- published: 01 Jan 2016
- views: 1069481
Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama, Shakyamuni, or simply the Buddha, was a sage on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. He was born in Nepal and is believed to have lived and taught mostly in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent sometime between the sixth and fourth centuries BCE.
The word Buddha means "awakened one" or "the enlightened one". "Buddha" is also used as a title for the first awakened being in a Yuga era. In most Buddhist traditions, Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as the Supreme Buddha (Pali sammāsambuddha, Sanskrit samyaksaṃbuddha) of the present age. Gautama taught a Middle Way between sensual indulgence and the severe asceticism found in the śramaṇa movement common in his region. He later taught throughout regions of eastern India such as Magadha and Kosala.
Gautama is the primary figure in Buddhism and accounts of his life, discourses, and monastic rules are believed by Buddhists to have been summarized after his death and memorized by his followers. Various collections of teachings attributed to him were passed down by oral tradition and first committed to writing about 400 years later.
Imee Ooi (/ˈiːmiː ˈwuːiː/ EE-mee WOO-ee; Ch: 黃慧音, pinyin: Huáng Huìyīn) is a Chinese-Malaysian record producer, composer, and singer who composes and arranges music for classic Buddhist chant, mantra, and dharani. She performs her compositions in Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, and Mandarin. In 1997 she founded a record label, I.M.M. Musicworks, to publish her music. To date, she has released more than 40 albums.
Ooi also composed and directed three highly acclaimed stage musicals: Siddhartha, Above Full Moon, and Princess Wen Cheng (aka Jewel of Tibet).
Ooi was born in Taiping, Malaysia to a musically-inclined Hoklo family. Her grandfather, who was a writer and dramatist, emigrated to Malaysia from Guangdong, China. Ooi's mother was a piano teacher; Imee and her four siblings all learned piano. Ooi continued her study of piano and trained as a classical pianist.
Ooi's Chinese name in Pinyin is Huáng Huìyīn (黃慧音), which is pronounced "Ng2 Hui6 Im1" in the Hokkien dialect.
The San Francisco Municipal Railway (SF Muni or Muni) is the public transit system for the city and county of San Francisco, California. In 2006, it served 46.7 square miles (121 km2) with an operating budget of about $700 million. In ridership Muni is the seventh largest transit system in the United States, with 210,848,310 rides in 2006 and the second largest in California behind Metro in Los Angeles. With a fleet average speed of 8.1 mph (13.0 km/h), it is the slowest major urban transit system in America and one of the most expensive to operate, costing $19.21 per mile per bus and $24.37 per mile per train. However, it has more boardings per mile and more vehicles in operation than similar transit agencies.
Muni is an integral part of public transit in the city of San Francisco, operating 365 days a year and connecting with regional transportation services, such as Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), Caltrain, SamTrans, Golden Gate Transit, and AC Transit. Its network consists of 54 bus lines, 17 trolley bus lines, 7 light rail lines that operate above ground and in the city's lone subway tube (called Muni Metro), 3 cable car lines, and 2 heritage streetcar lines, the E Embarcadero and F Market. Many weekday riders are commuters, as the daytime weekday population in San Francisco exceeds its normal residential population. Muni shares four metro stations with BART. Travelers can connect to San Francisco International Airport and Oakland International Airport via BART.
Om Śhānti (IAST).
"Mantra" (/ˈmæntrə, ˈmɑːn-, ˈmʌn-/ (Sanskrit: मंत्र);) means a sacred utterance, numinous sound, or a syllable, word, phonemes, or group of words believed by practioners to have psychological and spiritual power in Sanskrit. A mantra may or may not have syntactic structure or literal meaning; the spiritual value of a mantra comes when it is audible, visible, or present in thought.
The earliest mantras were composed in Vedic times by Hindus in India, and those are at least 3000 years old. Mantras are now found in various schools of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Similar hymns, chants, compositions and concepts are found in Zoroastrianism,Taoism, Christianity, and elsewhere.
The use, structure, function, importance, and types of mantras vary according to the school and philosophy of Hinduism and of Buddhism. Mantras serve a central role in tantra. In this school, mantras are considered equivalent to deities, a sacred formula and deeply personal ritual, and considered to be effective only after initiation. However, in other schools of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism or Sikhism, initiation is not a requirement.
