- published: 14 Aug 2009
- views: 1638
Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem (French: [pjɛʁ moʁis maʁi dy.ɛm]; 9 June 1861 – 14 September 1916) was a French physicist, mathematician, historian and philosopher of science, best known for his writings on the indeterminacy of experimental criteria and on scientific development in the Middle Ages. Duhem also made major contributions to the science of his day, particularly in the fields of hydrodynamics, elasticity, and thermodynamics.
Duhem's views on the philosophy of science are explicated in his 1906 work The Aim and Structure of Physical Theory. In this work, he opposed Newton's statement that the Principia's law of universal mutual gravitation was deduced from 'phenomena', including Kepler's second and third laws. Newton's claims in this regard had already been attacked by critical proof-analyses of the German logician Leibniz and then most famously by Immanuel Kant, following Hume's logical critique of induction. But the novelty of Duhem's work was his proposal that Newton's theory of universal mutual gravity flatly contradicted Kepler's Laws of planetary motion because the interplanetary mutual gravitational perturbations caused deviations from Keplerian orbits. Since no proposition can be validly logically deduced from any it contradicts, according to Duhem, Newton must not have logically deduced his law of gravitation directly from Kepler's Laws.
Professor Ariew of the Virginia Tech Department of Philosophy describes the enduring legacy of Pierre Duhem, who overcame much opposition because of his devout Catholic belief and practice and was rewarded by achieving an enduring stellar reputation in the fields of physics, history and philosophy. He is interviewed by Dr. Francis J. Kelly.
What makes scientific inquires different than other types of inquiries? How did our modern scientific method and thinking evolved? And why? Professor Michela Massini continues to explain the modern scientific method and philosophy has evolved. Dr. Massini joined Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh in July 2012, where she founded and is currently leading the Research Cluster in Philosophy of Science. Before joining Edinburgh, Michela taught for seven years at UCL in the Dept. of Science and Technology Studies, and in 2009 she was Visiting Professor at HPS, Pittsburgh. She completed her PhD at the LSE in 2002, and in 2002-2005 she was Junior Research Fellow at Girton College, University of Cambridge. This lecture is the property of the University of Edinburgh. I do not own any of t...
Introducing Philosophy and the Sciences playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKuMaHOvHA4pJ-YnmBysDHekt8rIaE5QR Part of the free University of Edinburgh course, "Philosophy and the Sciences" https://www.coursera.org/course/philsci Find out more about Michela Massimi: http://www.philosophy.ed.ac.uk/people/view.php?name=michela-massimi Licence: CC-BY-NC-SA http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
L'épistémologie de Pierre Duhem (première partie) Giuseppe A. Perri CIERL-ULB Bruxelles
L'epistemologia di Pierre Duhem 1/3 di Giuseppe A. Perri CIERL-ULB Bruxelles
L'epistemologia di Pierre Duhem 2/3 di Giuseppe A. Perri CIERL-ULB Bruxelles
Pierre Duhem Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem (French: [pjɛʁ moʁis maʁi dy.ɛm] ( listen); 9 June 1861 – 14 September 1916) was a French physicist, mathematician, historian and philosopher of science, best known for his writings on the indeterminacy of experimental criteria and on scientific development in the Middle Ages.Duhem also made major contributions to the science of his day, particularly in the fields of hydrodynamics, elasticity, and thermodynamics. =======Image-Copyright-Info======= Image is in public domain Author-Info: Unknown Uploaded by Palthrow at en.wikipedia Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pierre_Duhem.jpg =======Image-Copyright-Info======== -Video is targeted to blind users Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA image source in video ht...
Professor Ariew of the Virginia Tech Department of Philosophy describes the enduring legacy of Pierre Duhem, who overcame much opposition because of his devout Catholic belief and practice and was rewarded by achieving an enduring stellar reputation in the fields of physics, history and philosophy. He is interviewed by Dr. Francis J. Kelly.
