Classical Mechanics, Lecture 23: Chaos. Logistic Equation. Adiabatic Invariants.
Lecture 23 of my Classical Mechanics course at McGill University, Winter 2010. Chaos. Logistic Equation. Adiabatic Invariants.
The course webpage, including links to other lectures and problem sets, is available at
The written notes for this lecture are available at
Adiabatic Invariants live@ParmJazz Frontiere 2014
Adiabatic Invariants - Structure for two positions III from HKPD album (LIARSS0012014) (C) LIARSS production 2015
Website http://lucagazzipercussionist.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/liarssproduction
Booking and Contacts info_liarss@libero.it
Mod-01 Lec-22 Adiabatic Invariance of Magnetic Moment and Mirror confinement
Plasma Physics: Fundamentals and Applications by Prof. V.K. Tripathi,Prof. Vijayshri, Department of Physics, IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit http:...
Produced by Luca Gazzi and recorded by Alessio Buso at Cambusa Wave Studio.
Contact & Booking - adiabaticinvariants@libero.it
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/adiabatic-invariants
Website - http://lucagazzi.yolasite.com/
After a hard work on composing and crafting their sound, Adiabatic Invariants present HKPD (Hybrid Kid and Pure Data). The album is a live intense experience through the soun
Adiabatic Invariants PJF 14
ParmaJazz Frontiere 2014
15 novembre
Associazione Remo Gaibazzi – ore 18.00
Adiabatic Invariants (ITALIA)
Marco Matteo Markidis / Elettronica
Luca Gazzi / Batteria
I primi strumenti della musica sono stati la voce e le percussioni. Servivano non solo a comunicare, ma anche ad evocare gli spiriti, le altre voci della natura Erano rito e linguaggio. Alla frontiera dell’arte dei suoni c’è oggi l’e
Mach 3 hot wall turbulent spot
Visualisation of a turbulent spot developing in a Mach 3 boundary layer with a hot wall boundary condition (wall temperature equal to the laminar adiabatic w...
Learning Invariant Features Using Inertial Priors
We address the technical challenges involved in combining key features from several theories of the visual cortex in a single computational model. The result...
Face Tracking invariant to face pose variations and illumination changes
This techniques was also based on a manifold-model.
Zhizhang Xie: Higher rho invariants and the moduli space of positive scalar curvature metrics
Given a closed smooth manifold M which carries a positive scalar curvature metric, one can associate an abelian group P(M) to the space of positive scalar curvature metrics on this manifold. The group of all diffeomorphisms of the manifold naturally acts on P(M). The moduli group of positive scalar curvature metrics is defined to be the quotient abelian group of this action, i.e., the coinvariant
Changing in time.
Invariance band practice -Overdrive
First band practice in a while, hence the mistakes. Recorded on a phone so pretty poor sound quality plus bassist was unable to make it so no bass!
Learning and Recognizing Visual Object Categories
Over the past few years there has been substantial progress in the development of techniques for recognizing generic categories of objects in images, such as...
Image Recognition - Auto labelling
Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform to extract features and RANSAC to match the features to perform image recognition. Potential applications: You wish t...
50 Years of the CMB
John Mather, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, speaks on 50 years of the cosmic microwave background at the Kavli Foundation plenary session at the APS April Meeting 2015.
The cosmic microwave background radiation, measured with CN molecules but unrecognized by 1941, predicted in 1948, detected in 1964, and published in 1965, is now the basis for precision cosmology, a phrase that woul
Aerofoil Re=30,000 Three-dimensional Unsteady Turbulent
This is the three-dimensional flow pattern of the numerical simulation of a turbulent separated airfoil at a Reynolds number of Re=30,000 and an angle of attack of 18 degrees. The iso-surfaces are of the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor - a particular definition of a vortex. The surfaces are coloured by spanwise vorticity (blue is negative, red is positive, green is zero). This dat
Comparison of Image Patches Using Local Moment Invariants
Comparison of Image Patches Using Local Moment Invariants
+91-9994232214,8144199666, ieeeprojectchennai@gmail.com,
www.projectsieee.com, www.ieee-projects-chennai.com
Aerofoil Re=800 Three-dimensional Unsteady
This is the three-dimensional flow pattern of the numerical simulation of a separated airfoil at a Reynolds number of Re=800 and an angle of attack of 18 degrees. The iso-surfaces are of the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor - a particular definition of a vortex. The surfaces are coloured by spanwise vorticity (blue is negative, red is positive, green is zero). This data is discusse
Knots and Quantum Computation (University of Wollongong 2012-10-26)
Slides at http://prezi.com/yakclukbhvb9/view/ Abstract: I'll begin with the Jones polynomial, a knot invariant discovered 30 years ago that radically changed...