"Muni" is a common US abbreviation for "municipal" or a city-related service or organization and may refer to:
释迦牟尼佛传(佛教电影) [Sakyamuni Buddha]
Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra 釋迦牟尼佛心咒 - Imee Ooi (黃慧音)
Buddha Sakyamuni Mantra
Mantra - Buddha sakyamuni
Sejarah Buddha Sakyamuni ( Teks Indonesia )
(高清) 佛陀的故事 Story of Buddha 【Life Of Sakyamuni Buddha 】
Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra 釋迦牟尼佛心咒 _ Imee Ooi 黃慧音
[Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra] Chú Phật Thích Ca Mâu Ni (108 Repetitions)
Remembrance Shakyamuni Buddha
皈依 本師 釋迦牟尼佛 Take Refuge in Shakyamuni Buddha (Extented)
Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra 釋迦牟尼佛心咒 _ Imee Ooi 黃慧音
Mantra to Shakyamuni Buddha at Kopan Monastery
Sejarah Buddha Sakyamuni ( Complete & Sub Indonesia )
釋迦牟尼佛心咒 合唱團唱誦 Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra singing by Choir
Mantra de Buda Shakyamuni cantado por Thubten Wangchen
Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha (Buda Sakyamuni)
Lumbini, Nepal: The Birthplace of Sakyamuni Buddha
Sakyamuni Buddha Raise the Death to Life
Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra Album 釋迦牟尼佛心咒專輯 _ Imee Ooi 黃慧音
释迦牟尼佛,出生在纪元前四六四年的四月八日,降诞的地点就是被称为世界四大文化古国之一的印度,这是在中外历史上均有记载的。所以,我们决不可以把佛陀看作是来去无影无踪的神仙,也不可以把他视为是玄想出来的上帝。他有出生的时间、地点,更有生养他的父母,他经过了多年茹苦含辛的修行终究完成一位大智大觉的完人!这是中外的学者、宗教家,所一致公认的。 释迦牟尼佛出生在人间,生长在人间,成佛亦在人间。他是我们长夜漫漫的人间慧灯,他是我们苦海茫茫的人间舟航。他的人格已经到达最完美的境地,他的自性已是清净不染,他解脱了世间上一切束缚烦恼,他己经远离了人生的生死痛苦。他住世说法四十余年,告诉我们求得解脱的方法,指示我们应行的大道。他所留在这人间的佛法,无一不是从他大智觉海中流露出来,无一不是我们离苦得乐的方法。 佛教重视人类心灵和道德的进步和觉悟。按照佛教的观点,人和其他众生一样,沉沦于苦迫之中,并不断的轮转生死。惟有断除无明的人才能出三界脱离轮回。悉达多·乔达摩就在35岁时成佛,并对众人宣扬他所发现的道理。佛教信徒修习佛教的目的即在于从悉达多所悟到的道理里,看透生命和宇宙的真相,最终超越生死和苦、断尽一切烦恼,得到究竟解脱。
Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 1. iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/imee-ooi/id592393059 2. amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_adv_m_digital/?search-alias=digital-music&unfiltered;=1&field-keywords;=&field-author;=imee+ooi&field-title;=&field-label;=&field-browse;=&sort;=relevancerank&Adv-Srch-MP3-Submit.x;=30&Adv-Srch-MP3-Submit.y;=7 3. Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=imee+ooi&c;=music&docType;=2
O mantra do Buda Shakyamuni pode ser considerado a essência de Buda, a essência de sua iluminação. Ele não é uma forma separada do próprio Buda e recitar este mantra, atrai energias de cura, de proteção e desenvolve a paciência. Além de purificar os obscurecimentos kármicos, também traz à tona nossa sabedoria interior nos momentos em que nos sentimos inseguros e ou indecisos, afinal é o mantra do “Grande Vitorioso”, aquele que transcendeu todos os sofrimentos, venceu todas as negatividades e todas as ilusões e nos revelou um caminho, o Caminho do Meio. É o Equilíbrio Perfeito. O significado do mantra segundo Lama Gangchen Rimpoche OM invoca a energia de puro cristal do corpo, da palavra e da mente de Buda, e paz e alegria nos mundos interno e externo. Em suma, é o conhecimento e a percep...
佛陀的故事 (Story of Buddha) Life Of Sakyamuni Buddha 释迦牟尼佛教化的一生 神释迦牟尼(梵文:शाक्यमुनि,Śākyamuni),原名悉达多·乔达摩( 巴利文:Siddhattha Gotama;梵文:सिद्धार्थ गौतम,Siddhārtha Gautama),古印度释迦族人,佛教创始人。成佛后的释迦牟尼,被尊称为佛陀,意 思是彻悟宇宙、人生真相者。
Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra(Enlightened) by Imee Ooi (釋迦牟尼佛心咒 _ 主唱黃慧音) 根據維基百科/百度百科: Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 唵 牟尼 牟尼 嘛哈 牟尼 釋迦牟尼耶 斯瓦哈 釋迦牟尼佛(梵文:शाक्यमुनि、 Śākyamuni,意為「釋迦族之聖者」),原名悉達多·喬達摩(巴利語:Siddhāttha Gotama;梵文:सिद्धार्थ गौतम, Siddhārtha Gautama),古印度著名思想家,佛教創始人,出生於今尼泊爾南部。被尊稱為佛陀(Buddha、意為「覺悟者」)、世尊等;漢地民間從明朝開始還尊稱他為佛祖,即「佛教之創祖」。在許多民間信仰中,被神化而視為神明,故在一般道教、民間信仰之廟宇也設有三寶殿供奉含有釋迦牟尼佛之三寶佛及菩薩、護法、羅漢等;一般而言,佛教正信弟子,不會認為釋迦牟尼佛是神,在佛教中,神屬於六道眾生中的天道(天人),佛是已經脫離六道輪回的圓滿智者。 生平事跡 釋迦牟尼佛的生卒年,未記載於佛教前四次結集的早期三藏中,歷來眾說紛紜,詳見後文傳統記載和考證研究章節。早期三藏中也未包括釋迦牟尼佛生平的專門記載,經藏中的佛經緣起部分,偶有些類似傳記性的敘述,而佛陀傳記原型以《譬喻經》形式收錄在《律藏》中;佛陀言行和教法是經律記錄的重心,佛陀本人的生活同教義的牽連性並不強,並未引起三藏結集者的重視。在佛教廣為流行後,佛教徒對佛陀的卓越人格逐漸發生興趣,《本生經》和部份《譬喻經》從《律藏》中輯出編入《雜藏》或《經藏》,而更詳盡的敘事文字遂在流行經典和變化多端的傳說中而有所闡述。最早的佛陀生平傳記,是佛陀滅度六百年後馬鳴菩薩所著的《佛所行讚》(《佛本行經》),大乘佛教的佛陀傳記有《佛本行集經》、《普曜經》和《方廣大莊...