Professor Ariew of the Virginia Tech Department of Philosophy describes the enduring legacy of Pierre Duhem, who overcame much opposition because of his devout Catholic belief and practice and was rewarded by achieving an enduring stellar reputation in the fields of physics, history and philosophy. He is interviewed by Dr. Francis J. Kelly.
Professor Ariew of the Virginia Tech Department of Philosophy describes the enduring legacy of Pierre Duhem, who overcame much opposition because of his devout Catholic belief and practice and was rewarded by achieving an enduring stellar reputation in the fields of physics, history and philosophy. He is interviewed by Dr. Francis J. Kelly.
I briefly explain in what the Duhem-Quine Thesis is, and argue that it overcomes a major objection, involving assistance from Quine's explanatory virtues.
For some, the Duhem-Quine Thesis, especially Quine's version, is something to be treated with contempt. What is the Thesis? Why might some not like it? Is it as bad as some would have us believe? Are its implications truly radical or is it evident in every field of study?
In this video I refute the idea that Popper didn't solve the Duhem-Quine problem, as advocated by Massimo Pigliucci among others. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-d7dbo-xag Some references to Popper's work if you want to read it Logic of Scientific Discovery http://www.amazon.com/Scientific-Discovery-Routledge-Classics-ebook/dp/B000OT7WLC http://www.amazon.co.uk/Scientific-Discovery-Routledge-Classics-ebook/dp/B000OT7WLC/ I also recommend "Realism and the Aim of Science" and "Objective Knowledge."
discussion about holism in philosophy of science
On September 14, 2016 at the Bates Hall of Ascension Parish in Bowie, Maryland, the Catholic Association of Scientists and Engineers met to celebrate the Centennial of the passing of the great Catholic Scientist, Pierre Duhem. The meeting began with the recitation of the Rosary of Our Lady. During the preparation for the meeting pictures of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land were shown provided by Dr. Antonio Colombo, the guest of honor and main speaker at the meeting. They are shown here to remind the viewer of the life of Jesus and Mary.
Short physical chemistry lecture on the Gibbs-Duhem equation for chemical potential in solution. The Gibbs-Duhem equation relates the change in chemical potential of one substance in solution to the change in chemical potential of the other. The sum of the number of moles of each substance times their change in chemical potential is zero. --- All TMP Chem content is 100% free and ad-free for everyone everywhere. All content is created entirely by Trent Parker with no external affiliations. If you would like to support my work, you may do so through the PayPal link in this description. There is no expectation of donation and no ill will if you choose not to or cannot make a donation. There is only gratitude towards those who choose to do so. To request private tutoring, send an email t...
Pierre Duhem Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem war ein französischer Physiker und Wissenschaftstheoretiker/-historiker und Vertreter des Instrumentalismus. ------------Bild-Copyright-Informationen-------- Urheber Info: Unbekannt Uploaded by Palthrow at en.wikipedia Lizenz: Public domain Urheber: Palthrow (//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Palthrow) Palthrow (//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Palthrow) ✪Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet ✪Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-SA ✪Bild Quelle im Video
Duhem-Quine-These Die Duhem-Quine-These (auch Quine-Duhem-These, Holismus-These) behauptet die Unterbestimmtheit einer Theorie durch Beobachtungsdaten.Demnach besteht eine Theorie aus vielen miteinander verknüpften Aussagen, die zusammen ein möglichst kohärentes Ganzes bilden.Dementsprechend kann einerseits eine Theorie nicht durch einzelne empirische Beobachtungen und Experimente verifiziert oder falsifiziert werden – es stehen immer eine Reihe weiterer Theorien mit zur Debatte.Andererseits haben erkenntnistheoretische Subjekte stets mehrere Möglichkeiten, wenn eine Beobachtung im Widerspruch zu einer bestimmten Theorie steht, diese Theorie so zu verändern, dass sie wieder mit den Beobachtungen übereinstimmt. ✪Video ist an blinde Nutzer gerichtet ✪Text verfügbar unter der Lizens CC-BY-S...