Topology in Condensed Matter: Tying Quantum Knots | DelftX on edX | Course About Video
Enroll in Topology in Condensed Matter: Tying Quantum Knots from DelftX at https://www.edx.org/course/topology-condensed-matter-tying-quantum-delftx-topocmx
Topology in Condensed Matter: Tying Quantum Knots
A simple and hands-on overview of topological insulators, Majoranas, and other topological phenomena focused on ongoing research.
About this Course
The idea behind topological systems is sim
Theoretical Studies of Polyatomic Reaction Dynamics
Talk from The Frontiers in Computational Chemistry International Workshop --------------------------------- Theoretical Studies of Polyatomic Reaction Dynami...
Daniel Nagaj: Very Entangled Spin Chains
Daniel Nagaj (University of Vienna)
Very Entangled Spin Chains
QuICS Workshop on the Frontiers of Quantum Information and Computer Science (October 1, 2015)
We will look at various fun examples of how ground states of spin chains in 1D can
be very entangled, especially for systems with polynomially small gaps. In particular,
we will show an extension of earlier work on the bracket model that do
Lever Rule for Solid-Liquid Phase Diagram
Applies the lever rule to a solid-liquid mixture to determine the fraction of each phase in equilibrium and explains the basis for the lever rule. Made by fa...
17. Dressed atom, Part 2
MIT 8.422 Atomic and Optical Physics II, Spring 2013 View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/8-422S13 Instructor: Wolfgang Ketterle In this video, the p...
Classical Mechanics, Lecture 23: Chaos. Logistic Equation. Adiabatic Invariants.
Lecture 23 of my Classical Mechanics course at McGill University, Winter 2010. Chaos. Logistic Equation. Adiabatic Invariants.
The course webpage, including l...
Lecture 23 of my Classical Mechanics course at McGill University, Winter 2010. Chaos. Logistic Equation. Adiabatic Invariants.
The course webpage, including links to other lectures and problem sets, is available at
The written notes for this lecture are available at
wn.com/Classical Mechanics, Lecture 23 Chaos. Logistic Equation. Adiabatic Invariants.
Lecture 23 of my Classical Mechanics course at McGill University, Winter 2010. Chaos. Logistic Equation. Adiabatic Invariants.
The course webpage, including links to other lectures and problem sets, is available at
The written notes for this lecture are available at
- published: 09 Dec 2014
- views: 4
Adiabatic Invariants live@ParmJazz Frontiere 2014
Adiabatic Invariants - Structure for two positions III from HKPD album (LIARSS0012014) (C) LIARSS production 2015
Website http://lucagazzipercussionist.com/
Adiabatic Invariants - Structure for two positions III from HKPD album (LIARSS0012014) (C) LIARSS production 2015
Website http://lucagazzipercussionist.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/liarssproduction
Booking and Contacts info_liarss@libero.it
wn.com/Adiabatic Invariants Live Parmjazz Frontiere 2014
Adiabatic Invariants - Structure for two positions III from HKPD album (LIARSS0012014) (C) LIARSS production 2015
Website http://lucagazzipercussionist.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/liarssproduction
Booking and Contacts info_liarss@libero.it
- published: 25 Jan 2015
- views: 41
Mod-01 Lec-22 Adiabatic Invariance of Magnetic Moment and Mirror confinement
Plasma Physics: Fundamentals and Applications by Prof. V.K. Tripathi,Prof. Vijayshri, Department of Physics, IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit http:......
