- published: 08 Oct 2013
- views: 5235
Geir Hilmar Haarde (Icelandic pronunciation: [ˈceːir̥ ˈhɪlmar̥ ˈhɔrtɛ]; born 8 April 1951) is an Icelandic politician and former head of government. In August 2014 he was appointed Ambassador of Iceland to the United States and several Latin American countries. He took office on 23 February 2015. Geir was Prime Minister of Iceland from 15 June 2006 to 1 February 2009 and Chairman of the Icelandic Independence Party from 2005 to 2009. Geir initially led a coalition between his party and the Progressive Party. After the 2007 parliamentary election, in which the Independence Party increased its share of the vote, Geir renewed his term as Prime Minister, leading a coalition between his party and the Social Democratic Alliance. That coalition resigned in January 2009 after widespread protests following an economic collapse in October 2008. In September 2010, Geir became the first Icelandic minister to be indicted for misconduct in office, and stood trial before the Landsdómur, a special court for such cases. Originally faced with six charges, he was convicted on one count.
Hrunávarp Geirs H. Haarde ("Guð blessi Ísland")
Steingrímur ræðst á Geir Haarde í þingsal
Geir H. Haarde - fréttamannafundur eftir dómsuppkvaðningu
Davíð Oddsson um Geir Haarde og Kaupþingslánið
Geir Haarde, The Global Economic Crisis: The Case of Iceland
Geir Haarde um efnahagsmál
Hæpid - Geir H. Haarde
Ólafur Hauksson ráðleggur Geir Haarde um framkomu
Helgi Hjörvar spyr Geir Haarde um Seðlabankann
Mánudaginn 6. október 2008 flutti Geir H. Haarde, þáverandi forsætisráðherra, ávarp í sjónvarpi þar sem hann lýsti þeim efnahagserfiðleikum sem Ísland stóð frammi fyrir. Sama dag lagði hann fram frumvarp að neyðarlögum á Alþingi.
Þann 24. nóvember 2008 réðst Steingrímur J. Sigfússon á Geir H. Haarde í þingsal.
About this Event 18 Jun 2009 www.iiea.com Title: The Global Economic Crisis: The Case of Iceland About the speech: Mr Haarde spoke frankly about recent events, moving from the global to the local to the regional in what was a comprehensive analysis of the global economic crisis from an Icelandic perspective. In a wide-ranging talk, he also shared his thoughts on the reform of financial regulation and supervision in Europe, his experience of dealing with the IMF, the likelihood of Iceland joining the European Union and the ways in which we should prepare for economic recovery. About the speaker: Geir H. Haarde was Prime Minister of Iceland from June 2006 to February 2009. A journalist and economist prior to joining Parliament, Mr Haarde has served as both Minister of Fin...
Fréttir Stöðvar 2 - 9. júlí 2008.
Umræður við Geir Haarde um Seðlabankann, 31. október 2008.
Geir H. Haarde var ósáttur við að spurður um evruna snemma árs 2007 og mátti ekki heyra á það minnst að ekki væri nægilegt aðhald í ríkisrjármálum.
A longer version of the interview SVT did with Iceland's Prime Minister, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson. The Uppdrag Granskning crew invited Sigmundur for an interview, exposing the PM's hypocracy of tax evasion. This was all made possible by the recent leak of classified documents, The "Panama Papers". Amoung the over eleven million documents, several high level figures were exposed to be involved in actions allowing them to hide away tax money in offshore tax havens. Some of these people were trusted world leaders and politicians, one of them being current Prime Minister of Iceland! See the incredible interview of the Iceland PM here yourself! The original interview was performed by Swedish Television Channel SVT. The Edit used in this video was put together by Norwegian news agency Aften...
Þann 24. nóvember 2008 réðst Steingrímur J. Sigfússon á Geir H. Haarde í þingsal.
Umræður við Geir Haarde um Seðlabankann, 31. október 2008.
Why does a bleeder cycle across America? List of cities: http://goo.gl/cyW5vG Barry's YouTube interview: http://goo.gl/NC7T1H California News about Barry: http://goo.gl/CZDNFh Information on the progress of a national memorial: http://goo.gl/TwYTdc California News about Barry: http://goo.gl/CZDNFh Barry's Facebook page: http://goo.gl/ujX8PnThe organization Barry is raising money for: http://www.saveonelife.net/
Geir H. Haarde var ósáttur við að spurður um evruna snemma árs 2007 og mátti ekki heyra á það minnst að ekki væri nægilegt aðhald í ríkisrjármálum.
About this Event 18 Jun 2009 www.iiea.com Title: The Global Economic Crisis: The Case of Iceland About the speech: Mr Haarde spoke frankly about recent events, moving from the global to the local to the regional in what was a comprehensive analysis of the global economic crisis from an Icelandic perspective. In a wide-ranging talk, he also shared his thoughts on the reform of financial regulation and supervision in Europe, his experience of dealing with the IMF, the likelihood of Iceland joining the European Union and the ways in which we should prepare for economic recovery. About the speaker: Geir H. Haarde was Prime Minister of Iceland from June 2006 to February 2009. A journalist and economist prior to joining Parliament, Mr Haarde has served as both Minister of Fin...
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Car radio, all acting tough
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