Law & justice

Juvenile detention

Aboriginal youth are overrepresented in jails. Detention statistics make experts talk about a “state crisis”.

High detention rates have many causes. Being at the wrong place at the wrong time is sometimes enough.

Selected statistics

Daily cost to keep a young Aboriginal person in juvenile detention [1].
Times an Aboriginal juvenile in Western Australia is more likely to be detained than non-Aboriginal juveniles [2]. Same rate for all of Australia in 2013: 31 times [8], in 2008: 28 times [3], in 1994: 17 times [8].
Proportion of male juveniles in detention in Australia who are Aboriginal [4].
Proportion of female juveniles in detention in Australia who are Aboriginal [4].
Percentage of Aboriginal juvenile offenders who reappear in adult court; same figure for non-Aboriginal youth: 52% [5].
Times an Aboriginal male child is more likely to be placed in juvenile detention [6]. The rate for female children is 24 times [7].
Percentage of juveniles detained in Australia who are Aboriginal [7]. Same figure for WA: 74% [9]; for NT: 96% [10]; for NSW: 56%. Aboriginal population of NSW: 4.4% [11].
Increase in juvenile detention rates of Aboriginal youth (10 to 17 years old) in 2009-10 compared to the previous year [12].
Increase in Aboriginal juvenile detention rate nationally between 2001 and 2007 [13].
Number of Aboriginal youth in north-western NSW who have been sentenced to juvenile prison terms in 2008-2012. Same number for non-Aboriginal youth: 12 [8].
Proportion of women in juvenile detention in NSW who have been abused or neglected. Proportion of men: 57% [19].
Chance that an Aboriginal child would be warned or charged by police by the age of 23 [21].

Juvenile detention statistics

Up to 70% of detained children were remanded simply for breaching bail conditions, and the time on remand is getting longer and longer [14]. In 2009 around 300 juveniles were arrested for breach of bail each month, up from about 100 in 2000.

Aboriginal children and teenagers are 24 times more likely to be incarcerated than their non-Aboriginal peers, and more than twice that rate in Western Australia [20]. The gap in incarceration rates has grown every year since 2010-11.

There is a greater likelihood of an Aboriginal child being incarcerated than completing year 12 schooling. [21]

Bar graph showing Aboriginal detention rates for each state and territory. Aboriginal youth detention rates. While in Victoria the rate is almost half the national average, Western Australia's rate is twice as high. [20]

While young Aboriginal people make up only 6% of the population, 58% of young people in prison are Aboriginal [20].

Of the people aged 10 to 17 in detention or community-based supervision, 12.6 per 10,000 people are non-Aboriginal, but 15 times as many, or 189 per 10,000, are Aboriginal. [20]

Legal experts label the overwhelming over-representation of Aboriginal youth a “state crisis” [15].

The development of programs in juvenile justice hasn't taken enough consideration of the specific requirements of Aboriginal young people.—Chris Cunneen, criminologist, University of NSW [20]

Why are so many kids in juvenile detention?

The high youth detention rates have several causes [16]:

  • not complying with a curfew,
  • not being in the company of a parent,
  • social disadvantage - the most disadvantaged youths are 7 times more likely to be under supervision than the most advantaged [20],
  • lack of access to a magistrate,
  • punitive state government - mandatory sentencing in WA, the removal of the principle of imprisonment as a last resort in Queensland and the abolition of youth drug courts in Queensland and NSW [20],
  • no-one can provide bail because they are out of country, and
  • limited regional justice services available,
  • heavy-handed courts which hand out the “harshest sentences for stealing ever recorded by juveniles” [8],
  • heavy-handed police who arrest juveniles because they are Aboriginal (“over-policing”).
  • Wrong lessons learned as a child. ‘‘In their early lives, kids need repetition, they need routine, they need security - it’s when kids learn whether they need to hug or to slap,’’ says Dr Cashmore, a Sydney University child abuse expert [19]. ‘‘If you’re exposed to violence at a young age, you can learn that that’s the way to engage with people. Or you might turn to drugs and alcohol as a form of self-medication for the emotional pain or anger you’re experiencing. Then offending may become the way of maintaining that habit.”

“The causes of the horrendous rate of Aboriginal juvenile over-representation are complex but in the rural and remote parts of the state, sustained and targeted policing and draconian sentencing trends are playing an undeniable role,” says Stephen Lawrence, principal solicitor with the Aboriginal Legal Service in NSW [8].