Plasma Physics: Fundamentals and Applications by Prof. V.K. Tripathi,Prof. Vijayshri, Department of Physics, IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit http:...
wn.com/Mod 01 Lec 22 Adiabatic Invariance Of Magnetic Moment And Mirror Confinement
Plasma Physics: Fundamentals and Applications by Prof. V.K. Tripathi,Prof. Vijayshri, Department of Physics, IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit http:...
- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 485
author: nptelhrd
Produced by Luca Gazzi and recorded by Alessio Buso at Cambusa Wave Studio.
Contact & Booking - adiabaticinvariants@libero.it
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.c...
Produced by Luca Gazzi and recorded by Alessio Buso at Cambusa Wave Studio.
Contact & Booking - adiabaticinvariants@libero.it
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/adiabatic-invariants
Website - http://lucagazzi.yolasite.com/
After a hard work on composing and crafting their sound, Adiabatic Invariants present HKPD (Hybrid Kid and Pure Data). The album is a live intense experience through the sound and its manipulations (without any overdubbing). Born as a sonic outpost, HKPD marks an original project in which graphic scores, improvisation, electronical and acoustic effect tecniques flows in a pure state-of-sound.
wn.com/Adiabatic Invariants New Album Preview
Produced by Luca Gazzi and recorded by Alessio Buso at Cambusa Wave Studio.
Contact & Booking - adiabaticinvariants@libero.it
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/adiabatic-invariants
Website - http://lucagazzi.yolasite.com/
After a hard work on composing and crafting their sound, Adiabatic Invariants present HKPD (Hybrid Kid and Pure Data). The album is a live intense experience through the sound and its manipulations (without any overdubbing). Born as a sonic outpost, HKPD marks an original project in which graphic scores, improvisation, electronical and acoustic effect tecniques flows in a pure state-of-sound.
- published: 28 Aug 2014
- views: 151
Adiabatic Invariants PJF 14
ParmaJazz Frontiere 2014
15 novembre
Associazione Remo Gaibazzi – ore 18.00
Adiabatic Invariants (ITALIA)
Marco Matteo Markidis / Elettronica
Luca Gazzi / Bat...
ParmaJazz Frontiere 2014
15 novembre
Associazione Remo Gaibazzi – ore 18.00
Adiabatic Invariants (ITALIA)
Marco Matteo Markidis / Elettronica
Luca Gazzi / Batteria
I primi strumenti della musica sono stati la voce e le percussioni. Servivano non solo a comunicare, ma anche ad evocare gli spiriti, le altre voci della natura Erano rito e linguaggio. Alla frontiera dell’arte dei suoni c’è oggi l’elettronica, che elabora voci nuove e vibrazioni inedite, propone nuovi suoni ed evoca il mai sentito. Luca Gazzi, con il suo variegato e inusitato set percussivo e Marco Matteo Markidis, artefice e sperimentatore di nuove di sonorità “artificiali” (realizzate utilizzando software di sua progettazione) s’incontrano su questa terra di confine fra arcaicità e futuro, fra la materialità degli oggetti percussivi e l’aleatorietà delle vibrazioni delle macchine. Gazzi è anche un filosofo, Markidis è anche un fisico. Nelle loro sonorità c’è qualcosa di più di una mera ricerca musicale. Markidis evoca anche voci e dialoghi che fluttuano negli spazi dell’indicibile, fra la fisicità e l’astrazione. Questo duo dimostra una volta di più, se ancora ce ne fosse bisogno, come la poesia della musica sia tutt’altro che minacciata dalla tecnologia.
