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League legend Wayne Bennett a man behind the scenes supporting Windale's Damian Jobson


Brodie Owen

Sounding board: Wayne Bennett surprised injured Windale footballer Damian Jobson on Friday

Sounding board: Wayne Bennett surprised injured Windale footballer Damian Jobson on Friday Photo: Supplied

"He told me no matter how hard it gets, just keep having a go," said Damian Jobson as he recalled a surprise encounter with legendary rugby league coach Wayne Bennett. 

In his first interview since becoming a quadriplegic after a horror tackle last month, Jobson said moments of darkness were kept to a minimum because "it feels like the whole of Newcastle is behind me".

"That has meant so much to me, I can't describe it," he said on Sunday.

Here for you, mate: The Windale Eagles with injured teammate Damian Jobson.

Here for you, mate: The Windale Eagles with injured teammate Damian Jobson. Photo: Supplied

"It wouldn't happen anywhere else. It's still up and down, but that support has kept me going."


Jobson was surprised – and admittedly star struck – by the Broncos coach, who made the special visit to Royal North Shore Hospital on Friday.

Bennett was coach of the Newcastle Knights when Alex McKinnon endured a similar tragedy in 2014.

Family: Zayb Jobson cuddles up to his father in hospital as the footballer continues his recovery.

Family: Zayb Jobson cuddles up to his father in hospital as the footballer continues his recovery. Photo: Supplied

"He's been through it with Alex," Jobson said.

"He told me to stay strong, that life would get better if I just keep hanging in there.

"He told me no matter how hard it gets, just keep having a go.

"He said all the things you want to hear. He's a really great bloke."

Newcastle and Hunter Rugby League administrator Dave Wild – who won praise for how he handled the crisis of confidence that gripped the amateur rugby league community in the weeks after the accident – said he "couldn't speak highly enough" of Bennett.

"He rang me a week into the tragedy, and he's been in touch ever since," Wild said.

"How he is in real life is entirely different to the way he appears in the media. He's genuine and a very, very impressive person."

Wild said Bennett specifically requested no media presence when he visited Jobson.

"I think that speaks to who he is," he said. "He didn't want to make a fuss."

Meanwhile, Jobson has received news he is set to be transferred to Ryde Rehabilitation Hospital as he continues his recovery.

It puts him on course to reach his goal of being home by Christmas.

"It can get pretty repetitive (in hospital), the same things happen over and over," he said. "Home by Christmas, that's what I want."

It comes as community donations to the Jobson family appeal continue to pour in.