"Those who make offerings of beautiful music to the Buddhas will always receive the warmth of blessing and wisdom." Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava - This beautiful meditation is a mantra yoga offering of Shakyamuni Buddha centering on his mantra TADYATHA: OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MUNI YE SOHA
Gautama Buddha /Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha (Sanskrit: सिद्धार्थ गौतम बुद्ध; Pali:Siddhattha Gotama), also called Sakyamuni, was a sagefrom the ancient Shakya republic, on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. He is also referred to as "the Buddha" or most commonly simply as "Buddha." Buddha means "awakened one" or "the enlightened one." "Buddha" is also used as a title for the first awakened being in an era. In most Buddhist traditions, Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as the Supreme Buddha (P. sammāsambuddha, S. samyaksaṃbuddha) of our age, Gautama Buddha may also be referred to as Shakyamuni Buddha, Śākyamuni (Sanskrit: शाक्यमुनि "Sage of the Śākyas") or "The Awakened One of the Shakya Clan." Gautama taught a Middle Way compared to the severe asceticism found in the Sramana(renunciation...
Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra(Somewhere In Time) by Imee Ooi (釋迦牟尼佛心咒 _ 主唱黃慧音) 根據維基百科/百度百科: Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 唵 牟尼 牟尼 嘛哈 牟尼 釋迦牟尼耶 斯瓦哈 釋迦牟尼佛(梵文:शाक्यमुनि、 Śākyamuni,意為「釋迦族之聖者」),原名悉達多·喬達摩(巴利語:Siddhāttha Gotama;梵文:सिद्धार्थ गौतम, Siddhārtha Gautama),古印度著名思想家,佛教創始人,出生於今尼泊爾南部。被尊稱為佛陀(Buddha、意為「覺悟者」)、世尊等;漢地民間從明朝開始還尊稱他為佛祖,即「佛教之創祖」。在許多民間信仰中,被神化而視為神明,故在一般道教、民間信仰之廟宇也設有三寶殿供奉含有釋迦牟尼佛之三寶佛及菩薩、護法、羅漢等;一般而言,佛教正信弟子,不會認為釋迦牟尼佛是神,在佛教中,神屬於六道眾生中的天道(天人),佛是已經脫離六道輪回的圓滿智者。 生平事跡 釋迦牟尼佛的生卒年,未記載於佛教前四次結集的早期三藏中,歷來眾說紛紜,詳見後文傳統記載和考證研究章節。早期三藏中也未包括釋迦牟尼佛生平的專門記載,經藏中的佛經緣起部分,偶有些類似傳記性的敘述,而佛陀傳記原型以《譬喻經》形式收錄在《律藏》中;佛陀言行和教法是經律記錄的重心,佛陀本人的生活同教義的牽連性並不強,並未引起三藏結集者的重視。在佛教廣為流行後,佛教徒對佛陀的卓越人格逐漸發生興趣,《本生經》和部份《譬喻經》從《律藏》中輯出編入《雜藏》或《經藏》,而更詳盡的敘事文字遂在流行經典和變化多端的傳說中而有所闡述。最早的佛陀生平傳記,是佛陀滅度六百年後馬鳴菩薩所著的《佛所行讚》(《佛本行經》),大乘佛教的佛陀傳記有《佛本行集經》、《普曜經》...
A compilation of pictures taken at Kopan Monastery in Kathmandu in Fabruary - March 2012. With Mantra to Shakyamuni Buddha as the background sound. Teyata Om Muni Muni Maha Munaye soha.
SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA YOUTUBE VIDEO -OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MUNI SHAKAYA MUNAYE SVAHA- “REMOVE SUFFERING OF WRONG CONCEPTIONS OF SELF EXISTENCE” SHAKYAMUNI - Gautama Buddha or Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha (Sanskrit: सिद्धार्थ गौतम बुद्ध; Pali: Siddhattha Gotama) was a spiritual teacher from the Indian subcontinent, on whose teachings. Buddhism was founded.[6] He is also referred to as "the Buddha" or most commonly simply as "Buddha." Buddha means "awakened one" or "the enlightened one." "Buddha" is also used as a title for the first awakened being in an era. In most Buddhist traditions, Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as the Supreme Buddha (P. sammāsambuddha, S. samyaksaṃbuddha) of our age, Gautama Buddha may also be referred to as Shakyamuni Buddha, Śākyamuni (Sanskrit: शाक्यमुनि "Sage of the Śāky...
