Thought for the day 28 June 2016

Dear Oscar,
I have a query about Moon-signs. I read that our Moon-sign reflects the way in which we view our relationships with our mothers. I wonder if you and Jonathan ever discussed this, and what your thoughts are about it? Judy

Hi Judy, Yes, we discussed this at length - he was very enthusiastic about Moon-sign astrology. Rather than the mother, per se, we both felt that the Moon represents how we have been nurtured in our lives and therefore how we look to bond with others.

Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here


Jan 21 - Feb 19


It's hard not to get upset when faced with a situation that isn't going our way. When my two-year-old is refused permission to wear his favourite wellies, that are two sizes too small, he lies on the floor screaming and crying. I hesitate to equate the antics of any zodiac sign to those of my toddler, but these are the underlying feelings that all of us, to a greater or lesser extent, must learn to manage. Try not to let frustration get the better of you today. You may find that your new boots are more comfortable than you think. Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here


Feb 20 - Mar 20


Shooting fish in a barrel. I've never seen the appeal myself. But isn't that kind of the point? When something is too easy we often become bored and uninterested. Falling off a log is dull. The baby's stolen candy is tasteless. It's only when things start to become challenging that we realise quite how good we had it. We begin to miss the sugar hit of an infant's purloined chocolate. You may not even be aware of it, but so much is in your favour right now. Don't take this for granted, this energy can be used to powerful effect. Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here


Mar 21 - Apr 20


When a musician ends a performance, they'll often do an encore. It's a bizarre tradition. Imagine if, at the end of a dinner party, we made as if to leave, then hid behind the curtains and jumped out to deliver a surprise anecdote. Worst of all, it's kind of expected. As though the hosts must pretend to think their guest has left, whilst vacuuming around a pair of feet twitching near the window. An old issue has re-emerged and is taking up your attention. It doesn't bring anything you're not prepared for. Soon it'll be over and you may even miss it! Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here


Apr 21 - May 21


They say the key to all relationships is communication. But they don't prescribe how we should do this. 93 per cent of communication is commonly said to have nothing to do with the actual words we say and, on closer inspection, even this seems to be a fallacy. How funny that possibly the most famous experiment on human interaction should be so widely misinterpreted! If you feel as if you've been misunderstood lately, your meaning is about to become unequivocal. You can share your hymn sheet with others and the results will be perfect harmony. Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here


May 22 - June 22


'If something seems to have been falling apart, now you can begin the process of piecing it back together. Where there is a wound, there can be a healing. Where there is a problem, a solution can be found.' Jonathan's interpretation of today's alignments are very positive for you: 'It may not all happen today. The process could unfold slowly. But you are definitely edging towards an improvement in a set of circumstances that had previously seemed unsatisfactory. You just have to be calm, patient and keep your priorities straight.' Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here


Jun 23 - Jul 23


When it comes to our emotions, is it possible to win? Is there any point in being competitive in matters of the heart? What prize is on offer if you feel loved at the expense of another? What goal is achieved in finding self worth if you're undermining someone else's security? You're a sensitive soul and you'll have felt the sting of an angry heart before. Beware of repeating the transgressions of others. You have the ability to rise above the fray and to be the example that others seek to emulate. You're far too classy for a cheap shot. Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here


Jul 24 - Aug 23


'Would you mind if I use this space for another sign? I've got much to say to someone else and I could use the extra room. You don't mind going without a prediction, do you? Not too much of an inconvenience, is it?' This tease from Jonathan is apt for you today: 'You have a naturally generous disposition. Faced with a request like this, you probably do feel inclined to agree to it. That is very sweet of you but actually, my job today, is to remind you not to be so kind that you end up giving away something you really need.' Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here


Aug 24 - Sep 23


Stoicism does not equate to brutalism. To keep a healthy distance between sleeve and heart does not indicate that the heart is not willing nor the sleeve too rough. As your ruler, Mercury, prepares to enter Cancer tomorrow, you may begin to feel a certain magnetism between the garment that covers your arm and the organ that beats in your chest. The original ancient Stoics were firm believers that we should not fight the universe when it compels us along a path. In this particular case, I would agree with them. Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here


Sep 24 - Oct 23


Not much is as heavy as a heavy heart. Except perhaps a collapsed neutron star - that's definitely heavier. But a heavy heart is still not to be trifled with. It's hard to wrestle it out of the doldrums or tow it from the mud in which its wheels spin. But it's not impossible. It just takes a firm connection to someone with a powerful motor and a willingness to get dirty. What's been holding you back lately? Where could you do with a bit of an emotional tow? Help is not far away. Your heart is much too valuable to be left by the road to rust. Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here


Oct 24 - Nov 22


'Do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth? This is asked in courtrooms but is this ever possible for anyone to do? Many philosophers maintain that truth is relative. Two people can see one event in very different ways. Even if each relates the story with impeccable commitment to accuracy, there will be variations. Truth is not ultimate or absolute. It is relative; it depends upon perception and experience.' Jonathan's words are apt for you today. His conclusion: 'A truth cannot be fully understood now but it will be felt in your heart.' Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here


Nov 23 - Dec 21


Riding your luck is all very well, but there comes a point when you have to get off that horse's back and use your own two feet. Some terrains are just too unstable to support a beast with a burden. Some require you to lead your luck by the reins. There's nothing demeaning or disenfranchising to be forced off four legs and on to two. Graft is an unavoidable part of any meaningful journey, so don't be afraid to develop a callus in pursuit of the right goal. Your hands will recover faster than your heart, if you fail for lack of trying. Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here


Dec 22 - Jan 20


You can hardly hope to lead a life that is totally calm and completely free of controversy. The drama now being stirred up in your personal life is good. It's causing you to question an arrangement or agreement that has long since outlived its original purpose. This interpretation of Jonathan's is apt for you today: 'You're ready now to do something very different. You have the opportunity, the excuse and the desire. Pause a moment to check that you also have the real, right reason. Then, do what your wisest instincts tell you is appropriate.' Do you want to understand yourself and your situation better - and have a brighter future? You need a full horoscope chart. Jonathan said that these reports 'were as close as you could get to a one-to-one reading' with him. You can download a personal horoscope chart here