- published: 09 Sep 2010
- views: 1602
Róbert Gulya (born 10 November 1973) is a Hungarian composer. He composes contemporary classical music as well as film scores.
Robert Gulya studied at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest, the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna and attended a film scoring advanced program at the University of California, Los Angeles. His scores are published by Swiss music publisher Éditions BIM. Inter alia, he created several works for the Austrian guitarist Johanna Beisteiner, such as a Concert for guitar and orchestra, which was performed with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra. Robert Gulya is the owner of the film music production company Interscore LTD.
Johanna Beisteiner (born 20 February 1976) is an Austrian classical guitarist.
Johanna Beisteiner received her first guitar lessons at the age of nine at the Josef Matthias Hauer music school in her hometown Wiener Neustadt. In 1992, only sixteen of age, she became a student at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, from where she graduated as a concert guitarist as well as a Doctor of philosophy with a PhD Thesis on Art music in figure skating, synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics.
Johanna Beisteiner is an internationally active guitar soloist, her repertoire contains music from the 15th to the 20th century as well as contemporary classical music. Inter alia she played several world premieres of works by the composers Robert Gulya and Eduard Shafransky. Moreover, she worked with known orchestras such as the Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Sochi Symphony Orchestra, Graz Chamber Philharmonic and the Budapest Strings Chamber Orchestra, renowned conductors such as Béla Drahos, Achim Holub and Oleg Soldatov and the Argentine Tango dancer as well as choreographer Rafael Ramirez. In addition to her numerous recordings for Gramy Records, she also appeared in television and radio productions for RAI 3 (Italy), Channel 4 (Russia) and Bartok Radio (Hungary) and recorded soundtracks for movies.
In 2012 she composed her first own piece Zemlinsky's Night on themes by Alexander von Zemlinsky. With the Austrian actress Heidrun Samstag she presents since 2013 the literary-music evening Farkas discovers America dedicated to Karl Farkas.
Johanna Beisteiner plays on classical Spanish guitars made by Paulino Bernabe Senior and Junior.
The name Robert is a Germanic given name, from Proto-Germanic *χrōþi- "fame" and *berχta- "bright". Compare Old Dutch Robrecht and Old High German Hrodebert (a compound of hruod "fame, glory" and berht "bright"). It is also in use as a surname.
After becoming widely used in Continental Europe it entered England in its Old French form Robert, where an Old English cognate form (Hrēodbēorht, Hrodberht, Hrēodbēorð, Hrœdbœrð, Hrœdberð) had existed before the Norman Conquest. The feminine version is Roberta. The Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form is Roberto.
Similar to the name, Richard, "Robert" is also a common name in many Germanic languages, including English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Icelandic. It can be used as a French, Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian name as well.
Robert, and also the name Joseph, were in the top 10 most given boys' names in the US for 47 years, from 1925 to 1972.
In Italy during the Second World War, the form of the name, Roberto, briefly acquired a new meaning derived from, and referring to the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis.
Interview with Robert Gulya about his cooperation with Johanna Beisteiner and the Guitar concerto he wrote for her. CD, DVD order: http://www.gr1993records.com/rendeles.php
Opening theme for Hungarian steampunk sci-fi Thelomeris
World premiere recording with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra. Johanna Beisteiner on guitar, Béla Drahos on flute. www.beisteiner.com www.gramy.com CD, DVD order: www.gramy.com or mail@gramy.hu
Robert Gulya composer playing main title score from the movie Illusions. www.illuziok.hu
Robert Gulya (* 1973): Capriccio for guitar and piano Johanna Beisteiner (guitar) and Wanda Mazalin (piano) live at Austrian Cultural Forum Budapest, 21-09-2012 www.gr1993records.com
An award-winning composer, pianist and music producer, Robert Gulya has been devoting his time between London and Hungary. He has received international acclaim for his music. Robert has scored blockbuster films with actors such as Mickey Rooney or George Kennedy. Robert is my friend and I think his music is awesome. In this video you can hear his Selection of action scores. http://www.robertgulya.com/
Róbert Gulya - Tündértánc // All rights belong to the composer
Johanna Beisteiner - Live in Budapest The Budapest Symphony Orchestra conducted by Béla Drahos. www.beisteiner.com CD, DVD order: http://www.gr1993records.com/rendeles.php
Gulya Róbert trailerzenei terve a The Amazing Spiderman 2 friss traileréhez.