釋迦牟尼佛心咒 演唱:合唱團 釋迦牟尼佛,梵名Sakya-muni。意即釋迦族出身之聖人。又作釋迦文尼、奢迦夜牟尼、釋迦牟曩、釋迦文。略稱釋迦、牟尼、文尼。意譯作能仁、能忍、能寂、寂默、能滿、度沃焦,或梵漢並譯,稱為釋迦寂靜。又稱釋迦牟尼世尊、釋尊。即佛教教祖。成佛後的釋迦牟尼,尊稱為佛陀,意思是大徹大悟的人;民間信仰佛教的人也常稱呼佛祖、如來佛祖。在佛教中記載著農曆的四月初八是佛的鼻祖釋迦摩尼誕辰日。 嗡 牟 尼 牟 尼 嘛 哈 牟 尼 耶 梭 哈 Om Muni Muni Maha Muniye Soha 釋迦牟尼佛本尊心咒是人生旅途的甘露,得到了妙法才是真正得到了幸福快樂。迦牟尼佛的本願,是要我們念阿彌陀佛,求生淨土。信願真切,未能心中清淨,亦得往生。其釋迦牟尼佛本尊心咒的功德利益,若有眾生。我泥洹後形像舍利。能持一華以供養者。如是眾生亦於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提不退轉。若有畜生聞釋迦牟尼佛名者。皆於阿耨多羅三藐三菩提不退轉耶。佛告阿難。若有畜生聞釋迦牟尼佛名者。是諸眾生皆種阿耨多羅三藐三菩提種子因緣。所以者何。諸佛如來其有聞者聞必不虛。是故諸佛如來言無有二。阿難。譬如尼拘陀樹枝葉茂盛。能蔭百人至五百人。阿難於意云何。其樹種子為大小耶。 願以此功德,普及於一切。 眾生與我等,皆共成佛道。
Buddha Shakyamuni Mantra chanted by Thubten Wangchen. TADYATA OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MUNAYE SOHA Imagen de Buda Shakyamuni / Buda Shakyamuni image: http://www.dharma-media.org/media/general/dwnld/thanka/buddhas/buddha_shakyamuni_03.jpg Grupo de estudio Thubten Kunkyab Budismo Tibetano y meditación http://meditadf.blogspot.com/ Guía Espiritual: Lama Zopa Rimpoché Correo electrónico meditadf@gmail.com Mas información sobre Thubten Kunkyab http://meditadf.blogspot.com/ Miembro de la FPMT [ Fundación para la Preservación de la Tradición Mahayana ] http://www.fpmt.org/ . . . .
O mantra do Buda Shakyamuni pode ser considerado a essência de Buda, a essência de sua iluminação. Ele não é uma forma separada do próprio Buda e recitar este mantra, atrai energias de cura, de proteção e desenvolve a paciência. Além de purificar os obscurecimentos kármicos, também traz à tona nossa sabedoria interior nos momentos em que nos sentimos inseguros e ou indecisos, afinal é o mantra do “Grande Vitorioso”, aquele que transcendeu todos os sofrimentos, venceu todas as negatividades e todas as ilusões e nos revelou um caminho, o Caminho do Meio. É o Equilíbrio Perfeito.
http://SupremeMasterTV.com Lumbini, Nepal: The Birthplace of Sakyamuni Buddha (In Nepalese). Episode: 1004, Air Date: 14. June 2009.
The wisdom Sakyamuni Buddha used to raise Death to Life. Can you differentiate real wisdom from fairy tales?
Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra Album 釋迦牟尼佛心咒專輯 _ Imee Ooi 黃慧音 根據維基百科/百度百科: Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 唵 牟尼 牟尼 嘛哈 牟尼 釋迦牟尼耶 斯瓦哈 釋迦牟尼佛(梵文:शाक्यमुनि、 Śākyamuni,意為「釋迦族之聖者」),原名悉達多·喬達摩(巴利語:Siddhāttha Gotama;梵文:सिद्धार्थ गौतम, Siddhārtha Gautama),古印度著名思想家,佛教創始人,出生於今尼泊爾南部。被尊稱為佛陀(Buddha、意為「覺悟者」)、世尊等;漢地民間從明朝開始還尊稱他為佛祖,即「佛教之創祖」。在許多民間信仰中,被神化而視為神明,故在一般道教、民間信仰之廟宇也設有三寶殿供奉含有釋迦牟尼佛之三寶佛及菩薩、護法、羅漢等;一般而言,佛教正信弟子,不會認為釋迦牟尼佛是神,在佛教中,神屬於六道眾生中的天道(天人),佛是已經脫離六道輪回的圓滿智者。 生平事跡 釋迦牟尼佛的生卒年,未記載於佛教前四次結集的早期三藏中,歷來眾說紛紜,詳見後文傳統記載和考證研究章節。早期三藏中也未包括釋迦牟尼佛生平的專門記載,經藏中的佛經緣起部分,偶有些類似傳記性的敘述,而佛陀傳記原型以《譬喻經》形式收錄在《律藏》中;佛陀言行和教法是經律記錄的重心,佛陀本人的生活同教義的牽連性並不強,並未引起三藏結集者的重視。在佛教廣為流行後,佛教徒對佛陀的卓越人格逐漸發生興趣,《本生經》和部份《譬喻經》從《律藏》中輯出編入《雜藏》或《經藏》,而更詳盡的敘事文字遂在流行經典和變化多端的傳說中而有所闡述。最早的佛陀生平傳記,是佛陀滅度六百年後馬鳴菩薩所著的《佛所行讚》(《佛本行經》),大乘佛教的佛陀傳記有《佛本行集經》、《普曜經》和《方廣大莊嚴經》。 入胎 佛陀時...
http:\\www.channelingerik.com Buddha interviewed from heaven and the afterlife by world renowned medium Jamie Butler (withloveandlight.com) with the help of my deceased son, Erik Medhus. Jamie asks Buddha about his life, God, Buddha's mission on Earth as well as what is heaven, where is heaven and what heaven is like. Check out Erik's Facebook page at http:\\www.facebook.com/ChannelingErik as well as his blog, www.channelingerik.com. Also, please visit Jamie's site: www.withloveandlight.com.
