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Sir Richard Branson calls for 'second look' at EU referendum

Published 27/06/2016

Sir Richard Branson says the Government needs to look again at the EU referendum
Sir Richard Branson says the Government needs to look again at the EU referendum

Sir Richard Branson has called on Parliament to take a second look at the EU referendum.

He believes the Leave vote has "opened a Pandora's Box of negative consequences" for Britain, fed on "false promises" by Brexiteers.

In his blog, the Virgin Group founder said: "The decision over the UK's future was based on false promises that pushed a minority of the UK's total voting population (17 million out of 46 million) to vote the way it did.

"Two years before Brexit will even become reality, according to EU rules, it is already having massive consequences on the UK economy, and on society. Brexit has fractured the country more than any other event in recent memory.

"Based on the misrepresentation made by the Leave campaign, Parliament needs to take the petition of more than three million people to call for a new referendum seriously. The alternative is to watch a rapid decline of Britain's health and wellbeing."

He asked people to sign a petition calling for another referendum. The petition has already gained more than 3.5 million signatures.

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