Info: www.parmafrontiere.it
wn.com/Adiabatic Invariants Pjf 14
ParmaJazz Frontiere 2014
15 novembre
Associazione Remo Gaibazzi – ore 18.00
Adiabatic Invariants (ITALIA)
Marco Matteo Markidis / Elettronica
Luca Gazzi / Batteria
I primi strumenti della musica sono stati la voce e le percussioni. Servivano non solo a comunicare, ma anche ad evocare gli spiriti, le altre voci della natura Erano rito e linguaggio. Alla frontiera dell’arte dei suoni c’è oggi l’elettronica, che elabora voci nuove e vibrazioni inedite, propone nuovi suoni ed evoca il mai sentito. Luca Gazzi, con il suo variegato e inusitato set percussivo e Marco Matteo Markidis, artefice e sperimentatore di nuove di sonorità “artificiali” (realizzate utilizzando software di sua progettazione) s’incontrano su questa terra di confine fra arcaicità e futuro, fra la materialità degli oggetti percussivi e l’aleatorietà delle vibrazioni delle macchine. Gazzi è anche un filosofo, Markidis è anche un fisico. Nelle loro sonorità c’è qualcosa di più di una mera ricerca musicale. Markidis evoca anche voci e dialoghi che fluttuano negli spazi dell’indicibile, fra la fisicità e l’astrazione. Questo duo dimostra una volta di più, se ancora ce ne fosse bisogno, come la poesia della musica sia tutt’altro che minacciata dalla tecnologia.
Info: www.parmafrontiere.it
- published: 14 Nov 2014
- views: 29
Mach 3 hot wall turbulent spot
Visualisation of a turbulent spot developing in a Mach 3 boundary layer with a hot wall boundary condition (wall temperature equal to the laminar adiabatic w......
Visualisation of a turbulent spot developing in a Mach 3 boundary layer with a hot wall boundary condition (wall temperature equal to the laminar adiabatic w...
wn.com/Mach 3 Hot Wall Turbulent Spot
Visualisation of a turbulent spot developing in a Mach 3 boundary layer with a hot wall boundary condition (wall temperature equal to the laminar adiabatic w...
Learning Invariant Features Using Inertial Priors
We address the technical challenges involved in combining key features from several theories of the visual cortex in a single computational model. The result......
We address the technical challenges involved in combining key features from several theories of the visual cortex in a single computational model. The result...
wn.com/Learning Invariant Features Using Inertial Priors
We address the technical challenges involved in combining key features from several theories of the visual cortex in a single computational model. The result...
Zhizhang Xie: Higher rho invariants and the moduli space of positive scalar curvature metrics
Given a closed smooth manifold M which carries a positive scalar curvature metric, one can associate an abelian group P(M) to the space of positive scalar curva...
Given a closed smooth manifold M which carries a positive scalar curvature metric, one can associate an abelian group P(M) to the space of positive scalar curvature metrics on this manifold. The group of all diffeomorphisms of the manifold naturally acts on P(M). The moduli group of positive scalar curvature metrics is defined to be the quotient abelian group of this action, i.e., the coinvariant of the action. Following the work of Weinberger and Yu, I will talk about how to use the higher rho invariant and the finite part of the K-theory of the group C*-algebra of the fundamental group of M to give a lower estimate of the rank of the moduli group. This talk is based on joint work with Guoliang Yu.
The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program Non-commutative Geometry and its Applications. (18.09.2014)
This video was created and edited with kind support from eCampus Bonn and is also available at https://mediaserver.uni-bonn.de.
wn.com/Zhizhang Xie Higher Rho Invariants And The Moduli Space Of Positive Scalar Curvature Metrics
Given a closed smooth manifold M which carries a positive scalar curvature metric, one can associate an abelian group P(M) to the space of positive scalar curvature metrics on this manifold. The group of all diffeomorphisms of the manifold naturally acts on P(M). The moduli group of positive scalar curvature metrics is defined to be the quotient abelian group of this action, i.e., the coinvariant of the action. Following the work of Weinberger and Yu, I will talk about how to use the higher rho invariant and the finite part of the K-theory of the group C*-algebra of the fundamental group of M to give a lower estimate of the rank of the moduli group. This talk is based on joint work with Guoliang Yu.
The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program Non-commutative Geometry and its Applications. (18.09.2014)
This video was created and edited with kind support from eCampus Bonn and is also available at https://mediaserver.uni-bonn.de.
- published: 06 Nov 2014
- views: 16
Changing in time....
Changing in time.
Changing in time.
- published: 06 Sep 2007
- views: 110
author: Homeesther
Invariance band practice -Overdrive
First band practice in a while, hence the mistakes. Recorded on a phone so pretty poor sound quality plus bassist was unable to make it so no bass!...
