World War 4 Report becomes CounterVortex

World War 4 Report, the news service and digest we founded in the aftermath of 9-11, is being incorporated into a new domain: CounterVortex. We take this move in light of our expanding areas of coverage (beyond our original mandate of the Global War on Terrorism), and to emphasize positive alternatives to the consolidating dystopia. The planet is spiraling into a vortex of ecological collapse, permanent war, and totalitarianism—whether of the techo-security state or the religious and ethnic fundamentalisms that ostensibly oppose it. Through our resistance, we create a counter-vortex, generating movement toward sustainability, peace, and popular democracy.

While we advance a ruthless criticism of all existing reality, this is not an invitation to mere nihilism: in negating the leviathan that is itself negating human freedom and autonomy, we utlimately seek a negation of the negation.

This is something of a reboot, and we call upon our readers to help spread the word of our existence. We must also emphasize that this project still fails to break even, and we must call upon all who appreciate our work to support us with whatever you can.