Appendicitis Symptoms -- And The Real Reason for the Appendix!
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Hello, I'm going to talk about appendicitis, the real reason we have an appendix, how this problem develops and a few
nifty tricks to improve your digestive system.
Appendicitis is a condition in which case the appendix gets inflamed and usually occurs in children, but anyone can get it.
The fascinating thing with appendicitis is that medical physicians are not sure what the appendix actually does. Most doctors do agree that it can be removed without bringing about any negative health effects.
I remember when I was a kid my stomach just started hurting really badly. I told my parents about it and my dad told me to just toughen up, stop being a baby and it will get better.
Well, it didn't get better and it was extremely painful.
Finally after lots and lots of whining like a big baby, complaining and making my parents' lives miserable, because I was miserable they took me to the hospital.
It turned out I had appendicitis and I can't remember if it burst inside me or almost burst because I do remember being told that If a waited a few more days I could have died.
The moral of the story is that if you think for a split second something is really wrong with your health, don't toughen it out and go see a medical professional right away.
There are a few theories on why the body even has this organ, and I really feel it has to serve some type of positive
Whether you believe in a religion or not evolution did play some type of role in the development of humans.
We are built for survival so it doesn't make sense to me that we would have an organ with no function that just takes up space.
One idea is that it serves a function for the immune system. Since I rarely get sick knock on wood, I'm not sure
I believe this. Another theory is that the organ was used to help break down tree bark when humans fed on it.
This theory makes a little more sense to me, but oh bummer I can't eat tree bark now I'm so missing out.
What is your whole opinion on the appendix is it useless, or does it serve some type of function?
Even more interesting news is that physicians are not even sure what causes appendicitis. One idea is that a piece of feces gets stuck and blocks the entrance. This causes bacteria to build up, the appendix then gets enlarged.
One of the first symptoms of appendicitis is going to be some pain. This pain usually comes and goes and occurs in the middle of the stomach.
Within a short amount of time the discomfort is felt at the lower right hand side of the belly region. Do you know why the pain is located in this region?
Yep, this is where the appendix is and as it gets enlarged the pain increases.
I remember the pain was so bad for me I was in the bathroom curled up in a little ball just hating life. The reason I was curled up in a ball was because movement like walking increases the agony.
Oh and if you touch the area that increases the agony as well as you can suffer from some bowel problems. These bowel problems could be diarrhea or constipation. Some other common symptoms would be nausea, feeling sick, not wanting to eat, and also hating life due to the pain.
If it isn't removed the organ will continue to get bigger and eventually burst throwing all the nasty bacteria all over the place causing problems.
Can you guess how someone can prevent this health problem? Yep, improving the digestive system can help.
According the US.
Senate Committee on Nutrition nearly all diseases are caused by digestive problems.
Wow, that is sort of shocking right, do you think this is true? All I can say is that it could be right?
When we are born we have these enzymes that break down food. We are supposed to replenish these enzymes from eating food. The problem is that we don't eat the foods that are ancestors ate. Processed and heavily cooked foods destroy these enzymes, and as a result it takes longer for food to digest, resulting in problems.
Another huge element of the digestive system is bacteria.
Contrary to what some people believe not all bacteria is bad. In your intestines you have a lot of good bacteria that helps break down food and they fight bad bacteria
. If the bad bacteria win it could bring about some health issues such as constipation and even cancer.
This is one of the reasons taking antibiotics isn't good because it kills the good bacteria with the bad stuff. One really nifty thing you can do to improve this helpful bacteria is with prebiotics. Have you heard of prebiotics before?
Well it's extremely healthy for you. If you want to learn more I recommend clicking that link below and viewing that free video guide I created at