First band practice in a while, hence the mistakes. Recorded on a phone so pretty poor sound quality plus bassist was unable to make it so no bass!
wn.com/Invariance Band Practice Overdrive
First band practice in a while, hence the mistakes. Recorded on a phone so pretty poor sound quality plus bassist was unable to make it so no bass!
- published: 13 Feb 2007
- views: 290
author: dgrahamjbj
Learning and Recognizing Visual Object Categories
Over the past few years there has been substantial progress in the development of techniques for recognizing generic categories of objects in images, such as......
Over the past few years there has been substantial progress in the development of techniques for recognizing generic categories of objects in images, such as...
wn.com/Learning And Recognizing Visual Object Categories
Over the past few years there has been substantial progress in the development of techniques for recognizing generic categories of objects in images, such as...
Image Recognition - Auto labelling
Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform to extract features and RANSAC to match the features to perform image recognition. Potential applications: You wish t......
Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform to extract features and RANSAC to match the features to perform image recognition. Potential applications: You wish t...
wn.com/Image Recognition Auto Labelling
Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform to extract features and RANSAC to match the features to perform image recognition. Potential applications: You wish t...
50 Years of the CMB
John Mather, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, speaks on 50 years of the cosmic microwave background at the Kavli Foundation plenary session at the APS April ...
John Mather, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, speaks on 50 years of the cosmic microwave background at the Kavli Foundation plenary session at the APS April Meeting 2015.
The cosmic microwave background radiation, measured with CN molecules but unrecognized by 1941, predicted in 1948, detected in 1964, and published in 1965, is now the basis for precision cosmology, a phrase that would once have been an oxymoron. With confirmation of its blackbody spectrum, and the statistics of its hot and cold spots and polarization, the CMB tells us that the expanding universe can be described very simply. With just 6 parameters, we match the measured statistics and enjoy the ``standard model'' of cosmology with percent-level accuracy, but we require two mysterious substances that only astronomers have detected: dark matter and dark energy. Gravity alone, acting on the primordial perturbations, explains the growth of cosmic structures, though we argue about the detailed properties of the dark matter. And the idea of cosmic inflation, propelled by a hypothetical field, fits the measurements and explains why the universe is flat and uniform, and filled with nearly scale-invariant primordial fluctuations. The development of instruments and theory has been spectacular, and I will summarize the breakthrough concepts. But after 50 years the job is not done: new equipment could measure the spectrum, anisotropy, and polarization even better. At long wavelengths, the spectrum could be different from a blackbody, due to electrons or redshifted hydrogen 21 cm emission, and it could be either hotter than the CMB (from energy release) or colder (from adiabatic cooling). At intermediate wavelengths, the spectrum could show traces of the hydrogen recombination lines, and we know that recombination was delayed by trapping of Lyman α photons. Moreover, the statistics of the polarization tell us about the nature of the forces during the first moments of the universe, and whether there were propagating gravitational waves in equipartition with other fluctuations. Discoveries await!
View Dr. Mather's slides here http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/APR15/Session/Q1.1
wn.com/50 Years Of The Cmb
John Mather, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, speaks on 50 years of the cosmic microwave background at the Kavli Foundation plenary session at the APS April Meeting 2015.
The cosmic microwave background radiation, measured with CN molecules but unrecognized by 1941, predicted in 1948, detected in 1964, and published in 1965, is now the basis for precision cosmology, a phrase that would once have been an oxymoron. With confirmation of its blackbody spectrum, and the statistics of its hot and cold spots and polarization, the CMB tells us that the expanding universe can be described very simply. With just 6 parameters, we match the measured statistics and enjoy the ``standard model'' of cosmology with percent-level accuracy, but we require two mysterious substances that only astronomers have detected: dark matter and dark energy. Gravity alone, acting on the primordial perturbations, explains the growth of cosmic structures, though we argue about the detailed properties of the dark matter. And the idea of cosmic inflation, propelled by a hypothetical field, fits the measurements and explains why the universe is flat and uniform, and filled with nearly scale-invariant primordial fluctuations. The development of instruments and theory has been spectacular, and I will summarize the breakthrough concepts. But after 50 years the job is not done: new equipment could measure the spectrum, anisotropy, and polarization even better. At long wavelengths, the spectrum could be different from a blackbody, due to electrons or redshifted hydrogen 21 cm emission, and it could be either hotter than the CMB (from energy release) or colder (from adiabatic cooling). At intermediate wavelengths, the spectrum could show traces of the hydrogen recombination lines, and we know that recombination was delayed by trapping of Lyman α photons. Moreover, the statistics of the polarization tell us about the nature of the forces during the first moments of the universe, and whether there were propagating gravitational waves in equipartition with other fluctuations. Discoveries await!
