- published: 17 Mar 2011
- views: 123584
Osaka Prefecture (大阪府, Ōsaka-fu) is a prefecture located in the Kansai region on Honshu, the main island of Japan. The capital is the city of Osaka. It is the center of Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto area. Osaka is one of the two "urban prefectures" (府, fu) of Japan, Kyoto being the other (Tokyo became a "metropolitan prefecture", or to, in 1941).
Until the Meiji Restoration, the area of Osaka prefecture was known as Kawachi, Izumi, and Settsu provinces.
Osaka Prefecture was created on June 21, 1868, at the very beginning of the Meiji era. During the instigation of Fuhanken Sanchisei in 1868, the prefecture received its suffix fu, designating it as an urban prefecture.
On September 1, 1956, the city of Osaka was promoted to a city designated by government ordinance and thereby divided into 24 wards.
In 2000, Fusae Ota became Japan's first female governor when she replaced Knock Yokoyama, who resigned after prosecution for sexual harassment.
On April 1, 2006: the city of Sakai was promoted to a city designated by government ordinance and thereby divided into seven wards.
大阪府 はなわ
日本大阪府觀光情報 1
大阪府警察本部VSヤンキー policia VS garoto barriga no japao
🥗 松井一郎 大阪府知事 囲み会見 【2017年2月24日】
4K 大阪府道2号 大阪中央環状線 内回り(池田方面) 等速 大阪府大東市→門真市→吹田市→池田市
「サービス残業はウソでした」 ・・・大阪府女性職員の大石晃子さん
初音ミクがBad Apple!! feat.nomicoで大阪府の市区町村名を歌います。
🍿 松井一郎 大阪府知事 定例記者会見 【2017年2月22日】
歷史背景--- 1400年來的悠久歷史,大阪自古以來就是一個人群聚集之地。位居四通八達、川流不息的河運、海運線交匯處, 自然而然地, 大阪發展成為一個繁華的經濟中心以及亞洲各國遊客和商人進入日本的門戶。日本人在大阪首次正式與世界展開交流。 大阪的歷史可以追溯到5世紀--- 自5世紀起, 大阪作為日本政治和經濟的中心開始得到繁榮發展。現在的大阪港的前身-難波港, 曾是來自韓國、中國等亞洲其他國家的遊客訪問古代日本的一大門戶。他們帶來了先進的文化知識、手工藝品、以及製陶、冶金、建築及工程方面的新技術。同時, 也帶來了一種新的宗教-佛教, 並很快傳遍了整個日本。 伴隨著佛教的傳播, 聖德王子於西元593年在大阪興建了四天王寺。該寺於是成了與亞洲其他國家開展國際交流的基地。西元645年, 孝德天皇將首都從奈良的飛鳥遷至大阪。他建造了一座名叫"難波宮"的宮殿, 是日本現存的一座最古老的宮殿。儘管後來日本首都又先後被遷往長岡京(京都)、平城京(奈良市)、平安京(京都)、鐮倉、最後遷至江戶(東京) , 而大阪則始終是日本的副都心, 作為與外國開展文化和經濟交流的一大門戶, 起了十分重要的作用。 豐臣秀吉的大阪城--- 西元794年, 日本首都遷至平安京(京都), 平安時代由此開始。這時,在京都和大阪等地建造了大量金碧輝煌的寺院, 同時藝術、手工藝及女性文學(如源氏物語)也繁榮興盛。但到了12世紀後期, 隨著日本步入鐮倉時代, 強大的武士掌控政權後, 首都被遷到了鐮倉, 長達兩個世紀的內戰由此爆發。 14世紀時, 接連不斷的戰火給大阪造成了毀滅性的打擊。後來於1496年, 一個名叫"蓮如"的高僧在大阪上町臺地的高崗上建造了"石山禦坊"(寺院兼僧院) , 後來人們稱之為"石山本願寺", 並將其周圍地區稱作"大阪"(大阪)。其後, "石山本願寺"成為了抵禦敵軍進攻的堅固堡壘。 室町時...