Candid chat with the actors of Zee TV's Buddha. Subscribe us at: https://www.youtube.com/user/tellychakkar Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TellyChakkar Follow Us On Twitter: https://twitter.com/tellychakkar Follow on Instagram: http://instagram.com/tellychakkar
We are not against any religion and or any People this is just our thoughts about recent Controversy. If you agree with us then share this video and make sure to Subscribe. #cheers #buddhawasborninNepal If you are new to this channel then make sure to like and share this video also subscribe to this channel. Disclaimer: This video is made for entertainment purpose so don't take it seriously or may be lil bit. But take seriously at you own risk. "SPREAD LOVE NOT HATE" Find Me on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChhetriHarish/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/KshetriH Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chhetrirocks/ Find Amrit On: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtM4pqHjdCZwm80Y9cd3lpQ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EVIL.DEATH76 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/att_rmy...
Manchu Lakshmi has explained about Gautama Buddha Vipassana Meditation excellence and its importance, SUBSCRIBE Us : http://goo.gl/f9lm5E Like us on FB : https://www.facebook.com/hmtvnewslive Follow us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/hmtvlive Follow us on Google+ : https://plus.google.com/113173156913428845285/ Visit Us : http://www.hmtvlive.com/ Visit : http://www.thehansindia.com HMTV, a leading Telugu News Channel, brings to you all the latest news from around the world through breaking news, regional news, national news, international news, sports updates, entertainment gossips, business trends, political satires, crime reports, exclusive interview programs such as Coffees and Movies.
Discussion of this interview in the Batgap Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Batgap/permalink/2425829544309498/ https://batgap.com/natalie-sudman/ Natalie Sudman is an author, artist and psychic intuitive. Natalie worked as an archeologist in the Great Basin states for 16 years before accepting a position managing construction contracts in Iraq. In 2007 Natalie was injured by a roadside bomb. During this incident she had a near-death experience that she details in her book Application of Impossible Things. After recovering from her injuries, Natalie retired from government service to concentrate on art and writing, both long-time passions. Raised in Minnesota, Natalie has lived most of her adult life in eastern Oregon, Montana, and South Dakota. She now lives in s...
Discussion of this interview in the Batgap Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Batgap/permalink/2411692829056503/ Also, see https://batgap.com/john-samsen/ When John Samsen first contacted us several months ago, he said, "I'm 90 years old, I've had both my feet amputated, and I've never been happier". We soon learned that John designed the Ford Thunderbird, Plymouth Barracuda, and other "muscle cars", and later had a profound and abiding spiritual awakening. Over a course of many decades, John Samsen followed a quest to understand the “big questions” of Life; why are we here, what is Life all about, and who am I, really? Along with careers in Aerospace Engineering and car designing, John studied the sciences, mythologies, religions, philosophies, and psychologies, ...
Created with the #GoPro Capture App on my iPhone.
Discussion of this interview in the Batgap Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Batgap/permalink/2440185666207219/ One night in 1997 Richard Schoeller thought he was dying because he found himself surrounded by both sets of deceased grandparents. They reassured him that it wasn’t his time to join them in the afterlife and that their visit was to help him understand that he could now "see them." Who could ignore a visit like that? Richard had to learn more about what had just happened, so he began taking classes and researching the ability to communicate with those who have passed into spirit. Richard is now an ordained Spiritualist minister, Certified Medium, Commissioned Spiritualist Healer. Aside from being a member of the Lily Dale Assembly, he served on the Boar...
Courtesy: Vipassana Research Institute This video is uploaded for benefit of whole humanity. The purpose of a video is not to make money out of it. No copyright infringement intended. *************************************************** May you all experience this ultimate truth. May all people be free from misery. May they enjoy real peace, real harmony, real happiness. MAY ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY! For more information see: http://www.dhamma.org
This is a calling show hosted by different host. In this show they bring different people and interact with them. Today we have the owner of Darcy's international Bikas Pandey. For more info: Buddhatvbutwal@gmail.com Newsbuddha@gmail.com Uploaded by: madhav Paudel
Gautam Buddha was born in NEPAL- Says: Amitabh Bachchan in Kaun Banega Crorepati.
Interview with Mr. Shiv Singh Gurjar Chairman of Gautam Buddha Educational Trust. He told about how and why he started this venture about its future plans and also how is his venture helping the society as a whole.
Discussion of this interview in the Batgap Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Batgap/permalink/2417997805092672/ Also see https://batgap.com/lesley-skylar/ A completely spontaneous, life-altering experience of satori or enlightenment shook Lesley Skylar’s world at about age 9 or 10. Everything, in every facet, shifted unimaginably - nothing was ever the same again. This set her on a life course dedicated to understanding, honoring and living what had been revealed. Lesley has spent years as a renunciate, living in ashrams and working deeply with direct teachings of enlightenment, in both the East and West. She has studied and practiced Zen Buddhism, Dzogchen and the Nonduality teachings of Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj. She has a Degree in Psychology, h...
'Sri Siddhartha Gautama' Movie Inteview of actors Anchal Singh and Gagan , Prouducer Mr Navin aired on Sirasa TV
Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Batgap/permalink/2460835960808856/ Also see: https://batgap.com/kimberly-braun/ Kimberly Braun, Minister, M.A., CSP and Meditation Coach has been impelled from and within her contemplative experiences from the age of 5, with over ten of her years spent as a Carmelite monastic nun. Her Masters in theology was completed in 2001 in Washington D.C., and is concentrated upon the adult spiritual journey. As a CSP, keynote presentations are a primary tool in her personal mission to inspire others to live from the power and wisdom within them. Her style is playful, deeply inquiring, and intelligent in the synthesis of not only how to access this part of ourselves, but how to live from that place ...