View Dr. Mather's slides here http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/APR15/Session/Q1.1
- published: 29 Apr 2015
- views: 12
Aerofoil Re=30,000 Three-dimensional Unsteady Turbulent
This is the three-dimensional flow pattern of the numerical simulation of a turbulent separated airfoil at a Reynolds number of Re=30,000 and an angle of attack...
This is the three-dimensional flow pattern of the numerical simulation of a turbulent separated airfoil at a Reynolds number of Re=30,000 and an angle of attack of 18 degrees. The iso-surfaces are of the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor - a particular definition of a vortex. The surfaces are coloured by spanwise vorticity (blue is negative, red is positive, green is zero). This data is discussed in the following publications:
Kitsios, V., 2010, Recovery of fluid mechanical modes in unsteady separated flows, PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne.
Kitsios, V., Cordier, L., Bonnet, J.-P., Ooi, A. & Soria, J., 2011, On the coherent structures and stability properties of a leading edge separated aerofoil with turbulent recirculation, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 683, pp 395-416.
wn.com/Aerofoil Re 30,000 Three Dimensional Unsteady Turbulent
This is the three-dimensional flow pattern of the numerical simulation of a turbulent separated airfoil at a Reynolds number of Re=30,000 and an angle of attack of 18 degrees. The iso-surfaces are of the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor - a particular definition of a vortex. The surfaces are coloured by spanwise vorticity (blue is negative, red is positive, green is zero). This data is discussed in the following publications:
Kitsios, V., 2010, Recovery of fluid mechanical modes in unsteady separated flows, PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne.
Kitsios, V., Cordier, L., Bonnet, J.-P., Ooi, A. & Soria, J., 2011, On the coherent structures and stability properties of a leading edge separated aerofoil with turbulent recirculation, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 683, pp 395-416.
- published: 24 Oct 2013
- views: 8
Comparison of Image Patches Using Local Moment Invariants
Comparison of Image Patches Using Local Moment Invariants
+91-9994232214,8144199666, ieeeprojectchennai@gmail.com,
www.projectsieee.com, www.ieee-projects-che...
Comparison of Image Patches Using Local Moment Invariants
+91-9994232214,8144199666, ieeeprojectchennai@gmail.com,
www.projectsieee.com, www.ieee-projects-chennai.com
Projects Code
Projects Video File
Projects Explanation
Teamviewer Support
wn.com/Comparison Of Image Patches Using Local Moment Invariants
Comparison of Image Patches Using Local Moment Invariants
+91-9994232214,8144199666, ieeeprojectchennai@gmail.com,
www.projectsieee.com, www.ieee-projects-chennai.com
Projects Code
Projects Video File
Projects Explanation
Teamviewer Support
- published: 18 Nov 2014
- views: 3
Aerofoil Re=800 Three-dimensional Unsteady
This is the three-dimensional flow pattern of the numerical simulation of a separated airfoil at a Reynolds number of Re=800 and an angle of attack of 18 degree...
