Amy Remeikis

Amy Remeikis

Queensland to spend $40 million on attracting business

Amy Remeikis Advisory firm says state needs to get with the times.

Race elements of religious education materials 'highly offensive': Minister

Minister for Education and Kate Jones said the material was 'highly offensive'.

Amy Remeikis Materials say indigenous students "most teachable...outside under a tree".

Comments 45

Queensland Treasurer rules out borrowing more funds for infrastructure

Under pressure not to let the situation get worse, Curtis Pitt ruled out borrowing to build Queensland's much-needed infrastructure.

Amy Remeikis Queensland Treasurer Curtis Pitt will do anything to turn the state's economy around – but he won't do that.

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Independent MP speaks out for domestic violence victim sued for defamation

Amy Remeikis Rob Pyne wants further protections for domestic violence victims.

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LNP MP Stephen Bennett found in contempt of Queensland Parliament

South Burnett MP Stephen Bennett.

Amy Remeikis MP allowed mining lobbyists to write amendments to mining bill.

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John-Paul Langbroek sorry for 'light-hearted' hand gestures

Opposition MP John-Paul Langbroek gets busted by the parliamentary camera.

Amy Remeikis Parliament's unicorn impersonator made headlines across Australia.

Comments 16

Queensland to standardise sex consent laws and finally end gay discrimination

Queensland's consent laws hark back to the state's discriminatory past towards its LGBTIA community. Up until 1990 homosexuality was illegal in Queensland and the Joh Bjelke-Petersen Government tried to keep it that way.

Amy Remeikis Queensland has finally made a move to standardise the age of consent for anal sex, with Labor looking to end one of the last legal discriminations against the state's homosexual community.

Comments 7

Queensland budget 2016 opposition reply: LNP turns to training of apprentices

BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA - MAY 06:  Tim Nicholls arrives during the Queensland Coalition Party leadership spill on May 6, 2016 in Brisbane, Australia.  (Photo by Bradley Kanaris/Fairfax Media) *** Local Caption *** Tim Nicholls

Amy Remeikis The LNP has released its own budget plan in reply to the Labor government's budget handed down on Tuesday, using the theme anything the government can do, it can do better.

Comments 15

JPL forgets camera, busted making rude gesture

Opposition MP John-Paul Langbroek gets busted by the parliamentary camera.

Amy Remeikis Maybe he was impersonating a unicorn.

Comments 17

Queensland Parliament live: Question Time June 16, 2016

Join us for the second Question Time since the Palaszczuk government's second budget.

Amy Remeikis Hey, QT. We're looking at you!

Comments 5

Late-term abortion live births have increased: Dick

Late-term abortion live births have increased in Queensland since 2005.

Amy Remeikis The number of babies surviving late term abortions in Queensland has increased over the past decade, but the procedure is only carried out if the mother's life is in danger.

State's budget super raid questioned by business leaders

Members of the business community have questioned Treasurer Curtis Pitt over the budget raid of super.

Amy Remeikis After telling journalists to "settle down" following repeated questions over the State's raid of the defined benefits fund, Treasurer Curtis Pitt found himself facing more queries from the business...

Queensland budget: Treasurer to 'take advice' if public super goes into deficit

Treasurer Curtis Pitt hands down his second budget with Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Amy Remeikis Treasurer Curtis Pitt won't say if the Queensland government will follow the independent State Actuary's advice and top up the public servant super scheme if it falls into deficit due to the...

Comments 9

Queensland budget 2016: Premier defends thousands of public service hirings

Amy Remeikis Annastacia Palaszczuk said "families" were her evidence additional public servants were showing improvements in outcomes for Queenslanders, with the Premier unable to point to a measure or...

Comments 28

Queensland Parliament live: Question Time June 15, 2016

Treasurer Curtis Pitt hands in his homework AKA the state budget.

Amy Remeikis Suffering from post-budget blues? Hey, QT will put a spring in your step.

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Queensland Budget 2016: Government advised to take less from super fund

Treasurer Curtis Pitt speaks to the media about the 2016 Budget.

Amy Remeikis $4 billion from super fund after initial advice to take only $2 billion.

Comments 31

Queensland budget 2016: Labor urged to reconsider asset sales

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Treasurer Curtis Pitt.

Amy Remeikis Curtis Pitt's second budget resting on wafer thin margin.

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Queensland budget 2016: How Pitt plans to dig state out of slump

Mr Pitt has denied his second budget is based on a

Amy Remeikis Treasurer Curtis Pitt has denied his second budget is based on a "hope and prayer", as the government relies on its new policies and ventures paying off to dig the state out of its economic slump.

Queensland budget 2016 analysis: Pitt's 'palate cleanser' served up cold

Treasurer Curtis Pitt says he is being

Amy Remeikis Staying true to the risk-avoidance strategy that has dominated Annastacia Palaszczuk's government, Treasurer Curtis Pitt made sure to release all the budget bad news well ahead of delivery.

Comments 5

Queensland budget 2016: Palaszczuk government to hunt tax avoiders

Queensland Treasurer Curtis Pitt.

Amy Remeikis The Palaszczuk Government is moving to crack down on tax avoiders, stepping up its "compliance activities" to scoop up any revenue being hidden from government coffers. 

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