- published: 07 Dec 2014
- views: 21220
A federal capital is a political entity, often a municipality or capital city, that enjoys status as a seat of government in a federal state. A federal capital is typically a city that physically encompasses the offices and meeting places of its respective government, where its location and relationship to subnational states are fixed by law or federal constitution. Federal capitals may or may not be considered states in themselves, and either exercise significant political autonomy from the federation or are directly ruled by the national government located within their premises, as federal districts.
Examples of well-known federal capitals include Washington, D.C., which is not part of any U.S. state but borders Maryland and Virginia; Berlin, which is a state of Germany in its own right and forms an enclave within the much larger state of Brandenburg; and the Australian Capital Territory, a territory of Australia which includes the capital city of Australia, Canberra.
To answer some questions from the Imperial Capital Ship video I posted, here is a decent video showing this massive Federal Capital Ship (Farragut Class Battlecruiser) in action. http://timwheatley.org
Miguel Figueroa y su Conjunto tema : Federal ,Capital del Chamame ESPERO LO DISFRUTEN
Fed cap ship became wanted because I flew by through exclusion zone. After that I easily destroyed all its heat relays. Looks like a bug.
Emporer's Grace launched a military strike against the federation Capital ships Orion and Thunderer!
Made by The Cinema and Photographic Branch 1934. A documentary made to promote Canberra A.C.T. It includes images of the opening of the first Australian Federal Parliament by the Duke and Duchess of York. From sheep paddock to Federal Capital the film claims that not only is Canberra the most beautiful modern city in the world with gardens that would outshine those of the ancient Roman villas but it is also Australia's centre of learning and culture.
2 Capital ships going at each other in the HO HSI System.
Hey Leute und Herzlich Willkommen :) Viel Spaß beim anschauen meines Videos. Hier geht's zu meinen Playlists: https://www.youtube.com/user/Afenishakur/playlists Spenden an: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=G8SJVJDPE9XEG
Directed by Raymond Longford and filmed by Ernest Higgins, this film captures the formal naming of Canberra, on 12 March 1913. It has been digitally restored by the NFSA as part of the celebrations for the Centenary of Canberra. The music was devised and performed by Elaine Loebenstein (http://www.elainemusic.com, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Elaine-Loebenstein/217421295063965?fref=ts). This film is available on the DVD Imagining Canberra: http://shop.nfsa.gov.au/product_info.php?products_id=3226 On the morning of Wednesday 12 March 1913, 500 invited guests, over 700 mounted and artillery troops and a public crowd of over 3000 locals came to witness the formal naming of Canberra. Foundation stones were laid by Governor-General Lord Thomas Denman, Prime Minister Andrew Fisher and the Mi...
Comisionista Capital Federal - Comisiones Souto es una Empresa Radicada en Capital Federal que cubre las necesidades de un amplio expectro de Clientes de Toda la Argentina. Comisiones Souto esta para Ayudarlo! MAS INFORMACION AQUI: http://comisiones-souto.890m.com
DISC-JOCKEY desde $ 1000.- cel. 11.5319.3354... tambien whattsapp....toda CAPITAL FEDERAL--ZONA OESTE--ZONA NORTE...voy a SALONES de FIESTAS--SOCIEDADES de FOMENTO o a tu CASA. .tengo SONIDO-LUCES AUDIO RITMICAS-LASER-MAQUINA de HUMO-KARAOKE-LOCUCION--PANTALLA.. y todo tipo de MUSICA...preg. por JUAN JOSE al cels. 11.5319.3354 tambien whattsapp
Read your free e-book: http://hotaudiobook.com/mebk/50/en/B000QCS1TY/book Policy makersrepublican and Democrat, liberal and conservativecall for federal intervention to fund emerging high-growth industries, believing they are starved for capital. Congressional hearings, newspapers, industry newsletters, and government reports all assert that capital gaps exist for these firms. But the widely held belief that emerging high-growth firms like those in high technologyso vital to the growth of the U.s. economyface severe capital gaps, preventing them from starting up or growing to their full potential, is false. This book systematically brings together, for the first time, disparate sources of information from a wide variety of disciplines and synthesizes them into a compelling case against fed...
Read your free e-book: http://hotaudiobook.com/mebk/50/en/B008FYYCAM/book President Bush's number-one management initiative for the federal government is the Strategic Management of Human Capital. According to Knowledgeworkers.com, human capital is the accumulated value of an individual's intellect, knowledge, and experience. In the U.s. federal government, a human capital crisis exists. The factors contributing to a human capital dilemma include a knowledge bleed due to retirement eligibility, changing perspectives on work, and escalating knowledge loss. According to a Joint Hearing on the Federal Human Capital, by 2005, more than half of the 1.8 million non-postal civilian employees will be eligible for early or regular retirement. An even greater percentage of the Senior Executive Servi...
