This Seinfeld Doom 2 Mod Is A .Wad About Nothing

Of all the genres I would choose if someone held a gun to my head and forced me to make a Seinfeld video game, I can’t say a first person shooter would be high on my list. But hey, that didn’t stop Doug Keener from trying that very thing using Doom II, and dammit he has done a fine job.

Apparently taking over a hundred hours of work, this .wad file lets you wander around Jerry’s apartment from the ’90s hit sitcom, Seinfeld. Complete with custom sprites, textures and a few clips of famous one-liners from the show (“These pretzels are making me thirsty!”) it’s pretty bizarre watching lo-fi Seinfeld characters amble around.

The attention to detail is amazing, as you can see for yourself in the video that Doug Keener uploaded to his YouTube channel in order to show the mod off. Not going to lie to you though, I definitely flinched a bit when he pumped a round into poor George. For the briefest of moments, I was alarmed to remember that Doom 2 is actually supposed to be…y’know violent.

Anyway, if you want to see for yourself you can download the .wad from a Google Drive link provided in the original posting on the Doomworld forums. Obviously you’ll need a copy of Doom 2 which you can grab on Steam for $4.99/£5.99.

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  1. BooleanBob says:

    What’s the deal with quad damage, anyway? Does anybody really need four times the damage? Why not three? Three would be more manageable. I tried getting into my apartment once with quad damage – I spent the rest of the afternoon at Home Depot picking out a new front door.

  2. Premium User Badge

    AutonomyLost says:


  3. Barberetti says:

    You can get Doom 2 + Final Doom for £3.49 on GoG at the moment.

  4. aircool says:

    I’m not the Assman!

  5. Neurotic says:

    Right down to the last second! “No soup for you!” BRILLIANT!

  6. Bing_oh says:

    What was that? A chance to pump 00 buckshot into the cast of Seinfeld? Yes, please!

  7. DantronLesotho says:

    I need to find a way to get those midi’s…

  8. Premium User Badge

    DelrueOfDetroit says:

    So what does he do with that mysterious door at the back of Jerry’s apartment we never get to see into?

    Also, how many Supermans?

  9. WJonathan says:

    George is gettin’ perforated!

  10. Premium User Badge

    alison says:

    Watching this kind of made me want a Greatest American Hero game.

  11. engion3 says:

    best mod ever

  12. Diatribe says:


    Get your own valid XHTML YouTube embed code

    (Hopefully this works, damn you in advance lack of preview and edit functions!)

  13. Uninteresting Curse File Implement says:

    Will it make me a master of my DOOM.. ain?