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Sw Anand Arun Interview by Buddha TV, Lumbini, Nepal
Siddartha Gautama was a prince born in Lumbini, Nepal in the 4th century and is considered to be the historical Buddha. Legend has it that he gave up his all his royalties and riches to become an ascetic. Learn more: https://mandalas.life/product/sakyamuni-buddha-thangka/
釋迦牟尼佛傳(佛教電影) Sakyamuni Buddha(簡體字幕 國語發音) 釋迦牟尼佛傳(佛教電影) Sakyamuni Buddha(簡體字幕 國語發音) Subscribe & More Videos: https://goo.gl/ry82KN Thank for watching, Please Like Share And SUBSCRIBE!!! #
释迦牟尼佛,出生在纪元前四六四年的四月八日,降诞的地点就是被称为世界四大文化古国之一的印度,这是在中外历史上均有记载的。所以,我们. The best movie and true story of Buddha Sakyamuni. 最好、最真实的释迦摩尼佛传,现在有中文字幕了! 释迦牟尼佛传(佛教电影) [Sakyamuni Buddha] part 10.
Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 1. iTunes: 2. amazon: Description. Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra(Somewhere In Time) by Imee Ooi (釋迦牟尼佛心咒_ 主唱黃慧音) 根據維基百科/百度百科: Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 唵牟尼牟尼.
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【福祐人間──護持佛陀真身舍利入臺永住的功德,殊勝不可思議!】 多生多世福緣,修得此生與佛相逢! 釋迦佛陀是所有佛弟子的導師,是人間佛弟子共有的歷史與珍寶,佛陀舍利的出土代表釋迦佛陀不是虛構的神話,而是真實不虛的歷史人物,可以親見、迎奉佛陀真身舍利是不可思議的殊勝功德! 釋迦佛陀留在人間的寶貴紀念──真身舍利,經過兩千四百多年之後,竟然能夠被考古團隊找到,並且輾轉入臺將永住於臺灣,如此「難得可貴的事」能夠成真,唯能說是「不可思議」! 臺灣的佛弟子應當與有榮焉,同時珍惜這份殊勝的福緣,佛陀的事就是我們佛弟子的事,在此誠懇呼籲:請大家有錢出錢、有力出力,讓我們同心協力建立釋迦佛陀真身舍利塔,讓佛陀永住臺灣陪伴我們,護祐佛教興隆於臺灣、利世永昌! 「護持佛舍利、建塔功德;護法傳比丘戒功德」護持項目: 特別護持―功德主〈新台幣50萬元以上/位;人民幣11萬元以上/位;美金1萬6千元以上/位〉 護佛舍利―護佛功德主〈新臺幣10萬元/位;人民幣2萬元以上/位;美金3千元以上/位〉 護佛塔寺―護佛功德主〈新臺幣1萬元/位;人民幣2千元以上/位;美金1萬6千元以上/位〉 隨喜奉塔功德―〈新臺幣 1000元/位;人民幣200元以上/位;美金30元以上/位〉 護法傳戒―護戒功德主〈新臺幣3萬元/位;人民幣6千元以上/位;美金1千元以上/位〉 迎僧傳戒―護戒功德主〈新臺幣3千元/位;人民幣6百元以上/位;美金1百元以上/位〉 隨喜護戒功德―〈新臺幣300元/位;人民幣60元以上/位;美金10元以上/位〉 捐款護持迎奉佛舍利、護持興建釋迦佛陀真身舍利塔、護法興建戒壇傳比丘戒,不論捐款金額多寡,功德皆不可思議,屆時護持者的姓名將永刻於紀念功德碑上,令後世之人永誌護持者護佛、護法、護戒之功德。 凡護持「護佛塔寺或迎僧傳戒」項目以上的功德主,本會將贈送特製「活動紀念品」或感謝狀,以茲...
The Explanation of the Buddha’s Title – “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III” On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified first-publishing ceremony of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, which published jointly by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC and the World Dharma Voice, Inc., was held at the Library of the Congress of the United States. The book was also formally accepted into the collection of the Library of the Congress of the United States. Only since that time, did people in the world know that Master Wan Ko Yee, who had been broadly respected by the great masses and who had also been known as Great Dharma King Yangwo Yeshe Norbu, had been recognized by the world’s leaders, regent dharma kings, and great rinpoches of Buddhism through official documents as t...
this art name is sakyamuni buddha..in.have worked.veey hard.buddha incarnation
Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 1. iTunes: 2. amazon: Description. Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra(Somewhere In Time) by Imee Ooi (釋迦牟尼佛心咒_ 主唱黃慧音) 根據維基百科/百度百科: Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 唵牟尼牟尼. Shakyamuni Mantra-釋迦牟尼佛心咒 kyamuni Mantra-釋迦牟尼佛心咒 - Mật tông thần chú - Thế giới tâm linh.
Vídeo artístico com a iluminação do Buda Sakyamuni Sakyamuni viveu na antiga Índia há cerca de três mil anos e desenvolveu uma profunda e eterna filosofia de vida, freqüentemente conhecida como a biblioteca de oitenta mil sutras. Assim, refutou a filosofia do bramanismo que dominava a Índia daquela época. Após praticar e conhecer várias austeridades e ensinos, decidiu que se sentaria em baixo de uma árvore de Bodhi (figueira) e meditaria até que atingisse a iluminação. A partir de então passou a travar uma intensa luta no âmago de sua vida, com seu próprio eu, seus sofrimentos, medos, desejos mundanos, ilusões etc. Assim, alcançou o domínio sobre a natureza mística da vida, por meio da qual obteve também a convicção de que poderia desenvolver ilimitadamente sua condição de vida. Todas as...