Robert Gulya (* 1973): Capriccio for guitar and piano Johanna Beisteiner (guitar) and Wanda Mazalin (piano) live at Austrian Cultural Forum Budapest, 21-09-2012 www.gr1993records.com
Robert Gulya: Piano Concerto No.1. ( premier ) 1992. Laszlo ( Sárán ) Legendy ( 19 )- piano Orchestra Philharmonietta Budapest ( ex-Budapest Youth Orchestra ) conducted by András Presztolánszky Academy of Music Budapest, 1993. ( sponsored by Népszabadság Rt. )
Johanna Beisteiner - Live in Budapest The Budapest Symphony Orchestra conducted by Béla Drahos. www.beisteiner.com CD, DVD order: http://www.gr1993records.com/rendeles.php
Filmzene a Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn c. filmből Zeneszerző: Gulya Róbert
Opening theme for Hungarian steampunk sci-fi Thelomeris
Agency: JWT Budapest Creative director: Tamas Farago Director: Mark Kostyal Music: Peter Foldy, Robert Gulya
Isaac Albéniz: Granada from Suite espanola, op. 47. Johanna Beisteiner live at Austrian Cultural Forum Budapest, 21-09-2012 order: http://www.gr1993records.com/rendeles.php
Robert Gulya: Piano Concerto No.1. ( premier ) 1992. Laszlo ( Sárán ) Legendy ( 19 )- piano Orchestra Philharmonietta Budapest ( ex-Budapest Youth Orchestra ) conducted by András Presztolánszky Academy of Music Budapest, 1993. ( sponsored by Népszabadság Rt. )
Aura - magyar ifjúsági/sci-fi (2014) A film honlapja: http://aura.bernathzsolt.hu/ Rendezte: Bernáth Zsolt Producer: Kis-Szabó Márk, Váczy Károly Forgatókönyv: Kis-Szabó Márk Fényképezte: Szentkuti Tamás Vágó: Végh Zoltán Zene: Gulya Róbert Betétdalok: The Morning Star, Óperentzia Szereplők: Szénási Kristóf, Ungvár Ádám, Dubai Péter, Kapócs Panka, Szénási Bálint Mozi- és DVD forgalmazó: DreamCast Kft. Fesztivál-részvételek: 2014 Other Worlds Austin Sci-Fi Film Festival (USA) 2014 Hungarian Film Festival Los Angeles (USA) 2014 Magyar Filmhét (Magyarország) 2014 Filmtett Festival – Hungarian Filmdays (Romania) 2014 London Sci-Fi Film Festival (UK) 2014 Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival (Belgium) 2014 Horrorant Film Festival (Greece)
Sherlock Holmes nevében - magyar ifjúsági film (2012) A film honlapja: http://sherlock.bernathzsolt.hu/ Rendezte: Bernáth Zsolt Producer: Váczy Károly Forgatókönyv: Kis-Szabó Márk Fényképezte: Szentkuti Tamás Vágó: Végh Zoltán és Bernáth Zsolt Zene: Gulya Róbert Betétdal: Fool Moon Főszereplők: Szénási Kristóf, Ungvár Ádám, Kugler Nikolett, Gáspár Tibor, Karalyos Gábor, Tahi-Tóth László, Kiss Attila Moziforgalmazó: 3D-Film Kft. DVD forgalmazó: Saturn Film TV-s bemutatók: M1, Filmmánia, Filmcafé Fesztiváldíjak: 2014 Kryla International Film Festival for Children and Youth (UKR) - Best Film for Youth 2013 Stockholms International Film Festival Junior (SWE) - Best Film for Youngsters Egyéb fesztivál-részvételek: 2014 International Children Film Festival, Karnataka (India) 2014 Cine Cen...
Megdönteni Hajnal Tímeát magyar romantikus vígjáték, 2014 Szereplők Hajnal Tímea :Osvárt Andrea Bögöcs :Szabó Simon Horváth Dani:Simon Kornél Virág :Jordán Adél Nikki :Szandtner Anna Gábor :Lengyel Tamás Réka nagymamája:Békés Itala Róbert :Kamarás Iván Réka apja:Hirtling István RENDEZŐ:Herczeg Attila FORGATÓKÖNYVÍRÓ:Csurgó Csaba ZENESZERZŐ:Gulya Róbert OPERATŐR:Tóth Widamon Máté PRODUCER:Tőzsér Attila, Ferenczy Gábor VÁGÓ:Somogyi Csaba
Színes, magyar zenés vígjáték, 109 perc, 2009 A hatvanas évek elején a magyar fiatalokat elbűvölte Amerika: a rágógumi, a kóla és a rock and roll. Mindenki arról álmodozott, hogy disszidálni fog. Miki viszont visszatér Budapestre, hogy megvalósítsa álmát és ő legyen az új Jerry Lee Lewis. A régi barátai azonban elfordulnak tőle, az új vezért, Rönét, a csókkirályt követik. A szerelme, Vera is új fiúval jár. Miki benevez a tehetségkutató versenyre, a Ki-Mit-Tudra. A mindent elsöprő zenéjével óriási sikert arat, az elveszett szerelmét és barátait is sikerül visszahódítania. A Fenyő Miklós életét feldolgozó filmben a Hungária együttes legnépszerűbb számai csendülnek fel. Rendező: Fonyó Gergely Forgatókönyvíró: Tasnádi István, Köbli Norbert Zeneszerző: Fenyő Miklós, Gulya Róbert Operatőr: Cs...
