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Your contact

For more information, please contact:
Jens Korff

Overview of

Audience & demographics

The audience of consists mainly of students, teachers and employees responsible for Aboriginal education or programmes.

The main aim of is to inform about Australian Aboriginal culture and offer information material to support Aboriginal cultural education.

Audience metrics

The following information describes the size and scale of’s audience. Note that it fluctuates with school terms.

Average monthly uniques: 140,000
Average monthly pageviews: 337,000
Average pageviews per visit: 1.7

Google Page Rank: 5/10

Alexa rank: Australia: 26,665, worldwide: 335,747

.edu backlinks: more than 120
.gov backlinks: more than 100

Social media metrics’s is on Facebook and has more than 3,500 Likes.

Rates & opportunities offers numerous advertising opportunities for advertisers to reach this valuable, targeted audience. Please inquire for current rates.

If your proposal is approved I’ll email you payment details for your upfront payment via Paypal.

Standard advertising opportunities & creative guidelines

Advertising topics should match and respect the theme and audience of Invasive advertisements, or ads for sexual products or drugs are not accepted.

Note that advertisement sizes vary depending on visitor’s devices since is a responsive website.

728 x 90 (Leaderboard)
468 x 60 (Banner)
320 x 50 (Mobile leaderboard)
300 x 250 (MRec)
336 x 280 (Large MRec)
120 x 600 (Skyscraper)


You are invited to advertise in my newsletter. Contact me with your advertisement proposal and include the following:

125x125 or 133x100 image (optional, no animations please)
Title of advertisement (max 80 characters)
Description text (250-350 characters)

Subscription details as of April 2016
Subscribers: more than 2,300
Open rate: above 30%
Click rate: around 20%

Australia - 84%
USA: 9%
UK: 2%
Canada: 2%

Other opportunities

In addition to standard website banner advertising, also offers in-page text links and sponsorship.

These additional opportunities allow you to reach our targeted audience through non-traditional media. Contact us for additional information on how you can take advantage of these opportunities.


For more information, please contact

Jens Korff