大阪府の北東で大阪市と京都市のほぼ中間に位置し、面積105.31㎢、人口355,045人(2016.2末)の中核市。安土桃山時代、キリシタン大名で知られている高山右近が領主となり、この地でキリスト教が広まったこともあった。江戸時代には高槻城の城下町、西国街道「芥川宿」の宿場町として栄え、明治22年(1889年)の町村制施行に伴い高槻村が成立した。市制を施行したのは昭和18年(1943年)で、平成15年(2003年)には大阪府内では現在政令市の堺市に次いでの2番目の中核市に移行した。 静岡県からのアクセスは、東海道新幹線で京都まで行き、東海道線(京都線)に乗り換え京都から高槻まで「新快速」で約10分。 中心市街地は、JR高槻駅周辺から阪急高槻市駅、国道171号線付近までのエリア。 直線距離で約500mというJR高槻駅と阪急高槻市駅の二つの位置関係が離れすぎず近すぎず、絶妙なバランスを活かした都市だった。 【JR高槻駅】 東海道線(京都線)が乗り入れ、1日当たりの乗車人員(2014年度)は62,874人。駅は地上駅の橋上駅舎で、改札外の南北自由通路が南口と北口を結ぶ。駅ビルは、カフェやクリニックなどが入る地上6階建ての複合ビル「JR高槻駅NKビル」が北口にある。 【アクトモール】 アクトアモーレのビルの中の路面店のほか、大手外食チェーン店などもあった。 【芥川商店街】 全長約200mのアーケードに覆われた庶民的な商店街。 【アクトアモーレ】 再開発事業として2004年にオープンした複合ビル。地下3階、地上30階建てのA棟と、地下3階、地上28階建てのB棟のそれぞれ高さ100mを超える二棟からなり、商業施設と分譲マンションが入る。店舗面積16,505㎡の商業フロアは「アルプラザ高槻」を核として、地上1階から4階に専門店から飲食店、5階と6階にはシネコンの「高槻アレックスシ...
途中1回途切れますm。。m 再生リスト https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr0D8f47L11zecbLxRL0MDSDMbjOTie7K
https://youtu.be/XiXuiLzFcds 話題のミーティングはこちらです(^_^;) 他府県民からしたら大阪弁は輩に感じますわ。
日本人が知らない右翼団体の本当の目的 → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0VeWG2ICJI 論破、喧嘩、ヘイトスピーチ、桜井誠、在特会、
再生リスト https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr0D8f47L11zecbLxRL0MDSDMbjOTie7K
Here is a Japan travel guide on some of the tourist traps in Tokyo and some places you could avoid in Tokyo. I hope the tips and advice gives you a heads up before travelling to Japan and makes your trip a smoother one! :) Places mentioned in order: TOKYO TOWER Option: Instead of paying to go up the tower, enjoy Tokyo Tower from the surroundings - Shiba Park (Shiba koen) - Zozoji Temple or go up other places for free views of Tokyo - Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (in Shinjuku) - Carette Shiodome - Bunkyo Civic Center - Carrot Tower (in Sangenjaya) HARAJUKU TAKESHITADORI Option: Check out the back streets, hidden paths and traditional places - Brahms Path - Harajuku Street (Back streets with vintage shops, second hand shops, hipster hangouts etc) - Tokyu Plaza Rooftop - Meiji S...
Incredible video of Japan with information about the main cities, best places and prices. THANKS FOR WATCHING!!! If you like the content and support the channel, you can give a donation at this link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=4QFST95LX57YJ PLEASE SHARE, LIKE OR SUBSCRIBE FOR SUPPORT THE CHANNEL. In this small travel guide of Japan you can see: Tokyo, Kamakura, Nagoya, Kiso valley, Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Hiroshima and Miyajima Please share this video if it's useful to your friend or the person you know!!! You can get more information in http://www.japan-guide.com/ or http://us.jnto.go.jp/top/index.php Enjoy your Japan trip !!! TRAVEL FOR BEGINNERS Increible vídeo de Japón con información de las ciudades principales, mejores sitios y precios. En est...