The Newcastle Herald


HuffPost Australia

NRL Season 2016

Round 1
Thu, 03 MarTimes shown AEDT
PAR 4vs BRI 17 Report Stats
Fri, 04 MarTimes shown AEDT
MAN 6vs CBY 28 Report Stats
Sat, 05 MarTimes shown AEDT
CBR 30vs PEN 22 Stats
WST 34vs NZW 26 Stats
NQL 20vs CRO 14 Report Stats
Sun, 06 MarTimes shown AEDT
SYD 10vs SOU 42 Stats
GCT 30vs NEW 12 Stats
Mon, 07 MarTimes shown AEDT
MEL 18vs STG 16 Report Stats
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Round 2
Thu, 10 MarTimes shown AEDT
PEN 16vs CBY 18 Report Stats
Fri, 11 MarTimes shown AEDT
BRI 25vs NZW 10 Report Stats
Sat, 12 MarTimes shown AEDT
CBR 21vs SYD 20 Report Stats
SOU 48vs NEW 6 Report Stats
PAR 20vs NQL 16 Report Stats
Sun, 13 MarTimes shown AEDT
CRO 30vs STG 2 Report Stats
MEL 34vs GCT 16 Stats
Mon, 14 MarTimes shown AEDT
WST 36vs MAN 22 Report Stats
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Round 3
Thu, 17 MarTimes shown AEDT
NQL 40vs SYD 0 Stats
Fri, 18 MarTimes shown AEDT
CBY 6vs PAR 20 Stats
Sat, 19 MarTimes shown AEDT
NEW 24vs CBR 24 Report Stats
PEN 23vs BRI 22 Stats
GCT 30vs WST 18 Stats
Sun, 20 MarTimes shown AEDT
NZW 14vs MEL 21 Stats
STG 8vs SOU 6 Stats
Mon, 21 MarTimes shown AEDT
MAN 22vs CRO 12 Stats
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Round 4
Fri, 25 MarTimes shown AEDT
SOU 12vs CBY 42 Stats
BRI 21vs NQL 20 Stats
Sat, 26 MarTimes shown AEDT
CBR 20vs GCT 24 Report Stats
SYD 20vs MAN 22 Stats
Sun, 27 MarTimes shown AEDT
STG 14vs PEN 12 Stats
Mon, 28 MarTimes shown AEDT
NZW 40vs NEW 18 Stats
WST 0vs PAR 8 Stats
CRO 14vs MEL 6 Stats
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Round 5
Thu, 31 MarTimes shown AEDT
MAN 12vs SOU 16 Report Stats
Fri, 01 AprTimes shown AEDT
GCT 16vs BRI 24 Report Stats
Sat, 02 AprTimes shown AEDT
MEL 18vs NEW 14 Report Stats
WST 26vs CRO 34 Report Stats
NQL 36vs STG 0 Report Stats
Sun, 03 AprTimes shown AEST
SYD 28vs NZW 32 Stats
PAR 18vs PEN 20 Stats
Mon, 04 AprTimes shown AEST
CBY 8vs CBR 22 Report Stats
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Round 6
Thu, 07 AprTimes shown AEST
BRI 26vs STG 0 Report Stats
Fri, 08 AprTimes shown AEST
SOU 10vs SYD 17 Report Stats
Sat, 09 AprTimes shown AEST
PAR 36vs CBR 6 Report Stats
NZW 18vs MAN 34 Stats
PEN 18vs NQL 23 Stats
Sun, 10 AprTimes shown AEST
CRO 25vs GCT 20 Report Stats
NEW 18vs WST 16 Report Stats
Mon, 11 AprTimes shown AEST
MEL 12vs CBY 18 Report Stats
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Round 7
Thu, 14 AprTimes shown AEST
MAN 10vs PAR 22 Report Stats
Fri, 15 AprTimes shown AEST
NQL 44vs SOU 18 Report Stats
Sat, 16 AprTimes shown AEST
GCT 14vs STG 19 Report Stats
CBY 20vs NZW 24 Report Stats
BRI 53vs NEW 0 Report Stats
Sun, 17 AprTimes shown AEST
CBR 16vs CRO 40 Stats
WST 18vs MEL 19 Stats
Mon, 18 AprTimes shown AEST
SYD 16vs PEN 20 Stats
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Round 8
Fri, 22 AprTimes shown AEST
BRI 30vs SOU 8 Stats
Sat, 23 AprTimes shown AEST
CBY 21vs GCT 20 Report Stats
CBR 60vs WST 6 Stats
NQL 32vs PAR 16 Report Stats
Sun, 24 AprTimes shown AEST
CRO 20vs PEN 18 Stats
Mon, 25 AprTimes shown AEST
NEW 10vs MAN 26 Stats
STG 20vs SYD 18 Stats
MEL 42vs NZW 0 Report Stats
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Round 9
Thu, 28 AprTimes shown AEST
SOU 22vs WST 30 Report Stats
Fri, 29 AprTimes shown AEST
PAR 20vs CBY 12 Stats
Sat, 30 AprTimes shown AEST
PEN 19vs CBR 18 Stats
SYD 38vs NEW 0 Stats
MAN 18vs NQL 34 Stats
Sun, 01 MayTimes shown AEST
