- published: 30 Oct 2015
- views: 2377
Tursi (Greek: Thyrsoi) is a town and comune in the province of Matera, in the southern Italian region of Basilicata.
In the 9th century it was a stronghold of the Saracens in southern Italy.
In 968, Tursi became the capital of the Byzantine theme of Lucania and the seat of the bishop was transferred there from Anglona.
Within the present municipality of Tursi there was a Greek colony called Pandosia, inland from the younger and more powerful Greek colony of Heraclea, so that it was in vicinity of Pandosia that what is known as the Battle of Heraclea was fought in 280 BC. It was destroyed in the Social War (90–88 BC).
The town of Anglona later arose on its ruins, the first documentary evidence of the name being of the year 747: locus qui dicitur Anglonum. In 410 it was destroyed by the troops of Odoacer, and in the 9th century a Saracen raid led to its temporary abandonment. The Byzantine reconquest under Emperor Nikephoros II Phokas of what became the (theme of Lucania in about 968, made Tursi the capital of the theme. The seat of the bishopric was moved from Anglona to the new capital. At the end of the 11th century, the bishop's seat was again moved to Anglona, which held a better strategic position. It was at this time that the prestigious sanctuary church of Saint Mary of Anglona was built on the site of an earlier church. However, in the following centuries Anglona declined and Tursi became again more important. After some leading figures in Tursi actually destroyed the town of Anglona, the seat of the bishop was transferred again to Tursi by decrees of 1545 and 1546, which however required that Anglona was to have first place in the denomination of was then called the Diocese of Anglona and Tursi. A restructuring of the dioceses of Basilicata on 8 September 1976 included a change of the name to Diocese of Tursi-Lagonegro, making Anglona a titular see.
La città della Rabatana - Tursi #matera2019
Tursi insediamento monsignor Orofino
TURSI, Madonna Anglona venuta 2016, di nicola crispino
Tursi Fashion Tour 2016
Tursi (Matera). La terra del silenzio 1/3 | BUON VENTO di Sabrina Merolla
Tursi in Piazza
Tursi Ft Styfix - Nou aimé [Street Video] - APMC PROD
Ruth Koleva + DJ Darkstep - Не Ме Търси // Ne Me Tursi
Il Limoncello di Tursi (MT)
Bassnectar - Hold On Ft. TURSI
Vincitore concorso "Tursi la città della Rabatana - Crocevia della religione cristiana e islamica" - Basìraba il progetto per le rabatane lucane. HiRes: https://vimeo.com/143476813 music: Jacobe Montague - Overwhelming Wheel equipment: TBS Discovery Pro Go Pro Hero 4 Black Homemade Arduino Slider
1° parte di 3. Vi porto con me in uno dei viaggi più intensi ed emozionanti che abbia mai fatto. Seguitemi a Tursi, un borgo millenario lucano arroccato sui declivi di una roccia arenaria, in una vallata compresa tra il fiume Agri e il fiume Sinni nelle terre del silenzio, dove scorre l'eco della voce del poeta. Il mio viaggio continua... Buon Vento! MY CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIgk5Cro1DfKlwCQ45X633A MY BLOG http://www.sabrinamerolla.com FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/sabrinamerolla TWITTER http://www.twitter.com/sabrinamerolla INSTAGRAM http://www.instagram.com/sabrinamerolla
30 luglio 2016
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OUT NOW! - http://www.bassnectar.net Presenting Noise vs Beauty: a 15 song journey which spans the spectrum of music from hardcore noise hysteria to lush, ethereal beauty -- and many points in between. I collaborated with over 50 different human beings on this collection, and it is without a doubt my favorite album to date! I hope it brings you happiness :) love, Lorin Get NVSB direct + CD/Vinyl/Gear - http://www.bassnectar.net/store Download via iTunes - http://smarturl.it/NvsB Read my album liner notes while you listen! - http://www.bassnectar.net/?p=18268
15 Luglio 2010 La settimana dei diritti di Genova si apre con il concerto degli Avion Travel a Palazzo Tursi, vi proponiamo alcuni spezzoni dello spettacolo accompagnati dall'intervista al cantante Peppe Servillo. "Da tempo si collocano tra le più originali esperienze musicali italiane. Il gruppo campano intreccia il suo percorso di ricerca artistica con una riconosciuta sensibilità per i temi di interesse sociale e un costante impegno civile. "Bellosguardo" rappresenta il manifesto musicale della band." www.genovacittadeidiritti.it
Montescaglioso is a wonderful little town in basilicata. in this video I tell about a business journey over there with my friends Gerry and Gianvincenzo.
Promotional Video created and promoted by the cultural association NiclaTouring. A virtual and emotional journey in the beautiful City of the Sassi and Basilicata, a land waiting to be discovered!
….E il viaggio continua inarrestabile per il quattordicesimo anno consecutivo alla scoperta di nuove strade luoghi e paesaggi . Per il 2016 il nostro “movimento lento” scenderà nel sud dell’Italia lungo la costa adriatica jonica e tirrenica attraversando Marche Abruzzo Molise Puglia Basilicata Calabria.Da Borgonovo Val Tidone lungo la pianura padana ai rilievi del monte Conero a porto Recanati ai saliscendi di Pescara sulla ciclabile di Punta Aderci alla frastagliata costa del Gargano con fermata obbligatoria a Vieste.Proseguendo sugli altopiani pugliesi delle Murge con i famosi trulli, scaleremo i sassi di Matera per tuffarci a Scansano nel mar Jonio.Da qui il nostro viaggio seguirà pedalata dopo pedalata il famoso itinerario del film Basilicata Coast to Coast con le località di Tursi ...
tuscany, tourism, travel
Want to read all pages of Carmela's Cucina Paperback – November 1, 2005 online just visit this link : http://tukukene.website/read/?id=1932472355 Carmela's Cucina Online Book Author : Carmela's Cucina: Carmela Tursi Hobbins: 9781932472356: : Books Plot : Publisher: Nodin Press (November 1, 2005) 84k494m84r Language : ISBN-10: 1932472355 Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 9 x 7.8 inches ...
Adolf Hitler is still alive
Ooooogh - sssssh
I slept with her last night
Come out from behind
that false mustache, Adolf
I know your’re in there
ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
You favor life
He sides with Death
I straddle the fence
and my balls hurt