Stein calls Britain Vote a Wake-up Call

The Brexit vote is a direct result of the effects of neoliberalism on economically stressed voters harmed by decades of austerity, corporate free trade and globalization that serves the economic elite. The deplorable and dangerous anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-refugee anger that neoliberalism generates can only be effectively ended through the construction of a new, more democratic, ecological, and socially just Europe. In this, I strongly support the work of the Green parties of Scotland and of England and Wales in working with progressive forces for a new European democracy to stand against both neoliberalism and neofascism In reality, immigrants are themselves refugees from neoliberal militarism and economic domination – and have been forced to flee their homelands in search of safety and economic survival. The only answer to this crisis is truly progressive policies – fair trade agreements, economic equality and security including the right to a job at living wages, health care and education as human rights, the cancellation of student debt, and respect for the needs and rights of immigrants. We must honor diversity and stop causing the immigration crisis through predatory economic and military policies of neoliberalism.  In order to achieve progressive policies that can address the growing crisis, we must also demand real democracy, both in the EU and the US. Only then can we begin to create an America and a world that works for all of us, that puts people, planet and peace over profit. Continue reading

Jill Stein Opposes Supreme Court on Immigration

Jill Stein, the presumptive Green Party nominee for President, harshly criticized the Supreme Court decision today that blocks President Obama's effort to protect more than 4 million undocumented immigrant parents from the threat of deportation "Our nation of immigrants needs a just immigration system that won't allow the ruling elite to divide working people. That means halting deportations, passing the DREAM Act, and creating legal status and a path to citizenship for hard-working, law-abiding undocumented immigrants," said Stein. Stein said if elected President, she would seek to reinstate the administrative protections against such deportations and appoint a US Supreme Court Justice that would uphold the constitution and protect the needs of average people. Continue reading

Stein Calls Latest Gray Verdict "A Sickening Miscarriage of Justice"

Stein Calls Latest Gray Verdict "A Sickening Miscarriage of Justice and Horrific Case of Police Violence." In response to the acquittal of Officer Caesar Goodson Jr., who was facing the most serious charges of the six officers indicted in Gray's death, presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein issued the following statement. Continue reading

Jill Stein Opposes Supreme Court Ruling on Immigrants

Jill Stein, the presumptive Green Party nominee for President, harshly criticized the Supreme Court decision today that blocks President Obama's effort to protect more than 4 million undocumented immigrant parents from the threat of deportation "Our nation of immigrants needs a just immigration system that won't allow the ruling elite to divide working people. That means halting deportations, passing the DREAM Act, and creating legal status and a path to citizenship for hard-working, law-abiding undocumented immigrants," said Stein. Continue reading

Jill Stein on CNN New Day

Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein explains the difference between her and Bernie Sanders. "He was trying to have a revolutionary campaign in a counter-revolutionary party," Stein says. "I'm basically inside a revolutionary party that supports this agenda."

Stein Statement on Failure of Senate to Pass Common Sense Restrictions on Gun Violence

"Today the Senate decided to continue to be an accomplice to domestic terror of all stripes - whether motivated by racism, homophobia, anti-immigrant bias, misogyny, pseudoreligous fervor, or violent psychopathology. "Congress has given a thumbs up to mass murder for decades, with over 80 people dying each day from needless gun violence, by allowing easy access to dangerous assault weapons and refusing to require universal background checks. Continue reading

Dr. Jill Stein secures Green Presidential nomination, rises to 5% in national poll

June 15, 2016 The Jill Stein for President campaign announced today that Dr. Jill Stein has secured enough delegates to win the Green Party’s Presidential nomination at the party’s upcoming national convention. After a week in which she won the majority of Green delegates in California, New York, and Maryland, Dr. Stein has the support of 203 delegates, enough to win the nomination on the first ballot at the Green Party’s Presidential Nominating Convention in Houston August 4-7. The nomination is not official until then. Dr. Stein said that a June 12 NBC poll showing her at 5% nationally, up from 2% in a PPP poll in mid-May, was an unmistakable sign that her campaign was gaining momentum. “With a tiny fraction of the money and free media attention available to Clinton and Trump, we’ve earned the support of millions of Americans and we’re growing fast,” said Stein. Continue reading

Dr. Jill Stein's statement on Orlando mass shooting

Jill Stein, presumptive Green Party Presidential candidate, released the following statement about the recent mass shooting in Orlando: Martin Luther King Jr said that peace is not the lack of violence. It's the presence of justice. Continue reading

Media Advisory: Jill Stein to visit Capital Region of NY

Dr Jill Stein will make a number of appearances this weekend in the Capital Region of New York. She will be a guest on Democracy Now! on Thursday morning. Continue reading

Stein Vows Legal challenge to State of Arizona efforts to keep Green Party off the ballot

Jill Stein, who is seeking the Green Party nomination for President, said her campaign would sue the State of Arizona if they fail to put the Green Party on the ballot this November. Continue reading