I use to testify as a
Use of Force Expert and there is a lot of talk about
how this cop shot this guy in the back. I try and explain what may be going on in the cops head and
point out things that many will not be aware of of or may not take into consideration.
This cop was reacting to highly evolving dangerous life or death situation, taking into account his training, experience,out numbered, at night, limited light conditions, having to use a flashlight to see, being alone, not being able to take a two handed grip, uncooperative suspects, armed suspect, policy, the law, not wanting to hurt the other suspect that was not armed, high stress, flight or fight response, survival instincts, elevated heart rate, tunnel vision, loss of peripheral vision, auditory exclusion (loss of hearing blocking out
the loud gunfire and voices), blood loss to extremities, stress tremors from adrenaline rush, loss of oxygen to brain and more complex thinking and memory, all
CNS going to survival mode trying to make him faster stronger and increase his odds of survival, his brain working on primitive survival mode, not on
Lawyer and
Police Makers mode on Monday morning picking apart his split second decisions.
So when people say he was wrong or right, they really have very little knowledge of all the factors that go into these situations. As to the Expert team, that is what the courts called me, not that I know every thing and
I am always right, it is a standard of the court that a person that has special training or experience in a certain area, and has more knowledge than the average person, then they can be quantified as an expect for court purposes.
I have some of my experience listed on my gun page here:
REMEMBER: I am doing this evaluation from the video ONLY. I do not have near the information other will have like interviews of passenger, criminal history of suspect, reason for stop, officers past experience or training, comments made by either suspects, what the officer saw that he did not verbalize, possible other cameras in the area that may have different angles of incident, if the suspect was on parole or probation, the suspect history of violence, tattoos that may have identified the suspect as a prison trained suspect or gang member affiliation, clothes that may have indicated gang involvement, statements made by either suspect during the encounter, type of weapon, were there other weapons, knives, clubs or other guns, were the suspects under the influence of drugs or alcohol, metal issues was the person a
EDP (see my video on EDPs), where was the suspect going, where was he coming from, was the gun stolen, who's gun was it, what did the suspect say before the cop got to car and why the passenger was moving around so much, lots of additional information may clear some things up and may answer or justify questions I mentioned. This is very superficial review based on only one piece of evidence (the video).
Let's be clear here, the Cop was on duty, performing his duties and within the scope of his duties, he did not cause this to happened, he responded to the actions and he reacted with limited vision, light, information and without backup. The cop was not out looking for kicks on a Sat night. Had he not contacted this guy there is no way of knowing if someone would have killed in a robbery, assault, drive by shooting or other violent act.
Anyone that thinks or tries to make this dead guy the poor victim is an idiot and anyone that falls that lie is an idiot.
Just making an educated guess here: The suspect was NOT a first time offender, he had a lengthy rap sheet (criminal history of arrest and convictions), he was on parole or probation, he did prior time in custody probably both local and prison time, he had tattoos, he was possessing the gun unlawfully and has done more crime than he has ever been caught doing. His license was probably suspended and he had drugs on his body, in his car or in his system. So called me whatever, but if you call me right then you have a brain.
This incident was caused, carried out and escalated by the
Suspect. His refusal to comply, cooperate and his ACTIONS caused and created the reactions of the cop. There were at least 20 times all of this could have stopped, he could have put his hands up and said I give up at any time during this entire incident - he didn't and I assure YOU, if the suspect could have
WON, could have shot the cop or could have got the advantage, HE WOULD HAVE - and we could crying about the poor cop that died and poor killer that had a rough life and his daddy left him and his mommy did not hug him.
- published: 01 Mar 2015
- views: 3584