NZW 26vs STG 10 Report Stats
GCT 0vs MEL 38 Report Stats
CRO 30vs BRI 28 Stats
View All Fixtures
Round 10
Thu, 12 MayTimes shown AEST
STG 16vs CBR 12 Report Stats
Fri, 13 MayTimes shown AEST
PAR 20vs SOU 22 Stats
Sat, 14 MayTimes shown AEST
PEN 30vs NZW 18 Report Stats
MEL 15vs NQL 14 Report Stats
MAN 6vs BRI 30 Report Stats
Sun, 15 MayTimes shown AEST
NEW 0vs CRO 62 Stats
WST 4vs CBY 36 Stats
Mon, 16 MayTimes shown AEST
GCT 26vs SYD 6 Stats
View All Fixtures
Round 11
Thu, 19 MayTimes shown AEST
SOU 34vs STG 24 Stats
Fri, 20 MayTimes shown AEST
NQL 19vs BRI 18 Stats
Sat, 21 MayTimes shown AEST
WST 20vs NEW 12 Report Stats
NZW 12vs CBR 38 Report Stats
CRO 20vs MAN 12 Stats
Sun, 22 MayTimes shown AEST
PEN 24vs GCT 28 Report Stats
CBY 32vs SYD 20 Report Stats
Mon, 23 MayTimes shown AEST
PAR 6vs MEL 18 Stats
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Round 12
Fri, 27 MayTimes shown AEST
BRI 18vs WST 19 Stats
Sat, 28 MayTimes shown AEST
STG 14vs NQL 10 Stats
Sun, 29 MayTimes shown AEST
CBR 32vs CBY 20 Report Stats
Mon, 30 MayTimes shown AEST
NEW 18vs PAR 20 Stats
View All Fixtures
Round 13
Fri, 03 JunTimes shown AEST
CBR 30vs MAN 18 Report Stats
Sat, 04 JunTimes shown AEST
NZW 36vs BRI 18 Report Stats
NQL 46vs NEW 16 Report Stats
MEL 24vs PEN 6 Stats
Sun, 05 JunTimes shown AEST
SYD 32vs WST 18 Stats
SOU 28vs GCT 29 Stats
Mon, 06 JunTimes shown AEST
CBY 18vs CRO 20 Report Stats
View All Fixtures
Round 14
Thu, 09 JunTimes shown AEST
BRI 26vs CBR 18 Report Stats
Fri, 10 JunTimes shown AEST
WST 30vs SOU 14 Report Stats
Sat, 11 JunTimes shown AEST
NEW 14vs NZW 50 Report Stats
PAR 22vs GCT 12 Report Stats
SYD 0vs MEL 46 Stats
Sun, 12 JunTimes shown AEST
MAN 24vs PEN 31 Stats
Mon, 13 JunTimes shown AEST
STG 16vs CBY 34 Stats
CRO 13vs NQL 10 Stats
View All Fixtures
Round 15
Fri, 17 JunTimes shown AEST
SOU 12vs PAR 30 Stats
Sat, 18 JunTimes shown AEST
STG 20vs MEL 10 Stats
Sun, 19 JunTimes shown AEST
NZW 12vs SYD 10 Stats
Mon, 20 JunTimes shown AEST
GCT 30vs MAN 10 Report Stats
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Round 16
Fri, 24 JunTimes shown AEST
PEN 28vs SOU 26 Report Stats
Sat, 25 JunTimes shown AEST
NEW 18vs STG 30 Report Stats
CRO 19vs NZW 18 Stats
CBY 40vs BRI 14 Report Stats
Sun, 26 JunTimes shown AEST
GCT 22vs CBR 30 Report Stats
MEL 29vs WST 20 Stats
Mon, 27 JunTimes shown AEST
NQL 30vs MAN 26 Report Stats
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Round 17
Thu, 30 JunTimes shown AEST
SYD vs CBY 19:50AS
Fri, 01 JulTimes shown AEST
BRI vs MEL 19:50SUN
Sat, 02 JulTimes shown AEST
NZW vs GCT 15:00MSS
WST vs PEN 17:30ANZ
CRO vs PAR 19:30SCGS
Sun, 03 JulTimes shown AEST
CBR vs NEW 14:00GIO
SOU vs NQL 16:00BarlP
Mon, 04 JulTimes shown AEST
MAN vs STG 19:00BO
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Round 18
Fri, 08 JulTimes shown AEST
PAR vs SYD 19:50Pirtek
Sat, 09 JulTimes shown AEST
CBY vs WST 19:30ANZ
Sun, 10 JulTimes shown AEST
PEN vs CRO 16:00Pepp
Mon, 11 JulTimes shown AEST
CBR vs NQL 19:00GIO
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Round 19
Fri, 15 JulTimes shown AEST
STG vs GCT 19:50JubO
Sat, 16 JulTimes shown AEST
MAN vs NZW 17:30nibS
SOU vs BRI 19:30ANZ
Sun, 17 JulTimes shown AEST
NEW vs MEL 14:00HS
PEN vs PAR 16:00Pepp
Mon, 18 JulTimes shown AEST
SYD vs CRO 19:00AS
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Round 20
Thu, 21 JulTimes shown AEST
NQL vs CBY 19:501300
Fri, 22 JulTimes shown AEST
BRI vs PEN 19:50SUN
Sat, 23 JulTimes shown AEST
