material about parecon, and links to other pages that in turn have much more, as well.
If there is anything you think that should be directly linked from here, which is not, please let us know.
Some In Depth Parecon
Latest Parecon
Emanuele: Activism and vision: an interview with Michael Albert
Interview on vision and strategy on how to move forward on the left
People now fighting economic injustice have no right to decide how future people should live
Albert: Participatory Economics Part 2: Addressing Criticisms
If Parecon is determined unworthy or un-implementable, okay - it should be dismissed as a vision and used only as a source of possible partial insights. But if it is both worthy and viable, it should be shared widely as a vision, and, in that capacity, help movements to win a better world
The following interview was conducted over Skype between Michael Albert and Michael Galli who teaches a class on media at Rivendell Academy, a 7-12 interstate public school on the Vermont/New Hampshire border, and his students.
Albert: Participatory Economics Part 1: Origins, Heritage, and Substance
The origins and heritage of participatory economics, the logical basis for its components, peoples' problems with it, and why people should care about it
Parecon Interviews
Emanuele: Activism and vision: an interview with Michael Albert
Interview on vision and strategy on how to move forward on the left
People now fighting economic injustice have no right to decide how future people should live
Albert: Participatory Economics Part 2: Addressing Criticisms
If Parecon is determined unworthy or un-implementable, okay - it should be dismissed as a vision and used only as a source of possible partial insights. But if it is both worthy and viable, it should be shared widely as a vision, and, in that capacity, help movements to win a better world
The following interview was conducted over Skype between Michael Albert and Michael Galli who teaches a class on media at Rivendell Academy, a 7-12 interstate public school on the Vermont/New Hampshire border, and his students.
Some Parecon Debates
Beyond Economy
Parecon Blogs
Sandstrom: A Vision Liberated from Markets
Last Thursday (Feb 16) my article” A Utopia Liberated from...
Sandstrom: Parecon Sweden and PPS-UK at Stockholm Socialist Forum
On November 19ththe yearly Socialist Forum took place in Stockholm....
Dominick: Small is Beautiful… Can Big Be, Too?
[Cross-posted from Future Economy Blog.] Recently I’ve noticed economic observers...
Lonnie Atkinson's
Parecon Rap Album:
Intro / Bury TINA
Class Dismissed / No Gangsters
...and much more!
"This is what we're talkin about..."
Michael Albert
Recent ParVideo
Albert: The Financial Crash and the Always-Crisis
Even before the financial and economic crisis in 2008 capitalism has been in crisis See more →
Albert: Participatory Economy – An Alternative to the Always-Crisis
Interview on participatory economy for German/European TV - Part One. See more →
Albert: Participatory Economics: Alternative to Capitalism?
Co-founder of the participatory economics theory, Michael Albert, talks about... See more →
Some Anarchist Criticisms
Various anarchists have at times registered concerns about parecon. The following four essays address these concerns.
Vision Per Se? -should we have any institutional vision at all
Origin and Style? - questioning parecon's source and approach
Too Capitalist? - questioning pareconish remuneration and allocation
Structural and Strategic Flaws? - addresses concerns about strategy