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It is possible, desirable, and even essential for progressives as a whole group to simultaneously work to ensure that Trump loses and the left grows
If and when that new, neo-fascist party fields its charismatic presidential candidate, that will be the most important election of our lives
The hard line policies agreed upon by the bureaucratic and financial elites in spite of the people ultimately undermined the stability of the system
In the wake of Brexit, what will Merkel now do?
In an internal “dissent channel cable,” 51 State Department officers called for “targeted military strikes” against the government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, a proposal that President Barack Obama has thus far resisted. However, were he to accept the cable’s advice, he would risk a dangerous – possibly catastrophic – confrontation with Russia. And, such a use of military Read more…
A guide to Spain’s election
The insurgent left has also shown that it is here to stay
Brexit is a blow to the powers that be in Brussels, and adds wind to the sails of progressive forces within the EU as well as reactionary forces, no matter what political strategy progressive forces opt for
The debate about Brexit was never about values or principles – it was about money. It still is
Interview on how military interventions in the Middle East created refugee streams to Europe that were in turn used by the anti-immigrant right to stir up xenophobia
The potential for Brexit to produce toxic results for everybody is greater than it looks, because it is one more source of instability in a region already under great pressures
Appointees by Clinton and Wasserman Schulz resoundingly reject numerous proposals put forth by Sanders surrogates
If the EU leadership goes the route of tit for tat and tries to punish Britain, Brexit will be the first round of a very unhappy story.
Apparently, the army fears, that with the many who lie and are released each year, the number of conscientious objectors will double and maybe even reach the number of six
The left must face the new political circumstances and highlight the social and economic problems facing working people
The truth is that we have far more power than we’re told, we just don’t have it where we’re told to look for it
However, real change does not come about only through conquering institutions, but through gaining support from a mobilized society. What remains of all our outrage? A regime in crisis, not ready yet to fall, but ready to be reconfigured
You will know our presidents and presidential candidates by the company they keep
Democratic Hillary Clinton supporters got churlish when they heard media reports last spring that Clinton was favored over Donald Trump by the right-wing billionaire Charles Koch and by leading arch-imperial foreign policy neoconservatives like Robert Kagan, Max Boot, and Eliot Cohen. But unpleasant as many mainstream corporate and Clintonite Democrats might find such “strange bedfellow” Read more…
EVENTS SOCIALISM – The Socialism Conference is scheduled for July 1-4 in Chicago, featuring talks and panel discussions. Contact: [email protected]; CUBA – The 27th Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba is traveling through the US from July 5-15. The Caravan will educate about the important role US citizens can play in lifting the U.S. blockade Read more…
That Nixon facilitated the ousting of Allende via collusion with the Chilean military and Allende’s political enemies comes as no surprise to students of the American war in Vietnam
In June 1942, a pair of German university students formed the White Rose, a German resistance movement that used a series of leaflets to decry Nazi militarism and call for an end to the war.
Americans understand that Memorial Day, or “Decoration Day,” as my parents called it, has something to do with honoring the nation’s war dead. It is also a day devoted to picnics, road races, commencements, and double-headers. But where did it begin, who created it, and why?
In Los Angeles during the 1992 uprising, many longtime Mexican American residents said, “We’re not the ones rioting, it’s those immigrants”—meaning Mexicans and Central Americans. At a rally where Dolores Huerta was speaking, an African American woman stood and screamed angrily at Huerta, “Go back to Mexico. We need our jobs.” Incidents like theseand there Read more…
Sullivan claims that the NYT has and should maintain “abiding attention to society’s have nots.” To the war on labor and decline of labor unions, which they have scanted for years?
The U.S. chose an almost undamaged city full of civilians as the target that would best bring the Japanese to their knees. Now that is something to “ponder,” as Obama suggested, but chose not to do. It doesn’t take much pondering to begin to wonder whether incinerating thousands of civilians might not be a war crime
The devastating wars raging across the Middle East can be explained in large part by America’s commitment to a doctrine of global militarism called “full spectrum dominance
The news is full of tragic and shocking stories of the flight of refugees, such as the 12.6 million Syrians internally or externally displaced and 800 drowned this year in the Aegean sea. Today, more desperate refugees are seeking shelter in Europe than at any time since World War II. According to the United Nations Read more…
Corporate grocery chains are continuing their offensive, with Kroger the latest example. The company wants concessions, even though it doesn’t need them—it’s making record profits and just gave its CEO a handsome raise.
I live in a town of suspenders. The police chief is the current best example. He was just suspended for shooting his buddy in the back
Twenty years ago, none of the pain conditions now presented as requiring opioids would have been presented that way. Nor were between 40 and 52 people a day dying from opioids
The President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, has been suspended from her office while she goes on trial by the Senate. If convicted, she would be removed from office, which is what is meant in Brazil by “impeachment.” Anyone, even Brazilians, who have been trying to follow the last several months of political maneuvering may be excused if they are somewhat confused by the many turns this process has taken
On May 15th of every year, for the past 68 years, Palestinians have commemorated their collective exile from Palestine.
We can be very optimistic. Things like this have happened before and they’ve been overcome
All the xenophobic right wing parties have expressed their enthusiasm for the Brexit, which is going to give them more push
Gun safety advocates who until now have relied largely on traditional lobbying need to broaden their strategy to include partnerships with gun owners and civil disobedience
Why are some women more invisible than others? To grow new anti-patriarchal movements like Black Lives Matter, we need to start opening our eyes
Gulf governments to whom Britain and especially David Cameron have traditionally grovelled took a predictably rosy view of Britain’s potential catastrophe.
The majority vote by Britons to leave the European Union was an act of raw democracy
The Dems’ campaign should inspire nothing but cynicism — our gun problem has nothing to do with terror watch lists
The coalition between Podemos and IU (called “Unidos Podemos” – Together We Can) is the only one that, on 26 June, could overturn the situation created by the 20 December Spanish election. In order to do that, Podemos and IU have agreed on a 50-point programme to end austerity and bring democracy to the country. Read more…
Since the June 7 California primary, the historic upheaval that coalesced around Bernie Sanders’ campaign has continued to defy the demands of the political establishment, but has also increasingly turned into a search for the way forward. After a powerful, year-long mass campaign over the hostile terrain of a rigged primary, our political revolution is at Read more…
A major crack has appeared in the edifice of globalization, and the neoliberal order that has dominated the world’s economy since the end of World War II is now in danger
Sanders tells Stephen he is still very much a candidate for the nomination, and will take his 1900 delegates to the convention to push for change
So what started as a gamble by David Cameron on an outlet for domestic British discontent, to be used as a lever to bargain with Brussels for a few more favors, has metastasized into an astonishing political earthquake
The Brexit vote was a British affair (and promises to be a messy one). The Spanish election is a continental affair that will have reverberations worldwide.
What I have called the violence of organized forgetting signals how contemporary politics are those in which emotion triumphs over reason, and spectacle over truth, thereby erasing history
Some are left asking, “What has happened to my home?”
Those on the front line must be defended, by us, the people, the community
A decade after its formation, can Germany’s Die Linke manage its contradictions and live up to its promise?