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Stephen Miller: Hillary Clinton a Corrupt ‘Economic Globalist’ Who Enriches Herself by ‘Selling Out America’


During his appearance on Breitbart News Sunday, Stephen Miller, senior policy adviser to Donald Trump, finds Big Media’s coverage of the Brexit vote as unsatisfactory as its coverage of the U.S. presidential campaign. He cited CNN’s coverage of Trump’s major speech last week as an example.

“Mr. Trump did a speech recently, laying out some of the most important facts from the book Clinton Cash, and also drawing some linkages between Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street ties and some of her trade decisions,” Miller told SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon. “I think that CNN has an obligation to talk about what these trade deals have done to our working class, and to make Hillary Clinton answer for her support for NAFTA, her support for China, her support for normalizing trade relations with Vietnam, her support for the TPP, her support for the Korean deal, her support for the Columbia deal — shall I go on?”


“Now, on the point about Brexit, the people of Britain, as Mr. Trump said, have chosen to declare their independence — to reassert control over their trade deals, over their immigration policies, and over all domestic procedures. And now he’s calling on Americans to do the same thing for their own country,” Miller continued.

Noting that the Trump campaign has been meeting with evangelical leaders, Bannon asked if religious conservatives have lost most of their influence in Washington because “there are many evangelicals out there that just decided, hey, I don’t want to get involved politics.”

“The evangelical movement in America has been, arguably, one of the most engaged political communities that we have,” Miller replied. “And oftentimes up against really extraordinary odds — a media class that mocks and demeans people of faith, and a political class that is not attuned to their concerns, and often pushes an agenda counter to their concerns. Obviously, a good example of that would be ObamaCare.”

“So we need to have all of our voters, including our evangelical voters and our Catholic voters, engage — and what are we going to do? We’re going to repeal ObamaCare, which we know has been a major point of concern for communities of faith. We’re going to appoint judges who are going to support our Constitution, and the protection it affords, to people of faith. And we’re not going to get wrapped up in global financial institutions that put the altar of world GDP above the concerns of people of faith, and Christian people, in our own country,” Miller said.

Immigration control was a major topic in the Brexit campaign, and of course it has been a big part of Trump’s presidential campaign, giving Miller another opportunity to draw a parallel. He noted that in Trump’s New York City speech last Wednesday, he “talked about the effect that Hillary Clinton’s immigration plan was going to have on working people in general, and poor Hispanics and African-Americans in particular, and framing it in explicitly economic terms and quality-of-life terms.”

“If you look at what was successful for Brexit, it was that same thing — understanding immigration as an issue of quality-of-life, and your ability to have control over resources and your community, and to have some semblance of upward mobility,” Miller said.

He praised Breitbart News for getting involved early with issues that other media outlets tended to downplay or ignore. “You did Breitbart London, and you brought Nigel Farage to the United States,” he recalled. “You hosted a dinner, I was privileged enough to be at it. I remember because I was working for Jeff Sessions at the time, and he was seated right next to Nigel, and he talked about what he was going to do in the UK and how many believed that would be possible. And I share that only to say — it’s going to sound like a motivational speech, but it’s true — to all the voters out there: the only limits to what we can achieve is what we believe we can achieve.”

Miller addressed criticism of Trump’s journey to the Turnberry golf course in Scotland, on the eve of the Brexit vote, by picturing it as a symbolic rejection of attacks against his business record.

“He went there to support his son, and also it was a chance to talk about Brexit in the United Kingdom,” said Miller. “It’s funny how Hillary Clinton and others try and diminish Donald Trump’s business record, and yet he has just acquired the most important piece of property that’s undeveloped in Washington, D.C. — the old Post Office building. He’s acquired one of the most historic, magical golf courses on the face of the Earth. He has the most iconic piece of property in the New York City skyline, and one of them in the Chicago skyline, and all across the country. So it really is a testament to his skills as a businessman.”

He anticipated that Trump’s promised series of major policy speeches will present a sharp contrast with Hillary Clinton — “the difference between the darkest of nights and the brightest of dawns.”

Bannon brought up a series of damaging revelations against Clinton over the past few weeks, including the confirmation that Clinton destroyed official emails, in defiance of sworn statements to the contrary; edited her official calendar as Secretary of State to conceal politically inconvenient meetings with big-money donors; and arranged for an unqualified donor to sit on an important national security council.

“It’s hard to get your head around corruption on that kind of global scale,” said Miller. “It’s interesting, Hillary Clinton is not only a globalist, she’s also involved in global international corruption. It’s one thing to be an economic globalist and pursue policies to the detriment of the American people. It’s a whole other thing to be engaged in a scheme of international global corruption to personally and financially profit from selling out America.”

“The level of effort that she went to, to conceal her activities — everything you just mentioned, and also the work on, of course, the private email server, which put every American at risk — obviously demonstrates a guilty conscience,” he continued. “In other words, you don’t try and hide foreign donations, and meetings with donors, and all of your emails, if everything you’re doing is above-board. That is so common-sense, and so obvious to anybody, that I think it would be impossible for a reasonable person to deny that statement.”

He added that the real reason Clinton deleted almost 30,000 emails, ostensibly because they were personal communications unrelated to her job as Secretary of State, “is almost certainly to cover up the corrupt dealings that are documented in Clinton Cash and elsewhere.”

“You cannot elevate someone to the presidency who has not only been engaged in documented widespread international corruption, but then has engaged in a systematic effort, at the expense of U.S. national security, to delete, hide, and conceal the records of said corruption,” Miller declared. “That would just be unimaginable, to take somebody involved in that kind of behavior — which, again, has put every single American at risk — and then give them a promotion.”

Bannon asserted that the primary purpose of Clinton’s homebrew email server was to thwart Freedom of Information Act requests from groups like Judicial Watch and Citizens United — which seem much more interested in filing FOIA requests against Clinton and the Obama Administration than left-wing “good government” groups that were active during Republican administrations.

“The irony is that Hillary Clinton has found whole new ways to get special interests involved in politics and to corrupt our political system with money,” Miller pointed out. “At least other politicians simply rely on campaign contributions when it comes to quid pro quo. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton actually got rich themselves doing it, putting money in their own personal pockets. Bill Clinton gives some speech somewhere, all have business in front of the State Department, Hillary Clinton renders a favorable decision, and then they pocket the cash.”

“Where is Chuck Schumer or Harry Reid?” he asked, referring to Democrat politicians who often complain about the nefarious influence of money in politics. “I think you would be hard-pressed to find an example in American history of a politician who had engaged in more questionable ethical financial dealings than Hillary Clinton — and that is the politest way possible to put it.”

Miller said it was significant that Trump’s first major campaign speech against Clinton focused so heavily upon corruption. “That will be a major theme moving forward,” he promised. “At the end of the day, I don’t think that the American people are going to promote somebody who not only engaged in enterprise corruption, but who engaged in enterprise corruption in order to make herself wealthy at the expense of the country.”

“It’s not just extraordinary corruption. It’s extraordinary corruption for the purpose of hurting America,” Miller said.

Breitbart News Sunday airs from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern time on Sirius XM Patriot Channel 125.



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