This is the three-dimensional flow pattern of the numerical simulation of a separated airfoil at a Reynolds number of Re=800 and an angle of attack of 18 degrees. The iso-surfaces are of the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor - a particular definition of a vortex. The surfaces are coloured by spanwise vorticity (blue is negative, red is positive, green is zero). This data is discussed in the following publications:
Kitsios, V., 2010, Recovery of fluid mechanical modes in unsteady separated flows, PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne.
wn.com/Aerofoil Re 800 Three Dimensional Unsteady
This is the three-dimensional flow pattern of the numerical simulation of a separated airfoil at a Reynolds number of Re=800 and an angle of attack of 18 degrees. The iso-surfaces are of the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor - a particular definition of a vortex. The surfaces are coloured by spanwise vorticity (blue is negative, red is positive, green is zero). This data is discussed in the following publications:
Kitsios, V., 2010, Recovery of fluid mechanical modes in unsteady separated flows, PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne.
- published: 24 Oct 2013
- views: 5
Knots and Quantum Computation (University of Wollongong 2012-10-26)
Slides at http://prezi.com/yakclukbhvb9/view/ Abstract: I'll begin with the Jones polynomial, a knot invariant discovered 30 years ago that radically changed......
Slides at http://prezi.com/yakclukbhvb9/view/ Abstract: I'll begin with the Jones polynomial, a knot invariant discovered 30 years ago that radically changed...
wn.com/Knots And Quantum Computation (University Of Wollongong 2012 10 26)
Slides at http://prezi.com/yakclukbhvb9/view/ Abstract: I'll begin with the Jones polynomial, a knot invariant discovered 30 years ago that radically changed...
Topology in Condensed Matter: Tying Quantum Knots | DelftX on edX | Course About Video
Enroll in Topology in Condensed Matter: Tying Quantum Knots from DelftX at https://www.edx.org/course/topology-condensed-matter-tying-quantum-delftx-topocmx
Enroll in Topology in Condensed Matter: Tying Quantum Knots from DelftX at https://www.edx.org/course/topology-condensed-matter-tying-quantum-delftx-topocmx
Topology in Condensed Matter: Tying Quantum Knots
A simple and hands-on overview of topological insulators, Majoranas, and other topological phenomena focused on ongoing research.
About this Course
The idea behind topological systems is simple: if there exists a quantity, which cannot change in an insulating system where all the particles are localized, then the system must become conducting and obtain propagating particles, when this quantity (called "topological invariant") finally changes.
Frequently, the edges of such topological materials have properties that are impossible to achieve otherwise owing to the so-called "bulk-edge correspondence". It guarantees the existence of protected states at the edge and their robustness against anything that happens at the boundary.
The practical applications of this principle are quite profound, and already within the last eight years they have lead to prediction and discovery of a vast range of new materials with exotic properties that were considered to be impossible before.
Our central focus will be these very exciting developments with special attention to the most active research topics in topological condensed matter: namely the theory of topological insulators and superconductors following from the 'grand ten symmetry classes' as well as topological quantum computation and Majoranas.
We will complete this general picture with a discussion of some of the other ramifications of topology in various areas of condensed matter such as photonic and mechanical systems, topological quantum walks, topology in fractionalized systems, driven or dissipative systems.
We aim to allow the people taking the course to achieve three objectives:
Learn about the variety of subtopics in topological materials, their relation to each other and to the general principles.
Learn to follow active research on topology, and critically understand it on your own.
Acquire skills required to engage in research on your own, and to minimize confusion that often arises even among experienced researchers.
The basic tool that we are going to use in the course is going to be simple thought experiments that rely on considerations of symmetry or continuity under adiabatic deformations.
We are then going to look at the most relevant research papers and teach how to simply understand the idea even in the rather involved ones.
Finally, in order to give a more detailed and visual understanding of the involved concepts we are also going to use computer simulations similar to those used in actual research.
This course is a joint effort of Delft University of Technology, QuTech, and University of Maryland.
The course materials of this course are Copyright Delft University of Technology and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA) 4.0 International License.
wn.com/Topology In Condensed Matter Tying Quantum Knots | Delftx On Edx | Course About Video
Enroll in Topology in Condensed Matter: Tying Quantum Knots from DelftX at https://www.edx.org/course/topology-condensed-matter-tying-quantum-delftx-topocmx
Topology in Condensed Matter: Tying Quantum Knots
A simple and hands-on overview of topological insulators, Majoranas, and other topological phenomena focused on ongoing research.
