A serial entrepreneur on why starting up is tough but every bit worth it
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Notwithstanding all the talk of "Unicorns" and "Cockroaches", and buzz phrases and prognostications on "winter having arrived", entrepreneurship is well and truly embedded in this nation's collective subconscious.
It is thanks to the government's startup policy, which was unveiled a few months ago. Starting a venture today is infinitely easier than it was a couple of decades ago. The social stigma attached to being unemployed and unemployable, which was how an entrepreneur was viewed two decades ago, is not there anymore. However, I find the entire set of players in the startup ecosystem swinging from unbridled euphoria to deep gloom and doom.
Neither extreme is the reality. Entrepreneurship cannot also be defined in the narrow way it is portrayed by most media outlets. While talk is dominated by valuations, funding, etc, the fact is that Indians have been entrepreneurial for generations — the neighbourhood tailor, cobbler, grocery vendors are also entrepreneurs and the bedrock on which any society and economy rest.
Every venture need not be venturefunded; every venture need not have thousands or millions of customers; and every entrepreneur need not define success by the amount of media coverage or funds raised. While starting up in India may be easier than before, entrepreneurship is still very, very tough. The probability of ventures succeeding is abysmally low (data shows less than 5%).
Ultimately, the question is not whether you can be an entrepreneur. Of course, you can. The question is not even whether you want to be an entrepreneur. Almost everyone does. The more pertinent question is: what are you willing to go through to become one? What are you willing to give up for it? What pain are you willing to endure to achieve your goal?
Entrepreneurship requires tolerance of uncertainty and stress of the unknown. It requires handling self-doubt, fear of failure, not knowing what the next day brings, responsibility of ensuring your team gets paid at the end of the month, being an employer instead of being an employee. If you are willing to go through this, entrepreneurship is as easy as working in a corporate job.
Put your head down, execute like your life depends on it, focus on the task at hand and take one step at a time. The rewards are great — if you are up for the pain. Don't expect it to be easy, it is like running a marathon on an unknown route — the destination or finish line is uncertain at every point of time. To paraphrase Art Williams, I am not going to tell you it is going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it!
(The author is a serial entrepreneur, partner at GrowthStory.in & chairman of Portea Medical)