Eindterm 89 Duhem Quine bij de examenbundel het voordeel van de twijfel
L'épistémologie de Pierre Duhem (troisième partie) Giuseppe A. Perri CIERL-ULB Bruxelles
Sciences et religions Journée d'études : Complexité et continuisme chez Pierre Duhem : regards croisés sur la nature du progrès scientifique Jean Baptiste Awesso, docteur en philosophie
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by Prof. M.S. Ananth,Department of Chemical Engineering,IIT Madras.For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
http://gabrielemartufi.altervista.org Esiste l'opinione, generalmente accettata, che scienza e religione siano opposte l'una all'altra. Esse in effetti lo sono, ma solo nel tempo, vale a dire, quello che i contemporanei considerano scienza, diviene religione per i loro discendenti. Quello che di solito viene designato come religione non è in gran parte che la scienza del passato, mentre quello che generalmente è chiamato col nome di scienza non è che la religione del presente. (Lev Tolstoj) In realtà fra la religione e la vera scienza non esiste parentele, né amicizia e neanche inimicizia: esse vivono su pianeti diversi. (Friedrich Nietzsche) L'atteggiamento della religione verso la medicina, come verso la scienza, è sempre inevitabilmente problematico e molto spesso inevitabilmente ost...
Thermodynamics(Classical) for Biological Systems by Prof. G.K. Suraishkumar, Department of Biotechnology, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Παρουσίαση του βιβλίου του Pierre Duhem, Σώζειν τα φαινόμενα. Δοκίμιο για την έννοια της φυσικής θεωρίας από τον Πλάτωνα έως τον Γαλιλαίο, Νεφέλη 2007. Nefeli Publishing ομιλητής: Κ. Γαβρόγλου ομιλητής: Κ. Γαγανάκης ομιλητής: Δ. Διαλέτης ομιλητής: Γ. Χριστιανίδης ομιλητής: Στ. Ψύλλος
22 14/05/2007 True Outspeak 00:00:08 Visita do Papa, Homofobia, Clodovil Hernandes, Cida Diogo, Luiz Sérgio, Grace Domingues: "Clodovil e a ética do decoro parlamentar" (Crônica), FARC, PCC, Comando Vermelho, Oscar Niemeyer, 00:14:20 Xavier Zubiri: "Natureza, História, Deus" (Livro), Heidegger, Hiper-realismo. 00:18:15 Paulo de Bessa Antunes: "Direito ambiental" (Livro). 00:22:33 Lynn Thorndyke, "The History of magic and experimental sciences" (Livro), Pierre Duhem, "Le sisteme Du Monde" (Livro), Arthur Kestler, "Os sonâmbulos" (Livro), Pierre Thuillier, "De Arquimedes a Einstein" (Livro), Royal Society, "O jardim das aflições" (Livro). 00:28:15 Emir Sader, Transcendência, Ludwig Feuerbach, 00:32:25 "The great global warming swindol" (Documentário). 00:36:56 Adam Smith, "Teoria dos senti...
022 2007-05-14 True Outspeak 00:00:08 Visita do Papa, Homofobia, Clodovil Hernandes, Cida Diogo, Luiz Sérgio, Grace Domingues: "Clodovil e a ética do decoro parlamentar" (Crônica), FARC, PCC, Comando Vermelho, Oscar Niemeyer, 00:14:20 Xavier Zubiri: "Natureza, História, Deus" (Livro), Heidegger, Hiper-realismo. 00:18:15 Paulo de Bessa Antunes: "Direito ambiental" (Livro). 00:22:33 Lynn Thorndyke, "The History of magic and experimental sciences" (Livro), Pierre Duhem, "Le sisteme Du Monde" (Livro), Arthur Kestler, "Os sonâmbulos" (Livro), Pierre Thuillier, "De Arquimedes a Einstein" (Livro), Royal Society, "O jardim das aflições" (Livro). 00:28:15 Emir Sader, Transcendência, Ludwig Feuerbach, 00:32:25 "The great global warming swindol" (Documentário). 00:36:56 Adam Smith, "Teoria dos sent...