Kuschel Song (or Snuggle Song) is the first hit single released by Schnuffel. Published by Jamba!, originally was only a ringtone, then was turned into a song by Sebastian Nussbaum and Andreas Marek-Wendorf. Kuschel Song went immediately to the top of the German and European charts for 8 weeks. So, for 300,000 copies sold, Schnuffel obtained the Platin-CD. After the song went to the top of the Austrian charts and to number 2 in Switzerland, plans were made to release the song internationally. The single went in the 7th place in Europe, too. It was released a Single Premium too of the Kuschel Song on 14 March 2008. A Kuschel Song collection was released in digital format on 21 March 2008, with the German version along with the English, French, Spanish and Italian versions. The single is present also in a digital release called "Häschenparty – Famous 5" (24 October 2008) as the third track. Some lives were organized in which a person dressed as Schnuffel "sang" the single. At the beginning of 2009, Schnuffel received a nomination for the single of the year 2008. Later, in 2013, the Kuschel Song was chosen by the German TV show "Die ultimative Chart Show" as the most successful jingle of the new millennium. It's the second track in the Album Ich hab' Dich lieb and Ich hab' Dich lieb Gold Edition. In the album Winterwunderland there is an Acoustic version of the song, as the 14th track.