Destiny: Armsday review, 20 April 2016

Edit Pixel Dynamo 20 Apr 2016
The Häkke Gaheris-D is a mid-impact hand cannon with good stability of 56 and poor-to-middling range of 23 ... Chambering this few bullets on a mid-impact hand cannon is, in our view, just not enough; hand cannons in general have a slow reload speed compared with other guns, and without way more rounds per reload or way more damage per bullet, Gaheris-D is a recipe for lots of frustrating downtime....

Destiny: Armsday review, 24 February 2016

Edit Pixel Dynamo 24 Feb 2016
This week at Armsday, the Häkke Arminius-D, which has become one of the game’s most coveted weapons since everyone figured out that, with high stability, bullet hose autos are actually really good. The Tuonela SR4 also makes a welcome return. Recommended ... Just be patient and don’t settle for a poor roll or you’ll regret your purchase ... Not recommended. The Häkke Gaheris-D is a mid-impact hand cannon that you can safely ignore....


Edit The Siasat Daily 03 Apr 2015
April 03.. Two years back when I gave a brief presentation on this topic, it stirred quite a controversy among the listeners, who’d perhaps thought of the heart as no more than a mushy, bawling-over-love organ ... ... In 1974, the French researchers Gahery and Vigier, stimulated the vagus nerve (which carries signals from heart to the brain) in cats and found that the heart and nervous system were not simply following the brain’s directions....