JAN ŽIŽKA (1955) - The First Prague Defenestration
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- Duration: 7:12
- Published: 26 Dec 2007
- Uploaded: 30 Jul 2011
- Author: centrum99
en.wikipedia.org 1419: The atmosphere in Prague after Hus' death is very tense. Several rebels are prisoned and radical priest Jan Želivský leads large masses of people to the New Town's council house occupied by hatred councillors, where the prisoners are kept. The councillors refuse demands lodged by Želivský and several people are killed by stones thrown from windows. This act provokes ennoyance and leads to an overt uprising: the gate of the council house is broken and the councillors are thrown out of windows and killed (the so-called First Prague defenestration). When the king hears about this event, he is enormously upset and dies of heart failure. NOTE: The video (and many others) can be ordered from www.bontonland.cz (Email: info@bontonland.cz)