释迦牟尼佛,出生在纪元前四六四年的四月八日,降诞的地点就是被称为世界四大文化古国之一的印度,这是在中外历史上均有记载的。所以,我们决不可以把佛陀看作是来去无影无踪的神仙,也不可以把他视为是玄想出来的上帝。他有出生的时间、地点,更有生养他的父母,他经过了多年茹苦含辛的修行终究完成一位大智大觉的完人!这是中外的学者、宗教家,所一致公认的。 释迦牟尼佛出生在人间,生长在人间,成佛亦在人间。他是我们长夜漫漫的人间慧灯,他是我们苦海茫茫的人间舟航。他的人格已经到达最完美的境地,他的自性已是清净不染,他解脱了世间上一切束缚烦恼,他己经远离了人生的生死痛苦。他住世说法四十余年,告诉我们求得解脱的方法,指示我们应行的大道。他所留在这人间的佛法,无一不是从他大智觉海中流露出来,无一不是我们离苦得乐的方法。 佛教重视人类心灵和道德的进步和觉悟。按照佛教的观点,人和其他众生一样,沉沦于苦迫之中,并不断的轮转生死。惟有断除无明的人才能出三界脱离轮回。悉达多·乔达摩就在35岁时成佛,并对众人宣扬他所发现的道理。佛教信徒修习佛教的目的即在于从悉达多所悟到的道理里,看透生命和宇宙的真相,最终超越生死和苦、断尽一切烦恼,得到究竟解脱。
Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 1. iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/imee-ooi/id592393059 2. amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_adv_m_digital/?search-alias=digital-music&unfiltered;=1&field-keywords;=&field-author;=imee+ooi&field-title;=&field-label;=&field-browse;=&sort;=relevancerank&Adv-Srch-MP3-Submit.x;=30&Adv-Srch-MP3-Submit.y;=7 3. Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=imee+ooi&c;=music&docType;=2
字幕 Subtitle (中文简体、中文繁體、English、한국어、Bahasa、ဗမာ、ລາວ、नेपाली、සිංහල、Filipino、ខ្មែរ、ภาษาไทย) 下載鏈接:https://puti.org/ch/fo/ Link to download audio:http://puti.org/en/fo/ (中文繁体) 釋迦牟尼佛為了讓眾生離苦得樂,傳授給我們最寶貴的方法:用大慈大悲的心去看待世界;一份慈悲心,能消百世劫。 誦唱本師釋迦牟尼佛聖號,能使我們消災滅難,健康吉祥。 我用最恭敬的心誦唱錄製了本師釋迦牟尼佛聖號,希望我們一起歌頌佛陀。 —— 金菩提禪師 (English) In order to free all sentient beings from pain and suffering, and let them live in joy and happiness, Sakyamuni Buddha taught us the most precious way of practice: to view and treat the world with great compassion; one compassionate thought can eliminate the calamities of hundreds of lives. Chanting to Sakyamuni Buddha can free us from adversities and help us obtain health and auspiciousness. With reverence, I recorded the Chanting to Sakyamuni Buddha. May we chant and praise the Buddha tog...
BUDDHA SHAKYAMUNI MANTRA LYRICS "Om muni muni mahamuni shakyamuniye svaha" or "Om muni muni mahamuni shakyamuni soha" MANTRA TRANSLATION “Om wise one, wise one, greatly wise one, wise one of the Shakyans, Hail!” or “Om wise one, wise one, great wise one, to the wise one of the Shakyanshail!” PRACTICE “As you recite the mantra, think you are purifying yourself and all the six realms’ sentient beings. They purify all the defilements and receive all the qualities. Think that all the gross and subtle defilements from beginningless rebirths are gone, totally purified. Then a replica of Buddha absorbs into you and you are fully enlightened. Now, visualizing yourself as Shakyamuni Buddha, you send beams from every pore of your body. Each beam carries a Buddha on top and these absorb into numb...
Gautama Buddha /Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha (Sanskrit: सिद्धार्थ गौतम बुद्ध; Pali:Siddhattha Gotama), also called Sakyamuni, was a sagefrom the ancient Shakya republic, on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. He is also referred to as "the Buddha" or most commonly simply as "Buddha." Buddha means "awakened one" or "the enlightened one." "Buddha" is also used as a title for the first awakened being in an era. In most Buddhist traditions, Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as the Supreme Buddha (P. sammāsambuddha, S. samyaksaṃbuddha) of our age, Gautama Buddha may also be referred to as Shakyamuni Buddha, Śākyamuni (Sanskrit: शाक्यमुनि "Sage of the Śākyas") or "The Awakened One of the Shakya Clan." Gautama taught a Middle Way compared to the severe asceticism found in the Sramana(renunciation...
"Those who make offerings of beautiful music to the Buddhas will always receive the warmth of blessing and wisdom." Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava - This beautiful meditation is a mantra yoga offering of Shakyamuni Buddha centering on his mantra TADYATHA: OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MUNI YE SOHA
Tibetan singing bowls mix with shakyamuni mantra (释迦牟尼心咒) for Healing, Meditation and Relaxing Sleep. The Shakyamuni Buddha mantra is actually a play on the Buddha’s name and is as followings. Om Muni Muni Maha Muniye Soha - Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Shakyamuni Ye Soha As with the majority of mantras, there can be several types of meanings associated with the Shakyamuni Buddha mantra; however, it is possible to come up with several literal English translations so that the true essence of this powerful mantra can be better understood. - Om – Some believe that Om does not have an actual conceptual meaning. However, it can typically be reflective of an awareness of the surrounding universe. It is used at the start of many mantras and can be thought of as opening yourself up to the truth of w...
