- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 9256
The verb license or grant license means to give permission. The noun licence (British,Indian,Canadian,Australian,New Zealand,Irish, or South African English) or license (American English) refers to that permission as well as to the document recording that permission.
A license may be granted by a party ("licensor") to another party ("licensee") as an element of an agreement between those parties. A shorthand definition of a license is "an authorization (by the licensor) to use the licensed material (by the licensee)."
In particular, a license may be issued by authorities, to allow an activity that would otherwise be forbidden. It may require paying a fee and/or proving a capability. The requirement may also serve to keep the authorities informed on a type of activity, and to give them the opportunity to set conditions and limitations.
A licensor may grant a license under intellectual property laws to authorize a use (such as copying software or using a (patented) invention) to a licensee, sparing the licensee from a claim of infringement brought by the licensor. A license under intellectual property commonly has several components beyond the grant itself, including a term, territory, renewal provisions, and other limitations deemed vital to the licensor.
Daymond Garfield John (born February 23, 1969) is an American entrepreneur, investor, television personality, author and motivational speaker. He is best known as the founder, president, and CEO of FUBU, and appears as an investor on the ABC reality television series Shark Tank.
He is currently based in New York City.
John grew up in the Queens neighborhood of Hollis. An only child, John was raised by his mother and grandfather. He attended Bayside High School. In high school, he participated in a program that allowed him to work a full-time job and attend school on an alternating weekly basis, which he credits with instilling an entrepreneurial spirit. After graduating high school, he started a commuter van service.
Wool hats with their tops off and tied with fishing line were popular, and John noticed them being sold for $20, which he considered overpriced. He went home and sewed around 90 hats with his next-door neighbor. They sold their homemade hats for $10 each in front of the New York Coliseum, and made $800 in a single day.
What is Licensing- - Licensing Expo
Daymond John Mentor Lesson: Pitching, Partnering and Licensing
Franchising vs Licensing
Negotiating a Licensing Agreement Part 1
Intellectual Property: Licensing
How Much Money Will You Make Licensing? (Royalties)
Common Obstacles When Licensing Your Invention Ideas
5 Tips for Successfully Licensing Your Product
When Companies Say 'No, We Don't Want to License Your Idea.'
Basics Of Microsoft licensing programs and licensing Models - Modelos de Licenciamiento Basicos
Find out more and sign-up at http://shopify.com/build-a-business As part of Shopify's Build-A-Business Competition, Daymond John shares how to approach potential investors, partners and vendors to successfully grow your business. Each week we release a new video from one of our mentors: Tim Ferriss, Daymond John, Eric Ries and Tina Roth Eisenberg. Come up with a product to sell, open an online store using Shopify, and start selling. Our mentors and community will give you great advice and guidance along the way. At the end of the competition, the four stores that sell the most over a two month period will each win a $50,000 investment from their mentor. All competitors also receive a $100 MailChimp credit and a free .CO domain.
A company is interested in licensing your idea! Fantastic! Contracts are tricky. Before you get a lawyer involved, learn about the most aspect of a licensing agreement, including how to protect yourself. Stephen and Andrew discuss the importance of term sheets and keeping things positive.
Peter McDermott hopes you’ll spend more time on licensing than litigation. However, it is important that you know what success looks like from a business, technology, and legal perspective. THIS VIDEO CAN HELP ANSWER: What is licensing? How do I set a price? What’s the best way to negotiate? What are the pitfalls I might encounter? ABOUT THE KAUFFMAN FOUNDERS SCHOOL Visit the website: [http://bit.ly/1EW2br7] The Kauffman Founders School presents a powerful curriculum for entrepreneurs who wish to learn anywhere, anytime. The online education platform features experts presenting lectures in series modules designed to give Founders a rich learning experience, while also engaging them in lessons that will make a difference in their business today, tomorrow, and in the future. The Kauffman...
Everyone wants to know, what's a fair royalty rate? What's a standard royalty rate? Stephen and Andrew answer that and more, including how to determine how much you should ask for when licensing your product. For more information: www.inventright.com.
inventRight cofounder Stephen Key describes what some of the most common obstacles are for people who want to license their ideas for new products, and how to overcome them. inventRight is a one-on-one coaching program that has helped people from more than 40 countries license their ideas for new products. It was founded by Andrew Krauss and Stephen Key in 2001. Visit http://www.inventright.com for more information and to become their student. Call #1-800-701-7993 to set up an appointment with Andrew or another member of the inventRight team to discuss how we can help you license your ideas. New to licensing? Read inventRight cofounder Stephen Key’s bestselling book “One Simple Idea: Turn Your Dreams Into a Licensing Goldmine While Letting Others Do the Work.” Find it here: http://amzn...
5 Tips for Successfully Licensing Your Product (http://www.TamaraMonosoff.com). Tamara provides key information about what a licensing agreement is, the benefits of licensing, the downside of licensing, how to find licensing partners and the key elements of a licensing agreement. Like this FREE Business Boost Workshop? Sign up for more live workshops here: http://www.tamaramonosoff.com/business-boost-workshops/
Stephen likes to say he has enough rejection letters he could wallpaper his house with them — twice. So, what should you do when a potential licensee turns you down? This is an important time to opportunity to gain the insight you need to refine, change, or abandon your idea. For more, visit us at http://www.inventright.com.
Basics Of Microsoft licensing programs and licensing Models Licencias de Microsoft: Aspectos fundamentales WHAT IS A LICENSE? Software is intellectual property and licenses provide the right to use the software and define conditions of use End user rights are covered by the Retail Software License Terms for FPP, the Microsoft Software License Terms for OEM, or for VL the Product Use Rights. WAYS TO BUY A LICENSE : Full Packaged Product (FPP) Purchased from retailers Typically 1 box = 1 license OEM Preinstalled on a new computer The software "lives and dies" on that machine Online Services Technology is "hosted" on Microsoft's or a hosting partner's servers An alternative to "on-premise" solutions Organizations typically pay a subscription to allow connection to the online servic...
by Pat Green
2000 Greenhorse Music/BMI. All Rights Reserved
I took me a river boat from Memphis and I rode to New Orleans. Met up with a little cayenne mamma. She said she'd like to be
my Delta queen, She said there's one thing I forgot to tell you, Yeah there's one thing you should know. She said my mamma
was a voodoo princess and my heart beats black like coal, Well she made up some black magic gumbo and some voodoo etoufe'
She said once you taste my cookin boy It's gonna steal your heart away, She said there's one more thing I forgot to tell you
Yeah there's one thing that you should know, She said once you taste my baby's cookin', It's gonna turn your heart black like
coal. Now she took me on a little walk down the bayou, On a lovers rendevous. She said take my hand little cajun man gonna do
the thing lovers do, now there's one thing I forgot to tell you, yeah there's one thing you should know, she said ohh-oooh-oooh-
oh ohhh mmmm-mmmm-mm-mm-mmmm, Now this ain't hardly no story, Yeah it's barely even worth the tell, But you ramble around
in a delta town, You're sure to lose yourself, And there's one thing I forgot to tell you, yeah there's one thing I forgot to tell