- published: 21 Nov 2014
- views: 1147
A waqf, also spelled wakf (Arabic: وقف, pronounced [ˈwɑqf]; plural Arabic: أوقاف, awqāf; Turkish: vakıf, Urdu: وقف), or mortmain property, is, under the context of 'sadaqah', an inalienable religious endowment in Islamic law, typically donating a building or plot of land or even cash for Muslim religious or charitable purposes with no intention of reclaiming the assets. The donated assets may be held by a charitable trust. The grant is known as mushrut-ul-khidmat, while a person making such dedication is known as wakif. In Ottoman Turkish law, and later under the British Mandate of Palestine, the waqf was defined as usufruct State land (or property) of which the State revenues are assured to pious foundations. Although based on several hadiths and presenting elements similar to practices from pre-Islamic cultures, it seems that the specific full-fledged Islamic legal form of endowment called waqf dates from the 9th century CE (see paragraph "History and location").
The term waqf literally means "confinement and prohibition" or causing a thing to stop or stand still. The legal meaning of Waqf according to Imam Abu Hanifa, is the detention of a specific thing in the ownership of waqf and the devoting of its profit or products "in charity of poors or other good objects".
Concept of Endowment (Waqf) in Islam: Dr. Muqtedar Khan
Signs Of Stopping(Waqf)
Zakat (Charity) And Waqf (Islamic Endowment)
Islamic Personal Law Waqf LLb Lecturer Mk Bhutta 03334655305
ITW Waqf chiite d'Irak
Islamic Relief's Waqf Future Fund
Symbols and Rules of Waqf Stopping
Lessons on Tajweed - Session 4 - Rules of Waqf (Stopping) - by Shaykh Hosaam
Talk: JCORP Corporate Waqf
In this story, we have discussed the meaning of Zakat, its legitimacy, as well as the forms of wealth subjected to Zakat, conditions for Zakat, the calculation of Zakat and its beneficiaries.This lesson also explains the basic structures and different types of Waqf, and presents various conditions for Waqf institution, properties, and beneficiaries.
Le 9 mai 2016, nous avons été reçus à Bagdad, dans ses locaux, par son excellence le responsable du waqf chiite irakien Saïd al Moussaoui pour réaliser un entretien. Il a son correspondant sunnite en la personne de Abdullatif al Humayim, avec qui nous nous entretiendrons quelques heures plus tard dans un autre quartier de Bagdad. M. al Moussaoui nous livre un témoignage de première main sur la réalité de la situation en Irak, les évolutions récentes sur le terrain, et met solennellement en garde le gouvernement français contre son alliance avec les pays promoteurs du wahhabisme, comme l’Arabie Saoudite, wahhabisme qui est exactement le logiciel de Daech contre lequel le gouvernement français s’est déclaré en guerre.
What is Waqf? Waqf refers to the gift of money, property or other items to charity. The original gift is used to bring a return, but cannot be sold. For example, if a field is given as a Waqf, the crops and benefits derived from it can be used by the charity, while the field is held intact as the original investment. Waqf is a form of continuous charity (sadaqah jariyah), and the rewards for this type of charity continue even after the donor's death - for as long as people continue to benefit from the Waqf. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to establish Waqf himself, and he regarded Waqf as one of the best forms of charity. http://www.islamic-relief.com/waqf/
In this lesson you learn the Symbols of Waqaf, and The rules of Waqaf like what changes you make when you stop on a word. for more contact: irfan khan. Whats App: 00923335456134 or email: geoirfankhan@gmail.com
May 7th 2013 Session 4 In this session, the Shaykh goes over the rules of Waqf i.e. Stopping at the end or middle of the verse. If you have any Tajweed-based or any other questions, please leave them below or inbox me. JazakaAllah Khair.
Corporate Waqf by Tan Sri Dato' Muhammad Ali Hashim, ex CEO JCORP
foryou, for you
LONELINESS as been my first when i was young
EMPTINESS has kept me active right now
ALL i have is your love to survive
KEEP you close never let you out of my side
YOU have from no where oh out of the blue
FILL my heart with peace and joy make things
brand new
YOU know girl you
SEnd from the above showing me love and
never before you
YOUR beautiful and i realise all i need ofor