“We have intergenerational trauma. We have the consequences of family violence, with young people preferring to be on the street than at home. We have ongoing problems with a lack of engagement with the education system. We have high rates of youth suicide,” adds University of Western Australia criminologist Prof Harry Blagg. [20]

Many cases don’t lead to a conviction or custodial sentence. Corey Brough spent 29 months in jail without being convicted of a crime [17]. Although recommended by the United Nations, he received no compensation for the time he spent while refused bail and little support to help him settle back into the community. “I feel violated,” Mr Brough says, “They can break the law and get away with it.”

For many young Aboriginal men in rural communities, detention has become a rite of passage [5].

If youth receive multiple charges it can expose them to harsh mandatory sentencing.

Locking us up is not really helping. It's just making us do more stuff like that.—"Nathan", 17, detained in Grafton, NSW [15]

There are no votes in black matters, so no one cares.—John McKenzie, chief legal officer, Aboriginal Legal Service, about politicians' response [15]

Detention also has benefits

But there is an upside to detention. The young people get at least three meals a day and an education, more than what many of them can expect at home.

Detention time also fosters stronger links with their Aboriginal identity [15].

Dubbo police inspector, Rod Blackman, says there is no deterrent for youth facing jail time. On the contrary, jails are operating as safehouses for vulnerable children and the criminal justice system is becoming a proxy social service provider [8].

I've lost count of the number of children who when they are finally refused bail and end up in our juvenile detention centre, are quite happy because they know they're going to get fed three times a day, and they know they're in a safe environment, and quite often they've got other family members in there.—Rod Blackman, Dubbo police inspector [8]

Wrong time, wrong place for Aboriginal teenager

This is a true story, reported in the Sun Herald [18].

“It was a case of wrong place, wrong time, when a 16-year-old boy from a prominent Sydney Aboriginal family turned up at a party to see if his cousin was OK after he heard there had been a fight in which someone had been stabbed.

Partygoers at the Maroubra function last August called police but by the time 30 officers arrived, the alleged offender had left the scene.

Enter the 16-year-old, who found himself struck around the legs with a baton and given a burst of capsicum spray, allegedly for attempting to enter a crime scene.

Parramatta Children’s Court magistrate Mark Buscombe was told by the teenager’s barrister, Philip Adams, that the youth was arrested and taken to Maroubra Police Station where he was strip-searched without a guardian being present.

The court heard that police then took the teenager to hospital and released him but arrested him again the next day and charged him with failing to obey a police direction, offensive language, resisting arrest and affray. Mr Adams said there was no record of the arrest or detention of the teenager in the notes of officers who attended the scene.

In a judgement on July 2, Mr Buscombe dismissed all charges against the teenager, who pleaded not guilty. He also ordered police to pay his legal costs.”


View article sources (21)

[1] 'Campaign aimed at justice for our youth', Koori Mail 525 p.5
[2] 'Jailing youth not working - Chief Justice', Koori Mail 473 p.13
[3] 'Govt accepts all of youth justice report', Koori Mail 515 p.10
[4] 'Aspirational goals', Koori Mail 423 p.21
[5] 'A stolen generation of our young in detention', SMH 22/8/2010
[6] 'Calma's final report points to brighter future', Koori Mail 468 p.7
[7] 'More being locked up', Koori Mail 470 p.15
[8] 'Black sentences soar as juvenile jails become a 'storing house'', The Australian 5/1/2013
[9] '20 years later, and 269 more are dead', Koori Mail 499 p.5
[10] 'Fall in custody deaths', Koori Mail 451 p.15
[11] 'Books plan locked in', Koori Mail 473 p.6
[12] 'Greens urge youth jail rate action', Koori Mail 519 p.16
[13] 'Call for radical overhaul', Koori Mail 459 p.12
[14] 'From bad to much worse', Koori Mail 456 p.11
[15] ''Locking us up just makes us offend more'', SMH 22.8/2010
[16] 'Juvenile jailing rate hike', Koori Mail 424 p.12
[17] 'Trapped in the purgatory of remand', SMH 15/1/2011
[18] 'rat's tales', Sun Herald 11/7/2010
[19] 'Abuse and neglect putting children on path to crime', SMH 20/7/2013
[20] 'The Australian children 24 times more likely to face jail than their peers', SMH 30/4/2015
[21] 'The preventable scandal of Aboriginal incarceration', IN Daily (Adelaide) 3/12/2015

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Aboriginal culture - Law & justice - Juvenile detention, retrieved 15 June 2016