CBR vs NZW 15:00GIO
GCT vs PAR 17:30Cbus
MEL vs SYD 19:30AAMI
Sun, 24 JulTimes shown AEST
CRO vs NEW 14:00SCGS
STG vs WST 16:00ANZ
Mon, 25 JulTimes shown AEST
SOU vs MAN 19:00ANZ
View All Fixtures
Round 21
Thu, 28 JulTimes shown AEST
SYD vs BRI 19:50AS
Fri, 29 JulTimes shown AEST
CBY vs STG 19:50ANZ
Sat, 30 JulTimes shown AEST
NZW vs PEN 15:00MSS
PAR vs WST 17:30ANZ
NQL vs MEL 19:301300
Sun, 31 JulTimes shown AEST
SOU vs CBR 14:00ANZ
MAN vs NEW 16:00BO
Mon, 01 AugTimes shown AEST
GCT vs CRO 19:00Cbus
View All Fixtures
Round 22
Thu, 04 AugTimes shown AEST
STG vs BRI 19:50WIN
Fri, 05 AugTimes shown AEST
PAR vs MAN 19:50Pirtek
Sat, 06 AugTimes shown AEST
NEW vs CBY 15:00HS
CRO vs CBR 17:30SCGS
MEL vs SOU 19:30AAMI
Sun, 07 AugTimes shown AEST
GCT vs NZW 14:00Cbus
WST vs NQL 16:00VAS
Mon, 08 AugTimes shown AEST
PEN vs SYD 19:00Pepp
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Round 23
Thu, 11 AugTimes shown AEST
CBY vs MAN 19:50ANZ
Fri, 12 AugTimes shown AEST
BRI vs PAR 19:50SUN
Sat, 13 AugTimes shown AEST
WST vs GCT 15:00CSS
NZW vs SOU 17:30MSS
STG vs CRO 19:30JubO
Sun, 14 AugTimes shown AEST
NEW vs PEN 14:00HS
SYD vs NQL 16:00AS
Mon, 15 AugTimes shown AEST
CBR vs MEL 19:00GIO
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Round 24
Thu, 18 AugTimes shown AEST
BRI vs CBY 19:50SUN
Fri, 19 AugTimes shown AEST
PEN vs WST 19:50Pepp
Sat, 20 AugTimes shown AEST
NEW vs GCT 15:00HS
MAN vs MEL 17:30BO
NQL vs NZW 19:301300
Sun, 21 AugTimes shown AEST
CBR vs PAR 14:00GIO
SYD vs STG 16:00AS
Mon, 22 AugTimes shown AEST
SOU vs CRO 19:00ANZ
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Round 25
Thu, 25 AugTimes shown AEST
CBY vs NQL 19:50BelSG
Fri, 26 AugTimes shown AEST
MEL vs BRI 19:50AAMI
Sat, 27 AugTimes shown AEST
MAN vs CBR 15:00BO
GCT vs PEN 17:30Cbus
CRO vs SYD 19:30SCGS
Sun, 28 AugTimes shown AEST
NZW vs WST 14:00MSS
NEW vs SOU 16:00HS
Mon, 29 AugTimes shown AEST
PAR vs STG 19:00Pirtek
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Round 26
Thu, 01 SepTimes shown AEST
BRI vs SYD 19:50SUN
Fri, 02 SepTimes shown AEST
CBY vs SOU 19:50ANZ
Sat, 03 SepTimes shown AEST
STG vs NEW 15:00JubO
NQL vs GCT 17:301300
MEL vs CRO 19:30AAMI
Sun, 04 SepTimes shown AEST
WST vs CBR 14:00VAS
NZW vs PAR 16:00MSS
PEN vs MAN 18:30Pepp
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Telstra Premiership Finals Round 1
Fri, 09 SepTimes shown AEST
vs 00:00TBA
Sat, 10 SepTimes shown AEST
vs 00:00TBA
vs 00:00TBA
Sun, 11 SepTimes shown AEST
vs 00:00TBA
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Telstra Premiership Finals Round 2
Fri, 16 SepTimes shown AEST
vs 00:00TBA
Sat, 17 SepTimes shown AEST
vs 00:00TBA
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Telstra Premiership Finals Round 3
Fri, 23 SepTimes shown AEST
vs 00:00TBA
Sat, 24 SepTimes shown AEST
vs 00:00TBA
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Telstra Premiership Finals Round 4
Sun, 02 OctTimes shown AEST
vs 00:00TBA
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NRL Ladder 2016
Overall standings
Team P W L D +/- Pts
Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks 14 12 2 0 137 28
Melbourne Storm 15 12 3 0 174 26
North Queensland Cowboys 15 10 5 0 167 22
Parramatta Eels 14 9 5 0 61 22
Brisbane Broncos 15 9 6 0 121 20
Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs 15 9 6 0 95 20
Canberra Raiders 15 8 6 1 64 19
Penrith Panthers 14 7 7 0 -12 18
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