New Internationalist

EU referendum – fear is the right thing to feel

EU referendum – fear is the right thing to feel

As voters gear up to decide 'Brexit', Vanessa Baird makes a case for fear – and political realism.
Why did the market fail to produce an Ebola vaccine?

Why did the market fail to produce an Ebola vaccine?

Mustapha Dumbaya explores why dysfunctional R&D; is letting down those people who need it most.
What is digital humanitarianism and what did it do for Ecuador?

What is digital humanitarianism and what did it do for Ecuador?

Kimberley Brown looks at how technology could help the South American country’s earthquake victims.
Thousands hold vigil in London for victims of Orlando massacre

Thousands hold vigil in London for victims of Orlando massacre

A gunman killed at least 49 people and wounded 53 others at Florida nightclub on Sunday.
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Top stories

Saving refugees’ lives, one top-up at a time

Lydia Noon reports on a Facebook group whose members connect displaced people to their families.

Men and feminism: the Smurthwaite Deal

Kate Smurthwaite has an idea for how men can truly be feminist.

Being a woman artist is awesome

Simona Bonomo reviews an international feminist art festival and the diverse yet shared experiences these women artists hold in common.

Open Window: The hug

This month’s cartoon comes from guest cartoonist José Antonio Rodriguez Garcia from Mexico.

Why did the market fail to produce an Ebola vaccine?

Mustapha Dumbaya lost 47 relatives in the outbreak. He explores why dysfunctional R&D is letting down those people who need it most.

Mixed Media: Films

This month’s film reviews.

Big Davids, small Goliaths

How new trade deals – and Investor-State Dispute Settlements in particular – are giving more power to companies to sue countries for lost profits.


EU referendum – fear is the right thing to feel

As voters gear up to decide this week whether Britain should stay in or leave the European Union, Vanessa Baird makes a case for fear – and political realism.

Literary London, then and now, through Indian eyes

Mari Marcel Thekaekara reflects on England’s capital city and how its people, food and cultures have ebbed and flowed over the years.

Is Britain better off in or out of the EU?

Caroline Lucas and John Hilary discuss the EU-Brexit debate in the lead up to the 23 June referendum.

Why I love pre-loved, unloved and recycled

Wise words on fashion by 14-year-old Mya-Rose Craig.

The role of climate change in the Syria crisis: how the media got it wrong

Alex Randall argues that the conclusions drawn were the wrong ones.

Pt 3/3: A British-Syrian’s experience of a refugee’s journey

The reality of civil war and migration challenges identity while exposing new hope in humanity, writes Danny Ryan Youssef in the final blog of this three part series.

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    The No-Nonsense Guide to Climate Change

    A completely revised edition on the politics of climate in a post-Copenhagen world.

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    People First Economics

    Toxic debt, rising job losses, collapsing commodity prices and expanding poverty. How can we rein in these beasts unleashed by the free market economy?

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    The World Atlas of Sport

    This beautifully designed and fully illustrated atlas profiles the world’s major competitive sports, their political uses and abuses, and the profits that flow from their commercial development.

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