Una camioneta se empezó a incendiar en plena Avenida 9 de Julio, en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenas Aires. A tan solo 3 cuadras del Obelisco porteño. El conductor, en un momento, arriesgó su vida para sacar una mochila del interior del vehículo en llamas. Filmado desde el primer piso de mi trabajo. 23 de Septiembre de 2016. Future Gladiator de Kevin MacLeod está autorizado la licencia Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Fuente: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1200051 Artista: http://incompetech.com/
En este recorrido paso por el barrio de Villa Urquiza, pasando por el Parque Sarmiento, el Barrio Presidente Peron y Parque Chas. En el minuto 0:50 a la derecha se puede observar una mansion, es del ex secretario del ex Presidente Corrupto de Argentina Nestor Kirchner, Daniel Muñoz, esa casa nos pertenece a todos los Argentinos.
In this first class on capital gains and losses we 1) contrasted historical provisions on special treatment for capital gains and losses; 2) considered the types of assets which cause capital gains and losses; 3) named various ways in which capital assets could be acquired; 4) covered rules for establishing basis of capital assets purchased, received as a gift, and inherited; 5) determined the amount of gift tax which could be added to the basis in certain circumstances, and 6) worked examples to illustrate these various rules.
La Guerra civil boliviana o Guerra Federal boliviana (1898-1899) fue el enfrentamiento del norte (liberales de La Paz) contra el sur (conservadores de Sucre) por el liderazgo de Bolivia que culminó con la derrota del oficialismo y la transformación de La Paz en sede de facto de los poderes ejecutivo y legislativo constitucionalmente situados en Sucre. Sus orígenes se sitúan por una parte en la decadencia de la explotación minera de La Plata centrada en Potosí (a 150 km de Sucre) y la paulatina emergencia de la explotación minera del estaño centrada en Oruro (próxima a La Paz) y por otra parte en el desastre de la guerra del Pacífico (1879-1883, alianza boliviano-peruana contra Chile) donde una corriente paceña denominada "liberal" promueve continuar la guerra hasta las últimas consecuencia...
Abuja is sure a beautiful town for a Federal Capital Territory.. You'd never been there? take a tour with me... your's truly .. one and only.. Baddest..
Imagenes especiales de la elección de Miss Mundo Argentina. Capital Federal. La agencia y escuela de modelos HB MODELS organizó el certamen con un gran evento es Espacio Darwin (Palermo) Alli, con la cálida conducción de Andrea Garmendia y César Juricich, el distinguido jurado eligió entre 19 postulantes a las felices ganadoras. Tambien durante la noche hubo shows artisticos y un importante coctel para celebrar el éxito del evento. El mismo se realizó a beneficio de Fundamind. Las participantes de este importante certamen fueron. Luna Sanchez, Melissa Smitto, Agostina Smitto, Victoria Bellabarba, Sofia Rios, Saha Gigliani, Micaela Cuneo, Julieta Sanchez, Micaela Bassiok, Caterina Pugin, Jennifer Moina, Maia Glantz, Faustina Terrile, Florencia Bertolotti, Brenda Rojas, Martina Cava, Marti...
Sinopse: Comédia musical do final do século XIX. A história retrata a chegada de uma família mineira ao Rio de Janeiro em busca do noivo da filha que não retorna para casar-se. O noivo está envolvido com jogos de azar e com uma sedutora espanhola que não perde a oportunidade se dar bem. Estão presentes representantes de alguns segmentos sociais que passeiam pelos cenários da Capital Federal, com seus vícios, amores mundanos e interesses nem sempre honestos. Atores: Andreza Rodes Angela Alves Amora Bruna Garcia Dyego Oliveira Graziela Paiva Italo Franca José Marcedonia Lucas Florentino Marcio Correia Priscila Rocha Rosania Sousa Suelen Maciel Tiago Oliver Vic Pinheiro
This is the third class day on the topic of capital gains and losses. In previous classes we covered covered 1) historical perspective, 2) types of assets, and 3) basis of property received as a gift (including gift tax consequences) and received by inheritance. This video concludes the first handout distributed in class, and there is an additional handout available on the class web site. In this video we cover holding period of assets, classification of short-term and long-term, recent history of and current capital gains rates.
Bs. As.: Cuanto demora un pasajero en llegar de la ciudad de Quilmes a la terminal del Ferrocarril Retiro, en Capital Federal, realizando del recorrido de la Línea 22. Fecha: 1995 Duración: 21 minutos Código: BG-0234 ARCHIVO DIFILM - Consultas por material de archivo archivodeportivo@yahoo.com.ar - http://www.difilm-argentina.com Más videos e información en: https://www.facebook.com/difilm o Seguinos en: https://twitter.com/archivodifilm Referencia: 03:15 Triángulo de Bernal 03:31 Estación Shell de Mitre y Neuquén 04:36 Raquel Español (ex Monte) y Mitre 04:42 Registro Civil de Wilde (antes estaba en Salvador Soreda casi Las Flores) 04:47 Banco Nación 04:58 Alberto Lartigau y Mitre 05:13 Ramón Franco y Mitre - Parque Domínico 05:14 Gimnasio Gatica 07:31 UTN Avellaneda 08:16...