O mantra do Buda Shakyamuni pode ser considerado a essência de Buda, a essência de sua iluminação. Ele não é uma forma separada do próprio Buda e recitar este mantra, atrai energias de cura, de proteção e desenvolve a paciência. Além de purificar os obscurecimentos kármicos, também traz à tona nossa sabedoria interior nos momentos em que nos sentimos inseguros e ou indecisos, afinal é o mantra do “Grande Vitorioso”, aquele que transcendeu todos os sofrimentos, venceu todas as negatividades e todas as ilusões e nos revelou um caminho, o Caminho do Meio. É o Equilíbrio Perfeito.
Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra Album 釋迦牟尼佛心咒專輯 _ Imee Ooi 黃慧音 根據維基百科/百度百科: Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 唵 牟尼 牟尼 嘛哈 牟尼 釋迦牟尼耶 斯瓦哈 釋迦牟尼佛(梵文:शाक्यमुनि、 Śākyamuni,意為「釋迦族之聖者」),原名悉達多·喬達摩(巴利語:Siddhāttha Gotama;梵文:सिद्धार्थ गौतम, Siddhārtha Gautama),古印度著名思想家,佛教創始人,出生於今尼泊爾南部。被尊稱為佛陀(Buddha、意為「覺悟者」)、世尊等;漢地民間從明朝開始還尊稱他為佛祖,即「佛教之創祖」。在許多民間信仰中,被神化而視為神明,故在一般道教、民間信仰之廟宇也設有三寶殿供奉含有釋迦牟尼佛之三寶佛及菩薩、護法、羅漢等;一般而言,佛教正信弟子,不會認為釋迦牟尼佛是神,在佛教中,神屬於六道眾生中的天道(天人),佛是已經脫離六道輪回的圓滿智者。 生平事跡 釋迦牟尼佛的生卒年,未記載於佛教前四次結集的早期三藏中,歷來眾說紛紜,詳見後文傳統記載和考證研究章節。早期三藏中也未包括釋迦牟尼佛生平的專門記載,經藏中的佛經緣起部分,偶有些類似傳記性的敘述,而佛陀傳記原型以《譬喻經》形式收錄在《律藏》中;佛陀言行和教法是經律記錄的重心,佛陀本人的生活同教義的牽連性並不強,並未引起三藏結集者的重視。在佛教廣為流行後,佛教徒對佛陀的卓越人格逐漸發生興趣,《本生經》和部份《譬喻經》從《律藏》中輯出編入《雜藏》或《經藏》,而更詳盡的敘事文字遂在流行經典和變化多端的傳說中而有所闡述。最早的佛陀生平傳記,是佛陀滅度六百年後馬鳴菩薩所著的《佛所行讚》(《佛本行經》),大乘佛教的佛陀傳記有《佛本行集經》、《普曜經》和《方廣大莊嚴經》。 入胎 佛陀時...
Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 1. iTunes: 2. amazon: Description. Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra(Somewhere In Time) by Imee Ooi (釋迦牟尼佛心咒_ 主唱黃慧音) 根據維基百科/百度百科: Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 唵牟尼牟尼.
Sakyamuni Buddha's mantra recitation ceremony 2017....Hyolmo Monastery,Tinchuli...
Tathagatha Buddha | Full Movie | Sunil Sharma, Kausha Rach, Suman | HD 1080p| Pen Movies Subscribe now for the latest Bollywood movies http://bit.ly/subscribe-PenMovies Movie Name - Tathagatha Buddha Movie Cast - Sunil Sharma, Kausha Rach, Suman, Puneet Issar, Surender Pal, Parvati Melton, Master Siva and others. Synopsis - Initially released in 2007 by Dharmapatha Creations, the film tells the story of Siddhartha Gautama, Prince of Kapilavastu, situated in Nepal, who lived during 6th century B.C. He was born on Vaisakha Poornima. The history of his family - The Ikshvaku dynasty is traceable to pre-Ramayana times. Renouncing the life and responsibility of a king, Siddhartha Gautama sought a solution to human misery. Ever in the midst of the great Indian religious and spiritual traditions...
This is International feature film Shakyamuni Tathagat Buddha good knowledgeable about Shakyamuni Buddha from beginning birth to Maha Parinirvana each character is perfect Mr. Sunil Sharma who has played Lord Buddha role very authentic. Buddhist world are very interested to watch this movie so keeping the world people interested I am uploading this movie on the occasion of 6th May 2012 Buddha Poorinima (Lord Buddha Birth, Enlightenment and Maha Parinirvana) and now the Whole world celebrating 2600 years of Shakyamuni Tathagat Buddha Supreme Enlightenment at this moment our responsibility increase more what we can contribute to the Buddhist world that is my good luck.Devki Nandan Shakya
Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 1. iTunes: 2. amazon: . Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra(Somewhere In Time) by Imee Ooi (釋迦牟尼佛心咒_ 主唱黃慧音) Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 唵牟尼牟尼嘛哈牟尼 . Description. Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra(Enlightened) by Imee Ooi (釋迦牟尼佛心咒_ 主唱黃慧音) Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 唵牟尼牟尼嘛哈牟尼釋迦牟尼 .
Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 1. iTunes: 2. amazon: Description. Sakyamuni Buddha Mantra(Somewhere In Time) by Imee Ooi (釋迦牟尼佛心咒_ 主唱黃慧音) 根據維基百科/百度百科: Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Sakyamuni Svaha 唵牟尼牟尼. Shakyamuni Mantra-釋迦牟尼佛心咒 kyamuni Mantra-釋迦牟尼佛心咒 - Mật tông thần chú - Thế giới tâm linh.