About this Course
The idea behind topological systems is simple: if there exists a quantity, which cannot change in an insulating system where all the particles are localized, then the system must become conducting and obtain propagating particles, when this quantity (called "topological invariant") finally changes.
Frequently, the edges of such topological materials have properties that are impossible to achieve otherwise owing to the so-called "bulk-edge correspondence". It guarantees the existence of protected states at the edge and their robustness against anything that happens at the boundary.
The practical applications of this principle are quite profound, and already within the last eight years they have lead to prediction and discovery of a vast range of new materials with exotic properties that were considered to be impossible before.
Our central focus will be these very exciting developments with special attention to the most active research topics in topological condensed matter: namely the theory of topological insulators and superconductors following from the 'grand ten symmetry classes' as well as topological quantum computation and Majoranas.
We will complete this general picture with a discussion of some of the other ramifications of topology in various areas of condensed matter such as photonic and mechanical systems, topological quantum walks, topology in fractionalized systems, driven or dissipative systems.
We aim to allow the people taking the course to achieve three objectives:
Learn about the variety of subtopics in topological materials, their relation to each other and to the general principles.
Learn to follow active research on topology, and critically understand it on your own.
Acquire skills required to engage in research on your own, and to minimize confusion that often arises even among experienced researchers.
The basic tool that we are going to use in the course is going to be simple thought experiments that rely on considerations of symmetry or continuity under adiabatic deformations.
We are then going to look at the most relevant research papers and teach how to simply understand the idea even in the rather involved ones.
Finally, in order to give a more detailed and visual understanding of the involved concepts we are also going to use computer simulations similar to those used in actual research.
This course is a joint effort of Delft University of Technology, QuTech, and University of Maryland.
The course materials of this course are Copyright Delft University of Technology and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA) 4.0 International License.
- published: 15 Jan 2015
- views: 176
Theoretical Studies of Polyatomic Reaction Dynamics
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Talk from The Frontiers in Computational Chemistry International Workshop --------------------------------- Theoretical Studies of Polyatomic Reaction Dynami...
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Daniel Nagaj: Very Entangled Spin Chains
Daniel Nagaj (University of Vienna)
Very Entangled Spin Chains
QuICS Workshop on the Frontiers of Quantum Information and Computer Science (October 1, 2015)
Daniel Nagaj (University of Vienna)
Very Entangled Spin Chains
QuICS Workshop on the Frontiers of Quantum Information and Computer Science (October 1, 2015)
We will look at various fun examples of how ground states of spin chains in 1D can
be very entangled, especially for systems with polynomially small gaps. In particular,
we will show an extension of earlier work on the bracket model that does not need
endpoint terms, so it can be truly translationally invariant on a line/cycle.
Based on joint work with Ramis Movassagh and Peter Shor of MIT.
wn.com/Daniel Nagaj Very Entangled Spin Chains
Daniel Nagaj (University of Vienna)
Very Entangled Spin Chains
QuICS Workshop on the Frontiers of Quantum Information and Computer Science (October 1, 2015)
We will look at various fun examples of how ground states of spin chains in 1D can
be very entangled, especially for systems with polynomially small gaps. In particular,
we will show an extension of earlier work on the bracket model that does not need
endpoint terms, so it can be truly translationally invariant on a line/cycle.
Based on joint work with Ramis Movassagh and Peter Shor of MIT.
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 6
Lever Rule for Solid-Liquid Phase Diagram
Applies the lever rule to a solid-liquid mixture to determine the fraction of each phase in equilibrium and explains the basis for the lever rule. Made by fa......
Applies the lever rule to a solid-liquid mixture to determine the fraction of each phase in equilibrium and explains the basis for the lever rule. Made by fa...
wn.com/Lever Rule For Solid Liquid Phase Diagram
Applies the lever rule to a solid-liquid mixture to determine the fraction of each phase in equilibrium and explains the basis for the lever rule. Made by fa...
- published: 13 Nov 2011
- views: 9113
author: LearnChemE
17. Dressed atom, Part 2
MIT 8.422 Atomic and Optical Physics II, Spring 2013 View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/8-422S13 Instructor: Wolfgang Ketterle In this video, the p......
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