Australian Aboriginal people


Selected statistics

Aboriginal population in Australia in 2011; percentage in 2006: 2.5% [6].
Indigenous population worldwide.
Rank of Aboriginal Australians on the United Nations Index of Human Development (which considers life expectancy, literacy and standard of living) [7].
Rank of all Australians on the United Nations index.
Number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in 2006 [6].
Number of Aboriginal children who went on a holiday or trip away in 2007 [8].
Percentage of Aboriginal children with teenage mums.
Percentage of Aboriginal teens not living with either parent.
Times the Aboriginal male suicide rate is higher than non-Indigenous men. Most suicides happen between 25 and 34 years of age [3].
Percentage of Aboriginal people living in capital cities [2].

List of linked articles

List of short articles

Whitefella and blackfella in the Queensland floods A white and an Aboriginal man muse about the floods that hit Australia in 2011. What do you think the Aboriginal person’s answer tells you about the situation of his people?
Cartoon: Danny Eastwood, Koori Mail [1]

Many Aboriginal people don’t have a birth certificate

“Without a birth certificate, it is difficult, if not impossible, for an individual to fully participate in society,” says Dr Paula Gerber, from the Monash Faculty of Law [4]. Yet that is exactly the situation many Aboriginal people are in.

A study found that a ‘significant’ number of Aboriginal Australians are not registering the birth of their children [4].

One reason is that Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry offices are only located in capital cities, sometimes hundreds of kilometres away from Aboriginal communities.

Secondly, Aboriginal people still suffer from the traumas inflicted by the policies that led to the Stolen Generations. In their memory, contact with bureaucrats is inherently linked to trouble. Many have trouble reading formal English and fear harm could be done to them again.

Without a birth certificate, however, it is difficult to obtain a passport, get a driver’s licence or secure a tax file number.

Aboriginal people and assimilation

Until 1965 Australia had an assimilation policy in place which aimed at making Aboriginal people blend into white society as much as possible. Though abandoned decades ago, being ‘assimilated’ has become some kind of cuss word, even among Aboriginal people, especially those living in big cities or working for the government.

The following story was written by an Aboriginal woman in response to general accusations of some Aboriginal people becoming ‘assimilated’ [5].

“How am I assimilated?”

“I don’t see myself as any different from any other blackfulla. I know who I am, I know my country, my family ties, my culture and customs, so how am I assimilated? Is it just because I have an education and work in a government department? If so, then that to me is not assimilation or stereotyping, it’s using the knowledge and skills I have to provide a better, more culturally appropriate service to Aboriginal people and community.”

“[Working for the government] I can change the thinking of those around me so they are better informed when working with my people and my community… I help break down those stereotypes that non-Aboriginal people have of my people and make sure that my people are given a voice when it comes to policy and procedures that have a direct impact [on us].”

[We haven’t given up,] “we are just using the tools that whitefullas have given us to empower our people and create a culture of change.”

Get migrants better opportunities?

For several years there were tensions between the African and Nyoongar communities in the main migrant resettlement areas in Perth’s northern suburbs [9]. But why?

Elders believe that receiving an official welcome to country when they arrive to Australia is particularly important for black migrants, especially Africans.

Many Aboriginal people still feel oppressed in Australia and notice that migrants seem to get preferential treatment. “There’s a feeling amongst a lot of Aboriginal people that newcomers to our country, no matter what race, get better opportunities and access to services than they do,” says Nyoongar elder Irene Stainton [9].

Nyoongar man Grant Garlett agrees. “There are a lot of problems that we’ve been trying to deal with for years and we never get anywhere. A lot of migrants do get more attention and facilities and all of that stuff,” he says.

Aboriginal skin groups

Aboriginal people differentiate between different ‘colours’ or skin groups. Once you know a person’s skin group you know their relation to you, their obligations, and how they must be treated.


View article sources (9)

[1] 'Danny Eastwood's View', Koori Mail 493 p.20
[2] 'Inept Govt policy denying Indigenous jobs--report', Koori Mail 471 p.36
[3] 'Talks focus on suicides', Koori Mail 448 p.47
[4] 'Birth 'gap' the focus of study', Koori Mail 515 p.42
[5] 'Working to change from within', reader's letter, Koori Mail 502 p.24
[6] 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Population', Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1301.0 - Year Book Australia, 2008
[7] 'Indigenous well-being in four countries: An application of the UNDP'S Human Development Index to Indigenous Peoples in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States', Martin Cooke1, Francis Mitrou, David Lawrence, Eric Guimond and Dan Beavon 2007, Table 7
[8] NSW Aboriginal Legal Service newsletter, 3/2011
[9] 'African tensions ease', Koori Mail 398 p.14

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An appropriate citation for this document is:, Aboriginal culture - People, retrieved 17 June 2016