- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 42
Toponymy is the study of place names (toponyms), their origins, meanings, use, and typology.
The word "toponymy" is derived from the Greek words tópos (τόπος) ("place") and ónoma (ὄνομα) ("name"). Toponymy is itself a branch of onomastics, the study of names of all kinds.
Toponym is the general name for any place or geographical entity. Related, more specific types of toponym include hydronym for a body of water and oronym for a mountain or hill. A toponymist is one who studies toponymy.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word "toponymy" first appeared in English in 1876; since then, toponym has come to replace "place-name" in professional discourse among geographers. It can be argued that the first toponymists were the storytellers and poets who explained the origin of specific place names as part of their tales; sometimes place-names served as the basis for the etiological legends. The process of folk etymology usually took over, whereby a false meaning was extracted from a name based on its structure or sounds. Thus, the toponym of Hellespont was explained by Greek poets as being named after Helle, daughter of Athamas, who drowned there as she crossed it with her brother Phrixus on a flying golden ram. The name, however, is probably derived from an older language, such as Pelasgian, which was unknown to those who explained its origin. George R. Stewart theorized, in his book Names on the Globe, that Hellespont originally meant something like "narrow Pontus" or "entrance to Pontus", "Pontus" being an ancient name for the region around the Black Sea, and by extension, for the sea itself.
Toponymy is the study of place names, their origins, meanings, use, and typology. This video is targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video
Disseminates the knowledge about toponymy in the United Nations
Video shows what toponymy means. lexicological study of place names; a branch of onomastics. toponymy synonyms: toponomastics. Toponymy Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say toponymy. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
Performance poet Emmy Ingle performing her poem "Toponymy" at Evidently in The Eagle Inn, Salford. Evidently is Greater Manchester's premier spoken word and poetry night. Providing a platform for both established performance poets and up and coming spoken word artists. Taking place every second Monday of the month at the Eagle Inn, Salford, UK. Hosted by Salford's own Kieren King. Forget what you learned in school. This is poetry at it's best. Please Comment, Like and Subscribe. www.facebook.com/EvidentlySalford twitter.com/EvidentlyHQ
Performance poet Emmy Ingle performing her poem "Toponymy" at Evidently in The Eagle Inn, Salford. Evidently is Greater Manchester's premier spoken word and poetry night. Providing a platform for both established performance poets and up and coming spoken word artists. Taking place every second Monday of the month at the Eagle Inn, Salford. Hosted by Salford's own Kieren King. Forget what you learned in school. This is poetry at it's best. Please Comment, Like and Subscribe. www.facebook.com/EvidentlySalford twitter.com/EvidentlySld
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Toponímia, de Jonathan Perel FOCO LATINO-AMERICANO (2016) Focalizando quatro cidades da província de Tucumán, Argentina, o diretor Jonathan Perel reavalia vestígios da ditadura militar (1976-1983). Em meados dos anos 1970, a região abrigava grupos guerrilheiros, como o Exército Revolucionário do Povo (ERP). Por isso, tornou-se alvo de uma operação militar para sua eliminação, denominada ironicamente “Operação Independência”. Na sequência da repressão, a população local foi deslocada para quatro cidades, que receberam nomes de militares. Quarenta anos depois, observa-se o resultado. **** Toponymy, by Jonathan Perel LATIN AMERICAN SHOWCASE (2016) Focusing on four cities of the Tucumán province in Argentina, director Jonathan Perel reassesses vestiges of the military dictatorship (1976-19...
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A peaceful freshwater spring in the Ko'olau Mts. with some description of its Hawaiian names and legends.