Website: http://www.reddragondiaries.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeoulTee Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeoulTee Osaka, Japan is a top destination for travelers interested in Japan. With the third largest population in Japan, Osaka offers diverse choices for "things to do" if visiting. Whether it's food, sightseeing, shrines, or martial arts, Osaka, Japan has something for everyone. I hope this video gives some great options for anyone interested in traveling to the Land of the Rising Sun. Music by: www.incompetech.com (Kevin MacLeod) Song Title: Tikopia Download Link: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100827 Video shot with: Canon 650D/Rebel T4i Davis & Sanford Provista 7518 Airlift Tripod FM18 Fluid Head RODE Videomic Pro
Kyoto, Japan, has long been considered one of the country’s most beautiful cities. Once the capital of the nation, Kyoto is now an ultra-modern haven that retains a great deal of its ancient charm. To see some of this long-established glamour, make your way to Kyoto Tower. Just two miles east of the tower is Gion, an entertainment quarter and home to many of Kyoto’s famous geishas. As you walk east through Gion, you’ll find even more old architecture, including several Ryokan, or traditional Japanese inns. Many date back to the Edo period, which ranged from 1603 to 1868. During your Kyoto tour, take a rickshaw ride to the Sannen-zaka and Ninen-zaka districts, where cars are prohibited and traditional teahouses and temples adorn the nearby landscape. Kyoto is known as “The City of Ten Th...
Welcome to Tokyo, the capital of Japan and the epitome of the word “megacity.” In this vast metropolis, ancient traditions blend with futuristic buildings, and your Tokyo sightseeing will take you to representations of each. Pay your respects at temples set in forested hillsides, then flex your credit card in one of the shopping districts, before sitting down to a five-star meal…all in one day. Your Tokyo tour begins with the subway and train system, which will take you all over this sprawling city. Tokyo is home to some 35 million people, many of which you’ll meet as its public transit carries you throughout its many neighborhoods. Make a stop in Asakusa, a temple district nestled in leafy trees with skyscrapers towering in the background. There you’ll visit Nakamisi Dori, a street load...
Check out our Japan Budget Travel Guides: https://thetravelintern.com/destinations/asia/japan-asia/ One week in Japan. Here's a highlight of our favourite things to do in Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara (大板、京都、奈良)! Other than the typical attractions, there are tons of hidden gems throughout these places. Osaka, 大板 0:17 - Dotonbori Street Lined with colourful neon signs and delectable scents fighting for your attention, it’s the place to be for amazing and affordable street food. 0:26 - Osaka Castle Osaka Jo is one of the must-see places for it’s history, picturesque scenery and it’s 360° view of the Osaka skyline from the observation deck at the top. 0:35 - Owl Family Cafe Cute owl cafe in the heart of Osaka. 0:41 - Rockstar Reptile Cafe Another animal cafe for those who prefer the cold-blooded ...
Travel Japan Guide: 10 Thing you need to know before coming to Japan : http://youtu.be/CC07YPg9yAM Please share this video if it's useful to your friend or the person you know!!! Here are the details: http://expja.com/ (will launch soon…) I made a video "7 More Things You Need to Know before coming to Japan"! Please wacth this video, too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y8XKUp8zjE Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA. I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan and plan to travel or trip to Japan! I’ll share with you things you need to know before coming to Japan. 0:21 –1. Get Wi-Fi Connection Information http://japan-magazine.jnto.go.jp/en/special_nttdocomo.html http://flets.com/freewifi/index.html http://www.osaka-info.jp/en/wifi/ http://w...
Japan Travel Guide 2016 - Top things to do in Japan 2016 - Japan trip 2016 - Japan tourism & vacations - Tourist attractions in Japan Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Japan, known as Nihon or Nippon (日本) in Japanese, is a nation of islands in East Asia. See in Japan =============== Castles ------------- When most Westerners think of castles, they naturally think of their own in places like England and France. However, Japan too was a nation of castle-builders. In its feudal days, you could find multiple castles in nearly every prefecture. Original Castles Because of bombings in WWII, fires, edicts to tear down castles, etc. only twelve of Japan's castles are considered to be originals, which have donjons that date bac...
Osaka Castle japan 大阪城 :Japan Travel Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy1R4YRgV2w Here are the details: http://expja.com/ Welcome to Experience Japan with YUKA. I show you real Japan. Here is the right place for you if you want to know about Japan or plan to travel to Japan! First time to visit Osaka? Or Are you planning to come over??? If so, you're at right place! Hi, I'm YUKA. I'll show you the place you definitely to visit in Osaka - Osaka Castle!!! http://expja.com/ Please let me know what you think. And, also let me know if you have any places where you want me to go and check or things you want to try. Thank you for watching. My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expjpw My Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuka_expjapan My Blog: http://expja.com/ (Coming up soon!) 大阪城をご紹介。 ...