[ Video ] Profile Bicolor Cat | Various Bicolor Cat Types Based on the Bicoloration Result
A Bicolor is also called piebald cat. It has two combined colors presented on its coat. The main color is white and it may be combined with some other colors such as tabby or black.
Besides being popular because of its double colors, it is also known well from its various patterns. In US, this sort of cat with black and white coat is called a tuxedo cat. It is because the cat has limited white spot on some parts of the body, including the face, throat, paws, and chest.
Some Types
Based on Bicolor Grades
The name tuxedo cat, one of the
Bicolor cat, is derived from the “tuxedo”, a formal wear in
Canada and
United States which consisting of white shirt and black coat. Indeed, the tuxedo wear is not certainly in black and white combination. The true tuxedo cat should have white fur for only the chin, throat, chest, belly and paws. Then, the rest fur must be in pure black. Besides, most of the Bicolor seems to wear a black mask on its head. However, still there are some other facial colors of this cat.
Besides the tuxedo cat, there is also another type of Bicolor in black and white. It is called cow cat or also known as moo cat. This type of cat does not have a complete pure black coat, like what the tuxedo has. However, it appears with its big patches in black which cover almost the entire white body. It also has a black mask.
Talking about the bicolor cat personality, this special one has big personalities, likes water and is also playful.
There are still some other types of Bicolor. They include the Van
Pattern, Cap and Saddle and the
Mask and Mantle.
The Van Pattern is with the black or another color only appears on the crown and tiles while the other parts are white.
The Cap and Saddle is with the black on a part of the coat which is extended to the tail and on the crown. Then, the more interesting is the Mask and Mantle which has the black tone covering the head and the mantle.
Besides those various types of Bicolor, the bicoloration shows that from 1 to 15 possibilities, there is one cat with pure black color covering the entire body and also one cat with pure white color covering the whole body. Then, there are some cats with dominant black coat with some white touches. The last type is the cats with dominant white coat with some black touches.