Aerovías is a defunct private passenger and cargo airline formerly based in Guatemala La Aurora International Airport founded by Jimmy K Hall. It was the first private airline in Guatemala. It was operational between 1977 and 1998. While one of the Heralds 206 was stored at La Aurora International Airport, the two Aérospatiale N 262 went to RACSA airlines.
The Aerovías fleet included the following aircraft:
2 Handley Page Herald 206 1988 TG-ASA; 1987 TG-AZE
1 Lockheed L-188 Electra TG-ANP
1 Douglas DC-6, 1987 TG-CGO
1 Boeing 727-100, 1992 TG-LKA
1 Boeing 727-100F, 1992 TG-ANP (leased from Corsair)
1 Boeing 737-200, 1992 TG-ANP
2 Aérospatiale N 262, 1994 TG-ANP; 1997 TG-NTR
1 Sud Aviation Caravelle, 1986 HC-BAE (Leased from Saeta)
Flores Mundo Maya International Airport
Cancun International Airport
Miami International Airport (cargo only)
Belize Philip S. W. Goldson International Airport
18 January 1986: A Sud Aviation Caravelle temporarily leased from Ecuadors SAETA, reg. HC-BAE, crashed after two missed approaches into the jungle, killing all 87 occupants on board. The flight originated in Guatemala City and was to land at Mundo Maya International Airport in the northern department of Petén. Until today this was the worst air accident in Guatemala