Megkésve bár, de itt az újabb riport.
Adásunk tartalmából: - Tájékoztatjuk Önöket, hogy a szombati adás ismétlésének időpontja megváltozott. Ezután hétfőn 12:30-kor és szerdán 9:30-kor láthatják az ismétléseket. Potápi Árpád János Nemzetpolitikai Államtitkár a napokban adta át a Külhoni Magyarságért Díjat Somorjai Ágnesnak a Kanadai Magyar Kulturális Tanács elnökének a Niagara Falls-i Árpád Hallban. - A Torontói Református Egyház látta vendégül az északamerikai turnén résztvevő Felvidéki Pedagógusok Vass Lajos Énekkarát, mely nagysikerű hangversenyt tartott Thorhillben a református templomban. - Egy perc Magyarország című sorozatunk soronkövetkező epizódjában Csőszről láthatnak rövidfilmet. - A hamiltoni szt. István római katolikus templom ünnepi búcsújáról tudósítunk most. - Nagy magyar siker született Cannes-ban, ahol az úgy...
After performing a great set downstairs for the opening of John Cavanaugh's exhibit "The Life & Times Of Vini Lopez" showing through June 14th At Where Music Lives 708 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ Dawg Whistle rocks the crowd at the legendary "Upstage" just 2 doors down.Dawg Whistle features Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame drummer Vini "Maddog" Lopez, Blues Icon Paul "Wadda Guy" Whistler, Jon Sebastian Brice and guest artists Rich Gulya and Joe Petillo. Here is the full set videoed by my son Robert A. DeJessa and edited by me.
Interview with Robert Gulya about his cooperation with Johanna Beisteiner and the Guitar concerto he wrote for her. CD, DVD order: http://www.gr1993records.com/rendeles.php
Robert S. Schachter, DSW, LMSW, Executive Director of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), The New York Chapter. Taking the initiative to bring classroom learning into the real world, together with colleagues from all over the world.
Róbert Gulya - Tündértánc // All rights belong to the composer
Robert Gulya composer playing main title score from the movie Illusions. www.illuziok.hu
World premiere recording with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra. Johanna Beisteiner on guitar, Béla Drahos on flute. www.beisteiner.com www.gramy.com CD, DVD order: www.gramy.com or mail@gramy.hu
Gulya Róbert trailerzenei terve a The Amazing Spiderman 2 friss traileréhez.
Robert Gulya (* 1973): Capriccio for guitar and piano Johanna Beisteiner (guitar) and Wanda Mazalin (piano) live at Austrian Cultural Forum Budapest, 21-09-2012 www.gr1993records.com
Robert Gulya: Piano Concerto No.1. ( premier ) 1992. Laszlo ( Sárán ) Legendy ( 19 )- piano Orchestra Philharmonietta Budapest ( ex-Budapest Youth Orchestra ) conducted by András Presztolánszky Academy of Music Budapest, 1993. ( sponsored by Népszabadság Rt. )
Két díjjal is elismerték az Operaház image filmjét a Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards vállalati filmeket díjazó versenyén. A vállalati filmek kategóriájában az Opera imázsfilmje elnyerte az Ezüst Delfint, Gulya Róbert szerzeménye a kategória abszolút győztese lett, elnyerte a Fekete Delfint.
Interview with Robert Gulya about his cooperation with Johanna Beisteiner and the Guitar concerto he wrote for her. CD, DVD order: http://www.gr1993records.com/rendeles.php
Opening theme for Hungarian steampunk sci-fi Thelomeris
World premiere recording with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra. Johanna Beisteiner on guitar, Béla Drahos on flute. www.beisteiner.com www.gramy.com CD, DVD order: www.gramy.com or mail@gramy.hu
Robert Gulya composer playing main title score from the movie Illusions. www.illuziok.hu
Robert Gulya (* 1973): Capriccio for guitar and piano Johanna Beisteiner (guitar) and Wanda Mazalin (piano) live at Austrian Cultural Forum Budapest, 21-09-2012 www.gr1993records.com
An award-winning composer, pianist and music producer, Robert Gulya has been devoting his time between London and Hungary. He has received international acclaim for his music. Robert has scored blockbuster films with actors such as Mickey Rooney or George Kennedy. Robert is my friend and I think his music is awesome. In this video you can hear his Selection of action scores. http://www.robertgulya.com/
Róbert Gulya - Tündértánc // All rights belong to the composer
Johanna Beisteiner - Live in Budapest The Budapest Symphony Orchestra conducted by Béla Drahos. www.beisteiner.com CD, DVD order: http://www.gr1993records.com/rendeles.php
Gulya Róbert trailerzenei terve a The Amazing Spiderman 2 friss traileréhez.